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749 Artikel gefunden


Indien. - Watson, J. Forbes: The International Exhibition of 1862. A Classified Descriptive Catalogue of the Indian Department. Printed for Her Majesty's Commissioners.

Indien. Watson, J. Forbes: The International Exhibition of 1862. A Classified Descriptive..

232,00 €
Meldrum, C: Notes on the form of Cyclones in the Southern Indian Ocean, and on some of the rules given for avoiding their centres. Published by the Authority of the Meteorological Committee.

Meldrum, C: Notes on the form of Cyclones in the Southern Indian Ocean, and on some of the rules..

27,00 €
Jenks, Albert Ernest: Indian-White amalgamation an anthropometric study. The University of Minnesota, Studies in the social sciences, 6.

Jenks, Albert Ernest: Indian White amalgamation an anthropometric study. The University of..

15,00 €
Ansichtskarte British Columbia Native people, aus HAGAN nach Horbach

Ansichtskarte British Columbia Native people, aus HAGAN nach Horbach

15,40 €
USA Michel 1325 / Scott 1734 postfrisch EINZELMARKE RAND links - 1-Cent-Münze von 1877 (Indian Head Penny)

USA Michel 1325 / Scott 1734 postfrisch EINZELMARKE RAND links 1 Cent Münze von 1877 (Indian..

0,20 €
USA Michel 1325 / Scott 1734 postfrisch EINZELMARKE ECKRAND oben links m/ Platten-# 38360 - 1-Cent-Münze von 1877 (Indian Head Penny)

USA Michel 1325 / Scott 1734 postfrisch EINZELMARKE ECKRAND oben links m/ Platten # 38360 1 Cent..

0,34 €
USA Michel 1325 / Scott 1734 postfrisch PLATEBLOCK ECKRAND oben links m/ Platten-# 38356 - 1-Cent-Münze von 1877 (Indian Head Penny)

USA Michel 1325 / Scott 1734 postfrisch PLATEBLOCK ECKRAND oben links m/ Platten # 38356 1 Cent..

1,02 €
USA Michel 1325 / Scott 1734 postfrisch PLATEBLOCK ECKRAND unten links m/ Platten-# 38356 - 1-Cent-Münze von 1877 (Indian Head Penny)

USA Michel 1325 / Scott 1734 postfrisch PLATEBLOCK ECKRAND unten links m/ Platten # 38356 1 Cent..

1,02 €
India: unused letter Indian post and Telegraphs Department

India: unused letter Indian post and Telegraphs Department

5,35 €
India: post card Indian Posts & Telegraphs Departments, unused

India: post card Indian Posts & Telegraphs Departments, unused

5,35 €
AK / Ansichtskarte Indianer_Native_American Piute Indian Camp Nevada

AK / Ansichtskarte Indianer_Native_American Piute Indian Camp Nevada

16,90 €
AK / Ansichtskarte Howkan Indian Village and Totem Poles

AK / Ansichtskarte Howkan Indian Village and Totem Poles

9,90 €
Credit To The Nation - Mad Dog [CD-Single]

Credit To The Nation - Mad Dog [CD-Single]

2,20 €
Postcard Cowes (Isle of Wright) Osborne House Indian Room 1912

Postcard Cowes (Isle of Wright) Osborne House Indian Room 1912

11,00 €
AK / Ansichtskarte Indianer_Native_American Indian Village Jones Beach State Park Long Island

AK / Ansichtskarte Indianer_Native_American Indian Village Jones Beach State Park Long Island

4,90 €
Various - Dance Mania OMOD 18 [12" Maxi]

Various - Dance Mania OMOD 18 [12" Maxi]

3,70 €
AK / Ansichtskarte London The Franco British Exhibition The Indian Court London

AK / Ansichtskarte London The Franco British Exhibition The Indian Court London

7,28 €
AK / Ansichtskarte Calcutta Indian Museum Krishna and Radha Kangra School 18th century Kuenstlerkarte Calcutta

AK / Ansichtskarte Calcutta Indian Museum Krishna and Radha Kangra School 18th century..

