Cousin, Louis und von Caesarea Eusebius: Histoire de l´eglise, écrite par socrate, traduite par Monsieur Cousin, Tome II Dediée à monseigneur le Dauphin.

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Paris, Chez Damien Foucault, imprimeur & Librairie ordinaire du Roi, 1686, 444 Seiten+6 Bl.

444 Seiten+6 Bl. Leder
Das Buch ist in einem sehr guten Zustand. Brauner Ledereinband mit reichhaltigem Buchschmuck mit fünf Bünden auf den Kassetten des Buchrückens in Gold. Titelprägung in Gold. Ausgetragenes Bibliotheksexemplar. Einband etwas berieben. Kanten mit Zierpunzen. Ecken teilweise stark berieben, Rückdeckel beschabt, umlaufender Rotschnitt, marmoriertes Deckpapier. Mit Exlibris der Inner Library von Thomas Eyre, dazu Zitat River Campus Libraries: The Catholic branch of the Tempest family decided to keep those books that represented not only a long monastic tradition, and still useful from the theological point of view, but also that symbolized old religious alliances (Doyle, 1984: 87-8). Sir Thomas died in 1692, and his son and heir having died abroad six years later was succeeded by his sister Jane, who married Lord Widdrington. By 1700 there was a Benedictine chaplain at Stella Hall, which was served by this order until 1732. Before her death in 1714, Jane had made the necessary arrangements to secure an endowment for a permanent priest at Stella, and when her son Henry died in 1774, the family estates were inherited by Thomas Eyre of Hassop (Derbyshire), his nephew. In turn, Thomas appointed the Rev. Thomas Eyre for service at Stella, where he stayed until 1792, when his patron died. It is very likely that Thomas Eyre of Hassop himself decided to remove many of the books to Hassop, where he established two libraries, an Inner and an Outer Library. Since our copy does not have the inscription "Sr Thomas Tempest Baronet", it must have been added to the "Tempest family collection" sometime after Sir Thomas's death in 1692. Thomas Eyre of Hassop established that the Inner Library be bequeathed to the Bishop of Midland District. Vgl. Doyle, A. I. "The Library of Sir Thomas Tempest: Its Origins and Dispersal." Studies in Seventeenth-Century English Literature, History, and Bibliography: Festschrift for Professor T.A. Birrell on the Occasion of his Sixtieth Birthday. Ed. Jan Aarts and Willem Meijs (Costerus, 46, 1984): 83-93. The first President of St. Cuthbert´s College in Ushaw, Thomas Eyre (1748–1810), brought with him the library from Stella Hall in Northumberland. Teil der katholischen Geschichte Englands.


gebraucht; sehr gut

Détails sur l'article

Autor: Cousin, Louis und von Caesarea Eusebius

Titel: Histoire de l´eglise, écrite par socrate, traduite par Monsieur Cousin, Tome II
Dediée à monseigneur le Dauphin

Verlagsort: Paris, Chez Damien Foucault, imprimeur & Librairie ordinaire du Roi

Jahr: 1686

Seitenanzahl: 444 Seiten+6 Bl

Freie Beschreibung: 444 Seiten+6 Bl. Leder
Das Buch ist in einem sehr guten Zustand. Brauner Ledereinband mit reichhaltigem Buchschmuck mit fünf Bünden auf den Kassetten des Buchrückens in Gold. Titelprägung in Gold. Ausgetragenes Bibliotheksexemplar. Einband etwas berieben. Kanten mit Zierpunzen. Ecken teilweise stark berieben, Rückdeckel beschabt, umlaufender Rotschnitt, marmoriertes Deckpapier. Mit Exlibris der Inner Library von Thomas Eyre, dazu Zitat River Campus Libraries: The Catholic branch of the Tempest family decided to keep those books that represented not only a long monastic tradition, and still useful from the theological point of view, but also that symbolized old religious alliances (Doyle, 1984: 87-8). Sir Thomas died in 1692, and his son and heir having died abroad six years later was succeeded by his sister Jane, who married Lord Widdrington. By 1700 there was a Benedictine chaplain at Stella Hall, which was served by this order until 1732. Before her death in 1714, Jane had made the necessary arrangements to secure an endowment for a permanent priest at Stella, and when her son Henry died in 1774, the family estates were inherited by Thomas Eyre of Hassop (Derbyshire), his nephew. In turn, Thomas appointed the Rev. Thomas Eyre for service at Stella, where he stayed until 1792, when his patron died. It is very likely that Thomas Eyre of Hassop himself decided to remove many of the books to Hassop, where he established two libraries, an Inner and an Outer Library. Since our copy does not have the inscription "Sr Thomas Tempest Baronet", it must have been added to the "Tempest family collection" sometime after Sir Thomas's death in 1692. Thomas Eyre of Hassop established that the Inner Library be bequeathed to the Bishop of Midland District. Vgl. Doyle, A. I. "The Library of Sir Thomas Tempest: Its Origins and Dispersal." Studies in Seventeenth-Century English Literature, History, and Bibliography: Festschrift for Professor T.A. Birrell on the Occasion of his Sixtieth Birthday. Ed. Jan Aarts and Willem Meijs (Costerus, 46, 1984): 83-93. The first President of St. Cuthbert´s College in Ushaw, Thomas Eyre (1748–1810), brought with him the library from Stella Hall in Northumberland. Teil der katholischen Geschichte Englands

Sprache: Französisch

Händler-Kategorie: Bücher / Religion: Christentum

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