Le marché oldthing propose un large choix dans la catégorie Professions libérales et artisanat : Exploitation minière

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AK Cacalilao, The Freeport Wild Well No. 2, lot 3

AK Cacalilao, The Freeport Wild Well No. 2, lot 3

20,00 €
AK Teziutlan, Entrance of the Mine

AK Teziutlan, Entrance of the Mine

20,00 €
AK Pahang, Hill mining

AK Pahang, Hill mining

17,00 €
AK Portland, Bringing down the Stone

AK Portland, Bringing down the Stone

20,00 €
AK Portland, Stone Quarries

AK Portland, Stone Quarries

20,00 €
AK Tarapacá, Oficina Salitrera

AK Tarapacá, Oficina Salitrera

20,00 €
AK Antofagasta, Las Bateas, Oficina Salitrera

AK Antofagasta, Las Bateas, Oficina Salitrera

20,00 €
AK Strehlen i. Schl., Blick auf den Steinbruch

AK Strehlen i. Schl., Blick auf den Steinbruch

17,00 €
AK Tonkin, Mines de Haton, Charbonnages de Hongay

AK Tonkin, Mines de Haton, Charbonnages de Hongay

24,00 €
AK Bergkamen, Luftaufnahme des Kohlebergwerkes, Talstrasse, Am Wiehagen, Kreuzung Landwehr-Bambergstrasse

AK Bergkamen, Luftaufnahme des Kohlebergwerkes, Talstrasse, Am Wiehagen, Kreuzung Landwehr..

5,00 €
AK St. Ingbert, Bergkapelle

AK St. Ingbert, Bergkapelle

7,00 €
AK Gelsenkirchen, Hochöfen, Bahnhof und Hans-Sachs-Haus

AK Gelsenkirchen, Hochöfen, Bahnhof und Hans-Sachs-Haus

7,00 €
AK Bochum, Kohle Hochöfen, Stadttheater, Haus Rechen, Knappschaftsgebäude, Parkhotel, Lichtburg

AK Bochum, Kohle Hochöfen, Stadttheater, Haus Rechen, Knappschaftsgebäude, Parkhotel, Lichtburg

10,00 €
AK Herne-Sodingen, Zeche Mont-Cenis

AK Herne-Sodingen, Zeche Mont-Cenis

10,00 €
AK Mahanoy City, PA, Glücklicher Bergmann mit einem Krug Bier

AK Mahanoy City, PA, Glücklicher Bergmann mit einem Krug Bier

13,00 €
AK Butler, PA, Spotty McBride oil well

AK Butler, PA, Spotty McBride oil well

13,00 €
AK Warren, PA, Flowing Oil Well just after being torpedoed

AK Warren, PA, Flowing Oil Well just after being torpedoed

13,00 €
AK Pittsburgh, PA, Incline to Blast Furnace

AK Pittsburgh, PA, Incline to Blast Furnace

13,00 €
AK Houston, TX, Goose Creek Oil Field

AK Houston, TX, Goose Creek Oil Field

13,00 €
AK Independence, KS, Oil Well

AK Independence, KS, Oil Well

13,00 €
AK Dodge, IA, Entrance of Gypsum Mine, scene underground

AK Dodge, IA, Entrance of Gypsum Mine, scene underground

13,00 €
AK Clinton, IN, Miami 10 Mine

AK Clinton, IN, Miami 10 Mine

13,00 €
AK Butte, MT, Mule Train 1100 feet underground, Rarus Mine

AK Butte, MT, Mule Train 1100 feet underground, Rarus Mine

13,00 €
AK Butte, MT, Mule Train 2000 feet underground in a mine

AK Butte, MT, Mule Train 2000 feet underground in a mine

13,00 €
AK Coalinga, CA, Lucile Derrick No. 1 and Sump Hole, Oil Fields

AK Coalinga, CA, Lucile Derrick No. 1 and Sump Hole, Oil Fields

13,00 €
AK West Rutland, VT, Vermont MArble Co. Quarry

AK West Rutland, VT, Vermont MArble Co. Quarry

13,00 €
AK Hurley, WI, Cary Mine

AK Hurley, WI, Cary Mine

13,00 €
AK Berlin, WI, Ladder in Quarry

AK Berlin, WI, Ladder in Quarry

13,00 €
AK Butte, MT, Steel Gallows Frame at the Original Mine

AK Butte, MT, Steel Gallows Frame at the Original Mine

13,00 €
AK Butte, MT, New Leonard Galos Frame

AK Butte, MT, New Leonard Galos Frame

13,00 €
AK Grass Valley, CA, Pennsylvania Mine

AK Grass Valley, CA, Pennsylvania Mine

13,00 €
AK Jackson, CA, Argonaut Mine

AK Jackson, CA, Argonaut Mine

13,00 €
AK Ashland, PA, Bast Colliery

AK Ashland, PA, Bast Colliery

13,00 €
AK Ashland, PA, Breaker Boys at Dinner Hour

AK Ashland, PA, Breaker Boys at Dinner Hour

13,00 €
AK Baker County, OR, The Red Boy Mine and Mill

AK Baker County, OR, The Red Boy Mine and Mill

13,00 €
AK Sumpter, OR, Snow Creek Mines and Mill

AK Sumpter, OR, Snow Creek Mines and Mill

13,00 €
AK Sumpter, OR, Bonanza Mine and Hoisting Plant

AK Sumpter, OR, Bonanza Mine and Hoisting Plant

13,00 €
AK Sumpter, OR, North Pole Mine

AK Sumpter, OR, North Pole Mine

13,00 €
AK Bingham, UT, Tampa Mine in the Canyon

AK Bingham, UT, Tampa Mine in the Canyon

13,00 €
AK Wilmington, VT, Mountain Mills Mining Plant

AK Wilmington, VT, Mountain Mills Mining Plant

13,00 €
AK Douglas, AZ, Copper Queen Smelter

AK Douglas, AZ, Copper Queen Smelter

13,00 €
AK Douglas, AZ, Copper Queen Smelter

AK Douglas, AZ, Copper Queen Smelter

13,00 €
AK Wilkes-Barre, PA, Lehigh Valley Coal Breaker

AK Wilkes-Barre, PA, Lehigh Valley Coal Breaker

13,00 €
AK Wilkes-Barre, PA, Prospect Colliery

AK Wilkes-Barre, PA, Prospect Colliery

13,00 €
AK Tamaqua, PA, Tamaqua Colliery

AK Tamaqua, PA, Tamaqua Colliery

13,00 €
AK Shenandoah, PA, West Shenandoah Colliery

AK Shenandoah, PA, West Shenandoah Colliery

13,00 €
AK Shenandoah, PA, Colliery No. 4 Packers, Lehigh Coal & Navigation Co.

AK Shenandoah, PA, Colliery No. 4 Packers, Lehigh Coal & Navigation Co.

13,00 €
AK Scranton, PA, Green Ridge Coal Co. Breaker

AK Scranton, PA, Green Ridge Coal Co. Breaker

13,00 €