7,28 €
AK / Ansichtskarte Havana_Habana Indian Park Havana Habana

AK / Ansichtskarte Havana_Habana Indian Park Havana Habana

9,90 €
AK / Ansichtskarte Fische King Salmon Fish Wheel Fishing Indian  Fische

AK / Ansichtskarte Fische King Salmon Fish Wheel Fishing Indian Fische

4,90 €
AK / Ansichtskarte Weberei Navajo Indian Woman Weaving Monument Valley Arizona Utah Weberei

AK / Ansichtskarte Weberei Navajo Indian Woman Weaving Monument Valley Arizona Utah Weberei

4,90 €
AK / Ansichtskarte Flugzeuge_Zivil Indian Airlines Airbus Industrie A320 231 VT ESJ 490 Flugzeuge Zivil

AK / Ansichtskarte Flugzeuge_Zivil Indian Airlines Airbus Industrie A320 231 VT ESJ 490 Flugzeuge..

4,90 €
AK / Ansichtskarte Flugzeuge_Zivil Indian Airlines Airbus A 320 231 VT ESG c n 451 Flugzeuge Zivil

AK / Ansichtskarte Flugzeuge_Zivil Indian Airlines Airbus A 320 231 VT ESG c n 451 Flugzeuge Zivil

4,90 €
Delaware Water Gap Delaware Water Gap by Stroudsburg, The Indian Profile 1932

Delaware Water Gap Delaware Water Gap by Stroudsburg, The Indian Profile 1932

3,00 €
AK / Ansichtskarte Lokomotive Indian Pacific Sulpide Street Railway Station Broken Hill New South Wales  Lokomotive

AK / Ansichtskarte Lokomotive Indian Pacific Sulpide Street Railway Station Broken Hill New South..

4,90 €
Tanner, Clara Lee: Southwest Indian Painting, a changing art. 2nd edition.

Tanner, Clara Lee: Southwest Indian Painting, a changing art. 2nd edition.

30,00 €
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth: The Song of Hiawatha. (Foreword by  Frank W. Gunsaulus. Illustrations of Wa-ya-ga-mug and the Indian players from photographs by Grace C. Horn). (Players' edition).

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth: The Song of Hiawatha. (Foreword by Frank W. Gunsaulus. Illustrations..

50,00 €
Deming, Edwin Willard: Indian child life. With numerous full-page colour-plates after paintings in water-colour, together with illustrations in black-and-white, ... and with new stories by Therese O. Deming. Renewed and extended.

Deming, Edwin Willard: Indian child life. With numerous full page colour plates after paintings in..

55,00 €
Inter-tribal-Indian Ceremonial. Gallup, New Mexico. [August 1949].

Inter-tribal-Indian Ceremonial. Gallup, New Mexico. [August 1949].

55,00 €
AK / Ansichtskarte Indianer Native American Little Nonnie Pawnee Otoe Indian Dancer  Kat. Regionales

AK / Ansichtskarte Indianer Native American Little Nonnie Pawnee Otoe Indian Dancer Kat. Regionales

4,90 €
ÄLTERE KÜNSTLER POSTKARTE KARL MAY WINNETOU Indianer indian indien Ansichtskarte AK postcard cpa

ÄLTERE KÜNSTLER POSTKARTE KARL MAY WINNETOU Indianer indian indien Ansichtskarte AK postcard cpa

22,00 €


34,00 €
ÄLTERE POSTKARTE SENECA INDIANS ART JOHNNYJOHN Indianer Indians Indien Indian Allegany State Park, N. Y.

ÄLTERE POSTKARTE SENECA INDIANS ART JOHNNYJOHN Indianer Indians Indien Indian Allegany State Park..

2,50 €
POSTKARTE OLD INDIAN CHIEF Indianer Indians Indien Kopfschmuck feather headdress coiffe cpa postcard AK Ansichtskarte

POSTKARTE OLD INDIAN CHIEF Indianer Indians Indien Kopfschmuck feather headdress coiffe cpa..

