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172 Artikel gefunden


Lévi, Sylvain / Jean Przyluski / Jules Bloch / S. K. Chatterji / P. C. Bagchi /: Pre-aryan and pre-dravidian in India. Translated from French by Prabodh Chandra Bagchi. With preface. Published by the University of Calcutta.

Lévi, Sylvain / Jean Przyluski / Jules Bloch / S. K. Chatterji / P. C. Bagchi /: Pre aryan and pre..

55,00 €
Francke, Hermann Dr: Durch Zentralasien in die indische Gefangenschaft.

Francke, Hermann Dr: Durch Zentralasien in die indische Gefangenschaft.

48,00 €
Sansom-Flood, Renee: Lessons from Chouteau Creek. Yankton Memories of Dakota Territorial Intrigue ( = Dakota Series Numer 1 ).

Sansom Flood, Renee: Lessons from Chouteau Creek. Yankton Memories of Dakota Territorial Intrigue (..

23,00 €
Luger, Harriett M: The Last Stronghold. A Story of the  Modoc Indian War 1872 - 1873.

Luger, Harriett M: The Last Stronghold. A Story of the Modoc Indian War 1872 - 1873.

25,00 €
Bailey, L. R: The long walk. A history of the Navajo wars. 1846 - 68 ( = Great west and indian series, XXVI ).

Bailey, L. R: The long walk. A history of the Navajo wars. 1846 68 ( = Great west and indian..

23,00 €
Hardorff, Richard G: Hokahey ! A good day to die ! The indian casualities of the Custer fight ( Frontier military series ).

Hardorff, Richard G: Hokahey ! A good day to die ! The indian casualities of the Custer fight (..

23,00 €
Williams, Scott C: The indian wars of 1864 through the Sand Creek massacre. A collection of articles from the Rocky Mountain News and the Commonwealth published in Denver, Colorado Territory, 1864 ( = Colorado History through the news, a context of the ti

Williams, Scott C: The indian wars of 1864 through the Sand Creek massacre. A collection of..

47,00 €
Olsen, Fred. - Forewoed by George Kubler. - Introductory essay by Irving Rouse: On the trail of the Arawaks ( = The civilization of the American Indian series V, 129 ).

Olsen, Fred. Forewoed by George Kubler. Introductory essay by Irving Rouse: On the trail of the..

23,00 €
Izzard, Bob: Adobe Walls War. A Fascinating Yet True Story of the Last Indian War in Texas. Production and Maps by Bill Izzard.

Izzard, Bob: Adobe Walls War. A Fascinating Yet True Story of the Last Indian War in Texas..

25,00 €
Jordan, H. Glenn / Thomas M. Holm: Indian Leaders: Oklahoma' s First Statesmen ( = The Oklahoma series, volume X ).

Jordan, H. Glenn / Thomas M. Holm: Indian Leaders: Oklahoma' s First Statesmen ( = The Oklahoma..

23,00 €
Appleton, Leroy H: American Indian Design and Decoration.

Appleton, Leroy H: American Indian Design and Decoration.

18,00 €
Witt, Shirley Hill (Hrsg.) and Stan (Hrsg.) Steiner: The Way. An Anthology of American Indian Literature.

Witt, Shirley Hill (Hrsg.) and Stan (Hrsg.) Steiner: The Way. An Anthology of American Indian..

12,00 €
Forbes, Jack D: Apache, Navaho and Spaniard. [= The Civilization of the American Indian Series].

Forbes, Jack D: Apache, Navaho and Spaniard. [= The Civilization of the American Indian Series].

18,00 €
Duff, Wilson: The Indian History of British Columbia. Volume 1: The Impact of the White Man. [= Anthropology in British Columbia, Memoir 5, 1964].

Duff, Wilson: The Indian History of British Columbia. Volume 1: The Impact of the White Man. [=..

15,00 €
Prucha, Francis Paul: United States Indian Policy. A Critical Bibliography. [= The Newberry Library Center for the History of the America Indian, Bibliographical Series].

Prucha, Francis Paul: United States Indian Policy. A Critical Bibliography. [= The Newberry Library..

