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15 Artikel gefunden


Schmidt, Geo A: Mexiko.

Schmidt, Geo A: Mexiko.

9,00 €
Jefferson, Thomas: Betrachtungen über den Staat Virginia. Hrsg. u. mit einem einführenden Essay von Hartmut Wasser.

Jefferson, Thomas: Betrachtungen über den Staat Virginia. Hrsg. u. mit einem einführenden Essay..

22,00 €
Hamilton, James A: Manual for the use of the Legislaturre of the State of New York 1924.

Hamilton, James A: Manual for the use of the Legislaturre of the State of New York 1924.

46,00 €
Stoudt, John Joseph: Sunbonnets and schoofly pies. A Pennsylvania Dutch cultural history. South Brunswick / New Yor.

Stoudt, John Joseph: Sunbonnets and schoofly pies. A Pennsylvania Dutch cultural history. South..

40,00 €
Muller, Frederik: Catalogue of books, maps, plates on America, and of a remarkable collection of early voyages. With an alphabetical and a subject index by G. J. Brouwer.

Muller, Frederik: Catalogue of books, maps, plates on America, and of a remarkable collection of..

50,00 €
Holliday, W. J: Parke-Bernet Galleries: Western Americana, many of great rarity. The distinguished collection formed by W. J. Holliday. (Auktionskatalog).

Holliday, W. J: Parke Bernet Galleries: Western Americana, many of great rarity. The distinguished..

50,00 €
Baer, Joseph / Karl W. Hiersemann u.a: Relatifs à l'Amérique (Rückentitel). Sammlung von 8 Antiquariatskatalogen.

Baer, Joseph / Karl W. Hiersemann u.a: Relatifs à l'Amérique (Rückentitel). Sammlung von 8..

45,00 €
Alonso de Benavides.: The memorial of Fray Alonso de Benavides 1630. Translated by Mrs. Edward E. Ayer. Annotated by Frederick Webb Hodge and Charles Fletcher Lummis. (With a foreword by James P. Davis).

Alonso de Benavides.: The memorial of Fray Alonso de Benavides 1630. Translated by Mrs. Edward E..

49,00 €
Adams, Willi Paul / Czempiel, E. O. / Ostendorf. B. u.a. (Hrsg): Die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. Geographie, Geschichte, Politische Kultur, Politisches System, Wirtschaft /..

Adams, Willi Paul / Czempiel, E. O. / Ostendorf. B. u.a. (Hrsg): Die Vereinigten Staaten von..

20,00 €
Bryant, William Cullen (Edit.): Picturesque America; or, The land we live in. A delineation by pen and pencil of the mountains, rivers, lakes, forests, water..

Bryant, William Cullen (Edit.): Picturesque America; or, The land we live in. A delineation by pen..

490,00 €
LeClerc de Milford, Louis: Memoir. or A cursory glance at my different travels & my sojourn in the Creek Nation. Transl. by Geraldine de Courcy. Edited by John Francis McDermott.

LeClerc de Milford, Louis: Memoir. or A cursory glance at my different travels & my sojourn in the..

19,00 €
Hannum, Alberta (Pierson): Spin a silver coin. The story of a desert trading-post. Illustrated with color reproductions of the work of the Navaho boy artist, Little No-Shirt (Beatien Yazz).

Hannum, Alberta (Pierson): Spin a silver coin. The story of a desert trading post. Illustrated with..

20,00 €
Forrest, Earle R: With a camera in old Navaholand.

Forrest, Earle R: With a camera in old Navaholand.

30,00 €
Drury, Clifford Merrill: California Imprints, 1846-1876 pertaining to social, educational, and religious subjects. A bibliography of 1999 titles: books, pamphlets, broadsides, periodicals, newspapers, and manuscripts; each described, annotated, and locate

Drury, Clifford Merrill: California Imprints, 1846 1876 pertaining to social, educational, and..

35,00 €
Bürger, Otto: Aus der Wildnis des Huemuls. Erlebnisse und Abenteuer unter den Kolonisten und Indianern Chiles.

Bürger, Otto: Aus der Wildnis des Huemuls. Erlebnisse und Abenteuer unter den Kolonisten und..

15,00 €
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