1,90 €
POSTKARTE INDIAN CHIEF & PAPOOSE Indianer Indians Indien Kopfschmuck feather headdress coiffe child enfant Kind postcard

POSTKARTE INDIAN CHIEF & PAPOOSE Indianer Indians Indien Kopfschmuck feather headdress coiffe child..

1,90 €
POSTKARTE INDIAN CHIEF BENJAMIN & WIFE OGALA SIOUX Indianer Indians Indien Kopfschmuck feather headdress coiffe postcard

POSTKARTE INDIAN CHIEF BENJAMIN & WIFE OGALA SIOUX Indianer Indians Indien Kopfschmuck feather..

1,90 €
POSTKARTE INDIAN CHIEF BULL GREETING Salutation Indianer Indians Indien Kopfschmuck feather headdress coiffe postcard AK

POSTKARTE INDIAN CHIEF BULL GREETING Salutation Indianer Indians Indien Kopfschmuck feather..

1,90 €
POSTKARTE INDIAN FAMILY Indianer Indians Indien Kopfschmuck enfants children feather headdress Trommel drum tambour cpa

POSTKARTE INDIAN FAMILY Indianer Indians Indien Kopfschmuck enfants children feather headdress..

1,90 €
POSTKARTE INDIAN CHIEF TRUSTY PAINT ON WHITE HORSE Indianer Indians Indien Kopfschmuck feather headdress Pferd postcard

POSTKARTE INDIAN CHIEF TRUSTY PAINT ON WHITE HORSE Indianer Indians Indien Kopfschmuck feather..

1,90 €
ÄLTERE POSTKARTE INDIAN FIRE Cief Indianer Indians Indien Kopfschmuck feather headdress coiffe Feuer feu cpa postcard

ÄLTERE POSTKARTE INDIAN FIRE Cief Indianer Indians Indien Kopfschmuck feather headdress coiffe..

22,00 €
POSTKARTE WESTERN INDIAN MAIDEN Horse Pferd Blesse Indianer Indians Indien Kopfschmuck feather headdress Ansichtskarte

POSTKARTE WESTERN INDIAN MAIDEN Horse Pferd Blesse Indianer Indians Indien Kopfschmuck feather..

1,90 €
POSTKARTE "HOW" INDIAN Native American Indianer Indians Indien Kopfschmuck feather headdress postcard montage photo

POSTKARTE "HOW" INDIAN Native American Indianer Indians Indien Kopfschmuck feather headdress..

2,50 €
POSTKARTE CHIEF AND SON IN TRIBAL DRESS INDIANS Indianer Indian Indien Kopfschmuck feather headdress postcard cpa AK

POSTKARTE CHIEF AND SON IN TRIBAL DRESS INDIANS Indianer Indian Indien Kopfschmuck feather..

13,00 €
POSTKARTE APPEAL TO THE GREAT SPIRIT SANTA FE RAILWAY INDIAN Indianer Indian Indien Kopfschmuck feather headdress AK cpa


1,90 €
POSTKARTE WESTERN INDIANS IN CEREMONIAL DRESS White Horse Horses Pferd Indianer Indian Indien Kopfschmuck headdress AK

POSTKARTE WESTERN INDIANS IN CEREMONIAL DRESS White Horse Horses Pferd Indianer Indian Indien..

7,50 €
POSTKARTE OGALALA SIOUX INDIAN CHIEF BLACK ELK Ceremonial dress Indianer Indians Indien feather headdress Kopfschmuck AK

POSTKARTE OGALALA SIOUX INDIAN CHIEF BLACK ELK Ceremonial dress Indianer Indians Indien feather..

19,00 €
POSTKARTE INDIAN CHIEF RUNNING HORSE AND FAMILY Indianer Indians Indien Kopfschmuck Pfeife pipe feather headdress coiffe

POSTKARTE INDIAN CHIEF RUNNING HORSE AND FAMILY Indianer Indians Indien Kopfschmuck Pfeife pipe..

1,90 €
Indianer Native American Indian Chief  Kat. Regionales

Indianer Native American Indian Chief Kat. Regionales

6,80 €