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Tropical Zoology : Vol. 1 - No. 2 und Vol. 2 - No. 2.

Tropical Zoology : Vol. 1 - No. 2 und Vol. 2 - No. 2.

12,00 €
Ecology of Blesbok with special reference to productivity. A Publication of the Wildlife Society. Wildlife Monographs, August 1972, No. 30.

Ecology of Blesbok with special reference to productivity. A Publication of the Wildlife Society..

18,50 €
Beebe, William u.a: Bulletin New York Zoological Society. September-October + November-December, 1935. (Volume XXXVIII, No. 5+6).

Beebe, William u.a: Bulletin New York Zoological Society. September October + November December..

6,50 €
Van den Bergh, Walter: Bulletins de la Société Royale de Zoologie. No. 26. Monographie de Paon Congolais. Afropavo Congensis Chapin 1936.

Van den Bergh, Walter: Bulletins de la Société Royale de Zoologie. No. 26. Monographie de Paon..

9,50 €
Div. Autoren: Bulletin New York Zoological Society. Vol. XXXIV, No. 4, July-August, 1931.

Div. Autoren: Bulletin New York Zoological Society. Vol. XXXIV, No. 4, July-August, 1931.

10,00 €
Div. Autoren: Bulletin New York Zoological Society. Vol. XXXIX, No. 3, May-June, 1936.

Div. Autoren: Bulletin New York Zoological Society. Vol. XXXIX, No. 3, May-June, 1936.

10,00 €
Guidelines for Surveillance and Monitoring of European Bats (= Eurobats Publication Series No. 5).

Guidelines for Surveillance and Monitoring of European Bats (= Eurobats Publication Series No. 5).

6,30 €
Zoo Life Vol.1 No. 4 - Fall 1990.

Zoo Life Vol.1 No. 4 - Fall 1990.

8,00 €
Zoo Life Vol.3 No. 4 - Fall 1992.

Zoo Life Vol.3 No. 4 - Fall 1992.

8,00 €
Annale Volume 50 Serie A NO. 1 (1975): Studies on the Biology, Ecology and Control of the Pine Tree Emperor Moth, Nudaurelia Cytherea (Fabr.) (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) by H. Geertsema, M.Sc., Dip. For.

Annale Volume 50 Serie A NO. 1 (1975): Studies on the Biology, Ecology and Control of the Pine Tree..

15,00 €
Annale Volume 49 Serie A NO. 3 (1974): Contributions to the Morphology and Histology of the Genital System of Limax Valentianus (Ferussac) (Pulmonata: Limacidae) by. Michele Stears, M.Sc.

Annale Volume 49 Serie A NO. 3 (1974): Contributions to the Morphology and Histology of the Genital..

15,00 €
Annale Volume 49 Serie A NO. 2 (1974): Contributions to the Morphology and Histology of the Genital System of the Pulmonate Milax Gagates (Draparnaud) by Antoinette Els, M.Sc.

Annale Volume 49 Serie A NO. 2 (1974): Contributions to the Morphology and Histology of the Genital..

15,00 €
Annale Volume 49 Serie A NO. 1 (1974): Contributions to the Morphology and Histology of the Genital System of the Squid Loligo Reynaudii (d'Orbigny) by J.H. Badenhorst, M.Sc.

Annale Volume 49 Serie A NO. 1 (1974): Contributions to the Morphology and Histology of the Genital..

15,00 €
Annale Volume 48 Serie A NO. 2 (1973): Contributions to the Morphology and Histology of the Genital System of the Pulmonate Agriolimax Caruanae Pollonera by W.F. Sirgel, M.Sc.

Annale Volume 48 Serie A NO. 2 (1973): Contributions to the Morphology and Histology of the Genital..

15,00 €
Annale Volume 48 Serie A NO. 1 (1973): Contributions to the Morphology and Histology of the Genital System of the Pulmonate Cochlicella Ventricosa (Draparnaud) by W.J. Els, M.Sc.

Annale Volume 48 Serie A NO. 1 (1973): Contributions to the Morphology and Histology of the Genital..

15,00 €
Annale Volume 47 Serie A NO. 2 (1972): Ontogeny of the Chondrocranium of the Chamaeleon, Microsaura Pumila Pumila (Daudin) by J.G.J. Visser.

Annale Volume 47 Serie A NO. 2 (1972): Ontogeny of the Chondrocranium of the Chamaeleon, Microsaura..

15,00 €
Annale Volume 46 Serie A NO. 1 (1971): Descriptions of the Stages of two Subspecies of the Pine Tree Emperor Moth, Nudaurelia Cytherea (Fabr.) (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) by H. Geertsema.

Annale Volume 46 Serie A NO. 1 (1971): Descriptions of the Stages of two Subspecies of the Pine..

15,00 €
Annale Volume 45 Serie A NO. 2 (1970): The Anatomy of the Heart of the Plethodontid Salamander Ensatina Eschscholtzii Gray by N.E. Nel.

Annale Volume 45 Serie A NO. 2 (1970): The Anatomy of the Heart of the Plethodontid Salamander..

15,00 €
Annale Volume 45 Serie A NO. 1 (1970): The Ontogenesis of the Chondrocranium and of the Nasal Sac of the Microhylid Frog Breviceps Adspersus Pentheri Werner by J.H. Swanepoel.

Annale Volume 45 Serie A NO. 1 (1970): The Ontogenesis of the Chondrocranium and of the Nasal Sac..

15,00 €
Annale Volume 44 Serie A NO. 3-5 (1969): Parallel Development and Specialisation during the Evolution of the Bird Skull. The Evolution of the Cranium of Mammals. Specialisations of Skull in Mammals. By D. Starck.

Annale Volume 44 Serie A NO. 3 5 (1969): Parallel Development and Specialisation during the..

15,00 €
Annale Volume 44 Serie A NO. 2 (1969): A Site Evaluation Study in Black Wattle by A.P.G. Schönaund.

Annale Volume 44 Serie A NO. 2 (1969): A Site Evaluation Study in Black Wattle by A.P.G..

15,00 €
Aquatic Mammals Vol. 16, No. 2 (1990).

Aquatic Mammals Vol. 16, No. 2 (1990).

10,00 €
WCSRC News - Special Issue Vol. 2, No.3 December 1974.

WCSRC News - Special Issue Vol. 2, No.3 December 1974.

5,00 €
WCSRC News -  Vol. 2, No.2 Fall 1974.

WCSRC News - Vol. 2, No.2 Fall 1974.

5,00 €
Fabre, Jean-Henri: Champignons (Pilze) - mit einem Vorwort von Anita Albus und einem Nachwort Anne-Marie Slézec - aus der Reihe: Naturkunden - Band: 16.

Fabre, Jean Henri: Champignons (Pilze) mit einem Vorwort von Anita Albus und einem Nachwort Anne..

75,00 €
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