17,00 €
Helm, June: The Indians of the Subarctic. A Critical Bibliography. [= The Newberry Library Center for the History of the America Indian, Bibliographical Series].

Helm, June: The Indians of the Subarctic. A Critical Bibliography. [= The Newberry Library Center..

8,00 €
Spradley, James P. (Hrsg.): Guests Never Leave Hungry. The Autobiography of James Sewid, a Kwakiutl Indian.

Spradley, James P. (Hrsg.): Guests Never Leave Hungry. The Autobiography of James Sewid, a Kwakiutl..

18,00 €
Hodge, Gene Meany: Kachina Tales From the Indian Pueblos.

Hodge, Gene Meany: Kachina Tales From the Indian Pueblos.

13,00 €
Gaddis, Vincent H: American Indian Myths and Mysteries.

Gaddis, Vincent H: American Indian Myths and Mysteries.

8,00 €
de Angulo, Jaime: Indian Tales. Indian Folklore, Rituals, Hunting Adventures, Allegories, Tall Tales, Blessings and Curses.

de Angulo, Jaime: Indian Tales. Indian Folklore, Rituals, Hunting Adventures, Allegories, Tall..

15,00 €
McNickle, D`Arcy: Native American Tribalism. Indian Survivals and Renewals. (Published for the Institute for Race Relations, London).

McNickle, D`Arcy: Native American Tribalism. Indian Survivals and Renewals. (Published for the..

10,00 €
Ellis, Richard N. (Hrsg.): The Western American Indian. Case Studies in Tribal History.

Ellis, Richard N. (Hrsg.): The Western American Indian. Case Studies in Tribal History.

10,00 €
Books About Indians. November, 1977.

Books About Indians. November, 1977.

12,00 €
Dodsley, Robert: The œconomy of human life (translated from an Indian manuscript, written by an ancient Bramin. To which is prefixed an account of the..

Dodsley, Robert: The œconomy of human life (translated from an Indian manuscript, written by an..

67,00 €
Hall, Philip S: To Have This Land. The Nature of Indian / White Relations South Dakota 1888 - 1891.

Hall, Philip S: To Have This Land. The Nature of Indian / White Relations South Dakota 1888 - 1891.

37,00 €
Das Motorrad 1967 Heft 25

Das Motorrad 1967 Heft 25

7,50 €
Das Motorrad 1967 Heft 24

Das Motorrad 1967 Heft 24

7,50 €
Schriever-KLassen, Silja (Text): Bollywood : the passion of indian film and music.

Schriever-KLassen, Silja (Text): Bollywood : the passion of indian film and music.

18,00 €
Indian Motorräder Modellprogramm 1953 "Pow Wow Magazine" zwei Motorradprospekte (0328)

Indian Motorräder Modellprogramm 1953 "Pow Wow Magazine" zwei Motorradprospekte (0328)

25,00 €
Irmgard Weitlaner-Johnson: Design Motifs on Mexican Indian Textiles.

Irmgard Weitlaner-Johnson: Design Motifs on Mexican Indian Textiles.

198,88 €
Christie, Manson & Woods Ltd. ( Eds.): Important Tribal Art. The Properties of Lord Strange, The late Joseph Mueller, J. L. H. Williams, Capt. E. A. Pereira. On Tuesday, June 13, 1978. - From the contens: The Megginch Indian Relics / The Pacific / Africa.

Christie, Manson & Woods Ltd. ( Eds.): Important Tribal Art. The Properties of Lord Strange, The..

23,00 €
Asien-Pazifik-Wochen Berlin. Germany-Korea. The Smell of Indian ink Preview. Exhibition 10. Sept. 2007 - 23. Sept. 2007. Im Press- und Besucherzentrum des Bundespresseamtes
 Ohne Ort, Korea Calligraphy Association, (Oktober) 2007.

Asien Pazifik Wochen Berlin. Germany Korea. The Smell of Indian ink Preview. Exhibition 10. Sept..

