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14 Artikel gefunden


Yamamoto. Amiral De La Marine Impériale. Chef De Guerre Malgré Lui.

Yamamoto. Amiral De La Marine Impériale. Chef De Guerre Malgré Lui.

31,00 €
Yamamoto, Hiroshi / Christine Ivanovic (Hrsg.).   Beiträge: Eberhard Scheiffele, Michiko Mae, Keiichi Aizawa, Klaus Kaindl, Kai von Eikels, Kosuko Endo, Arne Klawitter, Thomas..

Yamamoto, Hiroshi / Christine Ivanovic (Hrsg.). Beiträge: Eberhard Scheiffele, Michiko Mae..

28,00 €
UETA, Y., Kitamura, K., Isse, T., Shibuya, I., Kabashima, N., Yamamoto, S., Kangawa, K., Matsuo, H., Eto, T., Yamashita, H: Adrenomedullin--immunoreacxtive neurons in the paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei of the rat.

UETA, Y., Kitamura, K., Isse, T., Shibuya, I., Kabashima, N., Yamamoto, S., Kangawa, K., Matsuo..

4,00 €
Fujii, Wayne N. T. (Editor): GA Houses 27 - Global Architecture - Seaside.

Fujii, Wayne N. T. (Editor): GA Houses 27 - Global Architecture - Seaside.

20,00 €
Tsunemoto, Yamamoto: Hagakure. Die Weisheiten der Samurai.

Tsunemoto, Yamamoto: Hagakure. Die Weisheiten der Samurai.

7,00 €
YAMAMOTO, T., Iwasaki, Y., Konno,. H: Retrograde axoplasmic transport of toxic letins is useful for transganglionic tracings of peripheral nerve.

YAMAMOTO, T., Iwasaki, Y., Konno,. H: Retrograde axoplasmic transport of toxic letins is useful for..

4,00 €
Yamamoto, R.-, D. S. Bredt, T. M., Dawson, S. H., Snyder, R. A. Stone: Enhanced expression of nitric oxide synthase by rat retina following pterygopalatine parasympathetic denervation.

Yamamoto, R. , D. S. Bredt, T. M., Dawson, S. H., Snyder, R. A. Stone: Enhanced expression of..

4,00 €
YAMAMOTO, C., Chujo, T: Visualization of central neurons and recording of action potentials.

YAMAMOTO, C., Chujo, T: Visualization of central neurons and recording of action potentials.

4,00 €
Shimizu, K., H. Kimura, T. Yamamoto, J. Ochi: Imunocytochemical demonstration of the serotonin-contaning supependymal cells in the frog Hypothalamus.

Shimizu, K., H. Kimura, T. Yamamoto, J. Ochi: Imunocytochemical demonstration of the serotonin..

4,00 €
OKA, H: YAMAMOTO, T., Samejima, A., Oka, H., An intracellular analysis of the entopeduncular inputs on the centrum medianum-parafascicular nuclear complex in cats. Brain Res. 348, 343--347 (1985)., Obr.-.  [SD17]..// YAMAMOTO, T., Noda, T., Samejia, A., O

OKA, H: YAMAMOTO, T., Samejima, A., Oka, H., An intracellular analysis of the entopeduncular inputs..

6,00 €
NEGISHI, K: NEGISHI, K., Kato, S., Teranishi, T. , Histochemical studies on monoamonergic cells in the Fish retina. Biomedical Res. Suppl. 12, 1982, pp. 67-72 , Obr., [SD28]. / / KATO, S., Madachi-Yamamoto, S., Hayashi, Y., Miki, N., Negishi, K., Effect o

NEGISHI, K: NEGISHI, K., Kato, S., Teranishi, T. , Histochemical studies on monoamonergic cells in..

6,00 €
KATO, N: KATO, N., Kawaguchi, S., Yamamoto, T  Samejima, A., Miyata, H., Postnatal development of geniculocortical projection in the cat. Electrophysiological and morphological studies., Exp. Brain Res. 51, 65-72 (1983)., Orb.,  [WES115].-.// KATO, N., Ka

KATO, N: KATO, N., Kawaguchi, S., Yamamoto, T Samejima, A., Miyata, H., Postnatal development of..

5,00 €
BANDO, T: BANDO, T., Pupillary constriction evoked from the posterior medial lateral suprasylvian (MPLS) area in cats. Neuroscience Research 2,472-485 (1985).,// BANDO, T., Yamamoto, N., Kakimoto, S., Maeda, J., Tuskahara, N., Corticofugal neurons in the

BANDO, T: BANDO, T., Pupillary constriction evoked from the posterior medial lateral suprasylvian..

5,00 €
SAIJA, A., Hayes, R. L., Lyeth, B. G., Dixon, C. E., Yamamoto, T., Robinson, S. E: The effect of concussive head injury on central cholinergic neurons.

SAIJA, A., Hayes, R. L., Lyeth, B. G., Dixon, C. E., Yamamoto, T., Robinson, S. E: The effect of..

5,00 €
Artikel pro Seite 48 | 96


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