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Lux-Wurm, Pierre C. /  Martha Zaragoza: Les Drapeaux De L'Islam, avec la collaboration de Martha Zaragoza, pour les references coraniques.

Lux Wurm, Pierre C. / Martha Zaragoza: Les Drapeaux De L'Islam, avec la collaboration de Martha..

42,00 €
Martin Prieto, Luis - Servico Historico Militar: Heraldica e Historiales del Ejercito. Tomo IV: Infanteria.

Martin Prieto, Luis Servico Historico Militar: Heraldica e Historiales del Ejercito. Tomo IV:..

35,00 €
Eriksson, Olof: Käytännön Lipputietoutta.  No. 21 ( 1974 ) / No. 36 (1982).

Eriksson, Olof: Käytännön Lipputietoutta. No. 21 ( 1974 ) / No. 36 (1982).

37,00 €
Associacio catalana de Vexil - lologia (Ed.) / Anna Maria Galan / Lluis Vilalta i Serra (Dir.): Vexil - la Catalana  any 1984. No. 1 - 5 (1985  - 1989).

Associacio catalana de Vexil lologia (Ed.) / Anna Maria Galan / Lluis Vilalta i Serra (Dir.):..

57,00 €
Flag Research Center / Whitney Smith (Ed.): Report of the  12 th International Congress of Vexillology. (The Flag Bulletin, No. 130  January-August 1989, Volume XXVII, Nos. 1-4).

Flag Research Center / Whitney Smith (Ed.): Report of the 12 th International Congress of..

52,00 €
Collegium Heraldicum Fennicum - CHF (Ed.) / Kari K. Laurla (Red.): Heraldinen Ja Veksillologinen Aikakauskirja. No. 2 - 6 ( 1999 - 2002).

Collegium Heraldicum Fennicum CHF (Ed.) / Kari K. Laurla (Red.): Heraldinen Ja Veksillologinen..

47,00 €
North American Vexillological Association   Association nord américaine de Vexillologie (Ed./Réd.) / Kenneth J. Hartvigsen / Steven A. Knowlton (Ed. /Réd.): The Flags of..

North American Vexillological Association Association nord américaine de Vexillologie..

27,00 €
Balogh collection and flag museum.   Zaszlomuzeum Tajekoztatoja. Balogh Gyüjtemeny.   Balogh Lazlo ( Alapito  / Begründer): Balogh Gyüjtemeny Tajekoztatoja / es..

Balogh collection and flag museum. Zaszlomuzeum Tajekoztatoja. Balogh Gyüjtemeny. Balogh Lazlo..

67,00 €
Informace / Vexi Info. - Flag Data Centre. - Petr Exner: Informace No. 1 - 27 / Vexi Info No. 28 - 51. April 1994 - September / October 2000. Zpravodaj strediska vexilologikych informaci ( The Bulletin of the Flag Data Centre ).

Informace / Vexi Info. Flag Data Centre. Petr Exner: Informace No. 1 27 / Vexi Info No. 28..

82,00 €
Vexilolog. - Josef Hubka (editor): Vexilolog. No. 1 - 30. Soukromy vexilologicky zpravodaj. Private vexillological journal.

Vexilolog. Josef Hubka (editor): Vexilolog. No. 1 30. Soukromy vexilologicky zpravodaj. Private..

67,00 €
Annin Banner, The. - Annin & Co. (publisher): The Annin Banner. Convolute of 17 items, containing: Vol. 1 No. 3, 4, 5 (december 1963, march and may 1964) / Vol. 2 No. 1, 3 (August 1964, march 1965) / Vol. 3 No. 1, 2, 3 (july and december 1965, july 1966)

Annin Banner, The. Annin & Co. (publisher): The Annin Banner. Convolute of 17 items, containing:..

57,00 €
Gschwind, Juan Jorge - Academia Nacional de la Historia: Rosario y el Monumento a la Bandera. Las Primeras Iniciativas para Honrar el Emblema Nacional. (= Publicaciones de la Filial Rosario, No. 6).

Gschwind, Juan Jorge Academia Nacional de la Historia: Rosario y el Monumento a la Bandera. Las..

27,00 €
Academia Nacional de la Historia (Hrsg. / Ed.): Monumento Conmemorativo a la Bandera Nacional Argentina. (= Publicaciones de la Filial Rosario, No. 10).

Academia Nacional de la Historia (Hrsg. / Ed.): Monumento Conmemorativo a la Bandera Nacional..

25,00 €
Spencer, Richard Henry: The Provincial  Flag of Maryland. (Reprint from Maryland Historical Magazine, Vol. IX, No. 3, 1914).

Spencer, Richard Henry: The Provincial Flag of Maryland. (Reprint from Maryland Historical..

20,00 €
Greenly, A. H: More  Light on the Original Bear Flag of California. (Reprint from  the Yale University Library Gazette, Vol. XXVII, No. 4, 1953).

Greenly, A. H: More Light on the Original Bear Flag of California. (Reprint from the Yale..

20,00 €
National Flag Foundation (Ed.): Stars, Stripes & Statutes. A state by state review of provisions covering the use and display of your  flag and related subjects of concern to educators, parents, citizens. (A supplement to Vol. XXIV. No.2).

National Flag Foundation (Ed.): Stars, Stripes & Statutes. A state by state review of provisions..

20,00 €
Plettinck, Eddy (Réd.): Bulletin du Crédit Communal. 50e année, No. 198, 1996 / 4.

Plettinck, Eddy (Réd.): Bulletin du Crédit Communal. 50e année, No. 198, 1996 / 4.

23,00 €
Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (Ed.): Emblèmes et Drapeaux de l ' Europe mediane. (Publications Langues ' o - Cahiers  No. 10 -  Centre d ' etude de l ' Europe mediane).

Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (Ed.): Emblèmes et Drapeaux de l '..

47,00 €
Mittlebeeler, Emmet V: What Flag flew at Bunker Hill? (Reprint from The Flag Bulletin, Vol. XVII, No. 2).

Mittlebeeler, Emmet V: What Flag flew at Bunker Hill? (Reprint from The Flag Bulletin, Vol. XVII..

20,00 €
U.S. Navy Hydrographic Office: H. O. No. 89 - Flags of the United States and other Countries 1938.

U.S. Navy Hydrographic Office: H. O. No. 89 - Flags of the United States and other Countries 1938.

407,00 €
Flags of the United Nations: Flags of the United Nations.

Flags of the United Nations: Flags of the United Nations.

16,00 €
Crolot, Pierre.   Bernard de Vevey: Le Livre des Drapeaux de Fribourg (Fahnenbuch) de Pierre Crolot, 1648. Publié par la Société d'Histoire du Canton..

Crolot, Pierre. Bernard de Vevey: Le Livre des Drapeaux de Fribourg (Fahnenbuch) de Pierre..

287,00 €
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