28,00 €
Asien-pazifik-Wochen Berlin. 2009. Germany-Korea. The Smell of Indian ink Preview. Exhibition 2. Oct. 2009 _ 16. Oct. 2009. Im Press- und Besucherzentrum des Bundespresseamtes
 Ohne Ort, Korea Calligraphy Association, (Oktober) 2009.

Asien pazifik Wochen Berlin. 2009. Germany Korea. The Smell of Indian ink Preview. Exhibition 2..

28,00 €
Indian Construction News.

Indian Construction News.

85,00 €
Powder Metallurgy and Material Strengthening
 Proceedings of the international Symposium, sponsored by Indian Institute, Kharagpur, India.

Powder Metallurgy and Material Strengthening Proceedings of the international Symposium, sponsored..

225,00 €
Wright, Ronald: Stolen Continents - The 'New Word' Through Indian Eyes.

Wright, Ronald: Stolen Continents - The 'New Word' Through Indian Eyes.

7,90 €
Grewal, Bikram: Birds of the Indian subcontinent.

Grewal, Bikram: Birds of the Indian subcontinent.

7,90 €
Butalia, Urvashi und Ritu Menon (Herausgeber): In Other Words - New Writing By Indian Woman.

Butalia, Urvashi und Ritu Menon (Herausgeber): In Other Words - New Writing By Indian Woman.

7,90 €
Kopit, Arthur L. and Israel Horovitz, John Guare and Charles Dizeno: Off-Broadway Plays Volume One - Vol. 1: Oh Dad, poor dad, mamma's hung you in the closet and I'm feeling so sad / Arthur L. Kopit. The Indian wants the Bronx , It's called the sugar plum

Kopit, Arthur L. and Israel Horovitz, John Guare and Charles Dizeno: Off Broadway Plays Volume..

7,90 €
Indian Women (Contemporary Writing by): Truth Tales 2: The Slate of Life.

Indian Women (Contemporary Writing by): Truth Tales 2: The Slate of Life.

7,90 €
Devi, Sudarshhana: WRHASPATI-TATTWA an old Javanese philosophical text critically edited and annotated. Proefschr. [Diss.] letteren, Univ. Utrecht 1957.

Devi, Sudarshhana: WRHASPATI TATTWA an old Javanese philosophical text critically edited and..

27,00 €
Küpper, Joachim / Klaus W. Hempfer / Erika Fischer-Lichte (Eds.): Religion and Society in the 21st Century.

Küpper, Joachim / Klaus W. Hempfer / Erika Fischer Lichte (Eds.): Religion and Society in the 21st..

42,00 €
Ritusamhara. - Manirama. - Narayana Balakrishna Godabole, Wasudeva Laxmana Panasikar and Bhalchandra S. Devasthali: The Ritusamhara of Kalidasa. With the commentary (the chandrika) of Manirama. Edited with explanatory notes by Narayana Balakrishna Godabol

Ritusamhara. Manirama. Narayana Balakrishna Godabole, Wasudeva Laxmana Panasikar and..

87,00 €
Dumont, Louis / D. Pocock (Eds.): Contributions to Indian Sociology.  No. IV. (Ecole Pratique des Hautes Études, Vie Section - Paris / Institute of Social Anthropology - Oxford).

Dumont, Louis / D. Pocock (Eds.): Contributions to Indian Sociology. No. IV. (Ecole Pratique des..

23,00 €
Flag Research Center / Whitney Smith (Ed.): Report of the  12 th International Congress of Vexillology. (The Flag Bulletin, No. 130  January-August 1989, Volume XXVII, Nos. 1-4).

Flag Research Center / Whitney Smith (Ed.): Report of the 12 th International Congress of..

52,00 €
Indian Chambers: Die Entwicklung der Privatindustrien innerhalb der Fuenfjahresplaene. Herausgeber: Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry. Federation House, New Delhi.

Indian Chambers: Die Entwicklung der Privatindustrien innerhalb der Fuenfjahresplaene. Herausgeber:..

13,00 €
Rapson, E. J: Indian Coins.

Rapson, E. J: Indian Coins.

14,00 €
Adam, H.L: The Indian Criminal.

Adam, H.L: The Indian Criminal.

23,00 €
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