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16 Artikel gefunden


Rountree, Helen C: Pocahonta' s People. The Powhatan Indians of Virginia through four Centuries ( The Civilisation of the american Indian Series no. 196 ).

Rountree, Helen C: Pocahonta' s People. The Powhatan Indians of Virginia through four Centuries (..

23,00 €
Report to the Hopi Kikmongwis and Other Traditional Hopi Leaders on Docket 196 and the Continuing Threat to Hopi Land and Sovereignty.

Report to the Hopi Kikmongwis and Other Traditional Hopi Leaders on Docket 196 and the Continuing..

40,00 €
Sansom-Flood, Renee: Lessons from Chouteau Creek. Yankton Memories of Dakota Territorial Intrigue ( = Dakota Series Numer 1 ).

Sansom Flood, Renee: Lessons from Chouteau Creek. Yankton Memories of Dakota Territorial Intrigue (..

23,00 €
Luger, Harriett M: The Last Stronghold. A Story of the  Modoc Indian War 1872 - 1873.

Luger, Harriett M: The Last Stronghold. A Story of the Modoc Indian War 1872 - 1873.

25,00 €
Bailey, L. R: The long walk. A history of the Navajo wars. 1846 - 68 ( = Great west and indian series, XXVI ).

Bailey, L. R: The long walk. A history of the Navajo wars. 1846 68 ( = Great west and indian..

23,00 €
Hardorff, Richard G: Hokahey ! A good day to die ! The indian casualities of the Custer fight ( Frontier military series ).

Hardorff, Richard G: Hokahey ! A good day to die ! The indian casualities of the Custer fight (..

23,00 €
Olsen, Fred. - Forewoed by George Kubler. - Introductory essay by Irving Rouse: On the trail of the Arawaks ( = The civilization of the American Indian series V, 129 ).

Olsen, Fred. Forewoed by George Kubler. Introductory essay by Irving Rouse: On the trail of the..

23,00 €
Izzard, Bob: Adobe Walls War. A Fascinating Yet True Story of the Last Indian War in Texas. Production and Maps by Bill Izzard.

Izzard, Bob: Adobe Walls War. A Fascinating Yet True Story of the Last Indian War in Texas..

25,00 €
Jordan, H. Glenn / Thomas M. Holm: Indian Leaders: Oklahoma' s First Statesmen ( = The Oklahoma series, volume X ).

Jordan, H. Glenn / Thomas M. Holm: Indian Leaders: Oklahoma' s First Statesmen ( = The Oklahoma..

23,00 €
Hall, Philip S: To Have This Land. The Nature of Indian / White Relations South Dakota 1888 - 1891.

Hall, Philip S: To Have This Land. The Nature of Indian / White Relations South Dakota 1888 - 1891.

37,00 €
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth: The Song of Hiawatha. (Foreword by  Frank W. Gunsaulus. Illustrations of Wa-ya-ga-mug and the Indian players from photographs by Grace C. Horn). (Players' edition).

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth: The Song of Hiawatha. (Foreword by Frank W. Gunsaulus. Illustrations..

50,00 €
Inter-tribal-Indian Ceremonial. Gallup, New Mexico. [August 1949].

Inter-tribal-Indian Ceremonial. Gallup, New Mexico. [August 1949].

55,00 €
Pune Heritage (Intage Heritage Map).

Pune Heritage (Intage Heritage Map).

10,00 €
Wallace, Ernest / Hoebel, E. [Edward] Adamson: The Comanches. Lords of the south plains. (1st ed.).

Wallace, Ernest / Hoebel, E. [Edward] Adamson: The Comanches. Lords of the south plains. (1st ed.).

25,00 €
Boyer, Warren E. [Edward]: Vanishing trails of romance. Legendary and historical tales and events gleaned along moccasin-winged trails of Aztec and Indian, and the blazed trails of explorer and pioneer settler in enchanting Colorado.

Boyer, Warren E. [Edward]: Vanishing trails of romance. Legendary and historical tales and events..

24,00 €
(Pitchford, G. I.): Indian life in the Southwest. [Umschlag-Titel]. [Leporello].

(Pitchford, G. I.): Indian life in the Southwest. [Umschlag-Titel]. [Leporello].

25,00 €
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