H. Kimura K. Sotome / H. Hirayama: Declinations and proper motions of 246 stars / Telegraphic Determination of the Difference of Longitude between Tokyo and Mizusawa Annales de l'observatoire astronomique des Tokyo, Tome IV, fascicule 1 / Tome III, fasc

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Selbstverlag, 1905/1907, 195 Seiten / 38 Seiten. Gebunden Halbleinen.

Declinations and proper motions of 246 stars - Introduction - System of Declinations - Systematic Corrections and Weights - Reduction to the Epoch 1875.o - Deduction of the Declination and Proper Motion - List of the Adopted Catalogues - Explanation of the Tables - Notes on the Systematic Corrections and Weights - Star Tables - Table of the Mean Declinations and Proper Motions Telegraphic Determination of the Difference of Longitude between Tokyo and Mizusawa "The present publication contains the report of the telegraphic determination of the difference of longitude between Tokyo and Mizusawa. This work was carried out on my proposal with the consent of Prof. H. Terao, President of the Geodetic Committee. The total expense was defrayed, partly from the ordinary expenditure of the Geodetic Committee, and partly from that of the Mizusawa Observatory. The observations were made by Mr. K. Sotome and the writer. The reduction of the observations was almost entirely done by the writer himself. Only the part of the computations concerned with deducing the apparent right ascensions of all the observed stars from their mean places was kindly done by Mr. T. Nakano, Observer 'at Mizusawa Observatory, to whom I am much indebted for his frequent assistance during the progress of the work, besides the said laborious calculation. It is also to be noted that, in reading the chronographic records with the diagonal scales, the observers themselves have done their own parts. I ought not to forget to give my heartiest thanks to the following gentlemen, Mr. K. Komatsu, Director of the Post and Telegraph Bureau, Mr. D. Aoki, Chief of the Telegraphic Section, and Mr. S. Sugi, Master of the Post and Telegraph Office at Aomori, who sent us two active operators for the correspondence, and also gave us many conveniences in the telegraphic work ...".


guter bis sehr guter Zustand, geringe Gebrauchs- und Alterungsspuren: ehemaliges Bibliotheksexemplar - privat gebunden mit 2 Rückenaufklebern - Vorsatzseite und Titel mit je einem Stempel und 2 Nummern - Papier teils etwas vergilbt, aber Seiten sauber und ordentlich - untere Einbandkanten gering abgenutzt

Détails sur l'article

Autor: H. Kimura K. Sotome / H. Hirayama

Titel: Declinations and proper motions of 246 stars / Telegraphic Determination of the Difference of Longitude between Tokyo and Mizusawa
Annales de l'observatoire astronomique des Tokyo, Tome IV, fascicule 1 / Tome III, fascicule 3

Auflage: Erstausgabe

Verlagsname: Selbstverlag

Jahr: 1905/1907

Seitenanzahl: 195 Seiten / 38 Seiten

Einband: Gebunden Halbleinen

Bemerkung: Declinations and proper motions of 246 stars - Introduction - System of Declinations - Systematic Corrections and Weights - Reduction to the Epoch 1875.o - Deduction of the Declination and Proper Motion - List of the Adopted Catalogues - Explanation of the Tables - Notes on the Systematic Corrections and Weights - Star Tables - Table of the Mean Declinations and Proper Motions Telegraphic Determination of the Difference of Longitude between Tokyo and Mizusawa "The present publication contains the report of the telegraphic determination of the difference of longitude between Tokyo and Mizusawa. This work was carried out on my proposal with the consent of Prof. H. Terao, President of the Geodetic Committee. The total expense was defrayed, partly from the ordinary expenditure of the Geodetic Committee, and partly from that of the Mizusawa Observatory. The observations were made by Mr. K. Sotome and the writer. The reduction of the observations was almost entirely done by the writer himself. Only the part of the computations concerned with deducing the apparent right ascensions of all the observed stars from their mean places was kindly done by Mr. T. Nakano, Observer 'at Mizusawa Observatory, to whom I am much indebted for his frequent assistance during the progress of the work, besides the said laborious calculation. It is also to be noted that, in reading the chronographic records with the diagonal scales, the observers themselves have done their own parts. I ought not to forget to give my heartiest thanks to the following gentlemen, Mr. K. Komatsu, Director of the Post and Telegraph Bureau, Mr. D. Aoki, Chief of the Telegraphic Section, and Mr. S. Sugi, Master of the Post and Telegraph Office at Aomori, who sent us two active operators for the correspondence, and also gave us many conveniences in the telegraphic work ..."

Produktart: Buch

Sprache: Englisch

Länge x Breite: 30 cm x 23 cm

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