Le marché oldthing propose un large choix dans la catégorie Cartes postales étrangères Amérique du Nord États-Unis

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African-Americans - Down where the cotton blossoms grow

African-Americans - Down where the cotton blossoms grow

7,00 €
African-Americans - cotton gin

African-Americans - cotton gin

9,00 €
African-Americans - playing

African-Americans - playing

7,00 €
African-Americans - southern products

African-Americans - southern products

7,00 €
African-Americans - cutting sugar cane

African-Americans - cutting sugar cane

7,00 €
African-Americans - two Jacks and a Jill

African-Americans - two Jacks and a Jill

9,00 €
African-Americans - waiting for the circus

African-Americans - waiting for the circus

9,00 €
African-Americans - a happy family

African-Americans - a happy family

9,00 €
African-Americans - bashful Billy and sister

African-Americans - bashful Billy and sister

9,00 €
African-Americans - uncle Tom's cabin in Dixie Land

African-Americans - uncle Tom's cabin in Dixie Land

7,00 €
African-Americans - dis am de wust perdickermunt ob mah life

African-Americans - dis am de wust perdickermunt ob mah life

9,00 €
African-Americans - if er body meet er body

African-Americans - if er body meet er body

9,00 €
African-Americans - a watermelon feast

African-Americans - a watermelon feast

7,00 €
African-Americans - once upon a time

African-Americans - once upon a time

7,00 €
African-Americans - we's in heben - postage stamp

African-Americans - we's in heben - postage stamp

7,00 €
African-Americans - unloading bananas - fruit wharf - New Orleans

African-Americans - unloading bananas - fruit wharf - New Orleans

7,00 €
African-Americans - a typical Southern

African-Americans - a typical Southern

7,00 €
African-Americans - a man and a skunk

African-Americans - a man and a skunk

9,00 €
African-Americans - old fashioned Southern rapid transit

African-Americans - old fashioned Southern rapid transit

9,00 €
African-Americans - rastus and ned

African-Americans - rastus and ned

7,00 €
African-Americans - if er body meets er body

African-Americans - if er body meets er body

9,00 €
African-Americans - a still hunt

African-Americans - a still hunt

9,00 €
African-Americans - The Coon Creek Rehcarsal

African-Americans - The Coon Creek Rehcarsal

9,00 €
African-Americans - Courting

African-Americans - Courting

9,00 €
African-Americans - a 'lasses party - signs of wear

African-Americans - a 'lasses party - signs of wear

7,00 €
African-Americans - when I ain't eatin' or sleepin' or fishin' ...

African-Americans - when I ain't eatin' or sleepin' or fishin' ...

7,00 €
New Orleans - weighing cotton

New Orleans - weighing cotton

7,00 €
New Orleans - old woman selling Creole Pralines

New Orleans - old woman selling Creole Pralines

9,00 €
New Orleans - Praline seller

New Orleans - Praline seller

9,00 €
New Orleans - Picking Oranges

New Orleans - Picking Oranges

7,00 €
Bogalusa - residence of C. W. Goodyear

Bogalusa - residence of C. W. Goodyear

9,00 €
New Orleans - Napoleon Bonaparte House

New Orleans - Napoleon Bonaparte House

7,00 €
New Orleans - Courtyard and Prison Roums in the Calido

New Orleans - Courtyard and Prison Roums in the Calido

7,00 €
New Orleans - Mississippi River Crescent

New Orleans - Mississippi River Crescent

7,00 €
New Orleans - The Parkenham's Oaks

New Orleans - The Parkenham's Oaks

7,00 €
New Orleans - Huey P. Long Bridge

New Orleans - Huey P. Long Bridge

7,00 €
New Orleans - Gibson Hall - Tulane University

New Orleans - Gibson Hall - Tulane University

7,00 €
New Orleans - La Louisiane Restaurant - operator Edward H. Seiler

New Orleans - La Louisiane Restaurant - operator Edward H. Seiler

7,00 €
New Orleans - U. S. Army Recreational Center

New Orleans - U. S. Army Recreational Center

7,00 €
New Orleans - Huey P. Long Bridge

New Orleans - Huey P. Long Bridge

7,00 €
Baton Rouge - Standard Oil Co.'s Plant

Baton Rouge - Standard Oil Co.'s Plant

9,00 €
New Orleans - The Delgado Museum of Art

New Orleans - The Delgado Museum of Art

7,00 €
New Orleans - New Post Office

New Orleans - New Post Office

7,00 €
New Orleans - Elks Home

New Orleans - Elks Home

7,00 €
Baton Rouge - ferry boat landing - City of Baton Rouge

Baton Rouge - ferry boat landing - City of Baton Rouge

7,00 €
New Orleans - Unloading Bananas - Fruit Wharf

New Orleans - Unloading Bananas - Fruit Wharf

7,00 €
Bogalusa - Hospital

Bogalusa - Hospital

7,00 €
Baton Rouge - Standard Oil Co.'s Plant

Baton Rouge - Standard Oil Co.'s Plant

9,00 €