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121 Artikel gefunden


Birds of the Indian Ocean Islands.

Birds of the Indian Ocean Islands.

20,40 €
Buch: The Making of the Indian Nation, Gokhale, B.G. 1960, Asia Publishing House

Buch: The Making of the Indian Nation, Gokhale, B.G. 1960, Asia Publishing House

8,41 €
Buch: Paniker. Contemporary Indian Art Series, 1961, B. C. Sanyal

Buch: Paniker. Contemporary Indian Art Series, 1961, B. C. Sanyal

13,50 €
Buch: Ramkinker. Contemporary Indian Art Series, 1961, B. C. Sanyal

Buch: Ramkinker. Contemporary Indian Art Series, 1961, B. C. Sanyal

8,41 €
Buch: More on Tantras, Pandit, M. P. 1985, Sterling Publishers Private Ltd

Buch: More on Tantras, Pandit, M. P. 1985, Sterling Publishers Private Ltd

12,53 €
Graham Bower, Ursula: Naga Path. First indian reprint
 Guwahati - Delhi, Spectrum Publications, 2002.

Graham Bower, Ursula: Naga Path. First indian reprint Guwahati Delhi, Spectrum Publications..

17,00 €
Buch: Beating the Indian Defences, Burgess, Graham, 1997, Batsford

Buch: Beating the Indian Defences, Burgess, Graham, 1997, Batsford

23,18 €
Buch: The Strategic Nimzo-Indian, Volume 1, Ivan Sokolov, 2012, New in Chess

Buch: The Strategic Nimzo-Indian, Volume 1, Ivan Sokolov, 2012, New in Chess

12,53 €
Buch: Malintzin's Choices, Townsend, Camilla, 2010, gebraucht, gut

Buch: Malintzin's Choices, Townsend, Camilla, 2010, gebraucht, gut

31,89 €
Buch: Nandikesvaras Abhinayadarpanam, Gnhosh, Manomohan. 1981, gebraucht, gut

Buch: Nandikesvaras Abhinayadarpanam, Gnhosh, Manomohan. 1981, gebraucht, gut

9,67 €
Rau, Heimo: Reflections on Indian Art.

Rau, Heimo: Reflections on Indian Art.

10,00 €
Schnepel, Burkhard (Hg): Connectivity in Motion. Island Hubs in the Indian Ocean World.

Schnepel, Burkhard (Hg): Connectivity in Motion. Island Hubs in the Indian Ocean World.

76,00 €
Schnepel, Burkhard (Ed.): Travelling Pasts. The Politics of Cultural Heritage in the Indian Ocean World.

Schnepel, Burkhard (Ed.): Travelling Pasts. The Politics of Cultural Heritage in the Indian Ocean..

72,00 €
Schnepel, Burkhard (Ed.): Cargoes in Motion. Materiality and Connectivity Across the Indian Ocean.

Schnepel, Burkhard (Ed.): Cargoes in Motion. Materiality and Connectivity Across the Indian Ocean.

27,00 €
Gopalakrishnan, Dr. S: The south indian rebellions (before and after 1800).

Gopalakrishnan, Dr. S: The south indian rebellions (before and after 1800).

28,00 €
Tom Stoppard: Plays 5; Arcadia/The Real Thing/'Night & Day/Indian Ink/Hapgood. [ff Contemporary Classics].

Tom Stoppard: Plays 5; Arcadia/The Real Thing/'Night & Day/Indian Ink/Hapgood. [ff Contemporary..

14,00 €
Die Skulptur der kanadischen Inuit. (Katalog in deutscher Sprache).

Die Skulptur der kanadischen Inuit. (Katalog in deutscher Sprache).

5,00 €
Art of the American Indian Frontier. The Chandler-Pohrt Collection, with essays by Richard A. Pohrt, Milford G. Chandler and George P. Horse Capture.

Art of the American Indian Frontier. The Chandler Pohrt Collection, with essays by Richard A..

24,00 €
Early Indian Historical Tradition and Archaeology. Puranic Kingdoms and Dynasties with Genealogies (Reconstructing Indian History and Culture).

Early Indian Historical Tradition and Archaeology. Puranic Kingdoms and Dynasties with Genealogies..

17,00 €
Indien in der Gegenwart. Band II, Nummer 1-2, 1997.

Indien in der Gegenwart. Band II, Nummer 1-2, 1997.

6,50 €
International Studbook for the Great Indian Rhinoceros, Rhinoceros Unicornis (Linne 1758), Eighth Ed., Update 1995.

International Studbook for the Great Indian Rhinoceros, Rhinoceros Unicornis (Linne 1758), Eighth..

6,00 €
International Studbook for the Great Indian Rhinoceros, Fourth Ed., 1985.

International Studbook for the Great Indian Rhinoceros, Fourth Ed., 1985.

6,00 €
India Wildlife (on Indian wildlife, lanscapes, regions, culture and history).

India Wildlife (on Indian wildlife, lanscapes, regions, culture and history).

6,00 €
Zoo Matters. Dublin Zoo Magazine, Winter 2004. (Great Indian hornbills).

Zoo Matters. Dublin Zoo Magazine, Winter 2004. (Great Indian hornbills).

3,00 €
Giving Voice to Bear - North American Indian Myths, Rituals, and Images of the Bear.

Giving Voice to Bear - North American Indian Myths, Rituals, and Images of the Bear.

12,00 €
Kanha Tiger Reserve. Portrait of an Indian National Park.

Kanha Tiger Reserve. Portrait of an Indian National Park.

20,00 €
Indian Snakes.

Indian Snakes.

25,00 €
Lévi, Sylvain / Jean Przyluski / Jules Bloch / S. K. Chatterji / P. C. Bagchi /: Pre-aryan and pre-dravidian in India. Translated from French by Prabodh Chandra Bagchi. With preface. Published by the University of Calcutta.

Lévi, Sylvain / Jean Przyluski / Jules Bloch / S. K. Chatterji / P. C. Bagchi /: Pre aryan and pre..

55,00 €
Francke, Hermann Dr: Durch Zentralasien in die indische Gefangenschaft.

Francke, Hermann Dr: Durch Zentralasien in die indische Gefangenschaft.

48,00 €
Williams, Scott C: The indian wars of 1864 through the Sand Creek massacre. A collection of articles from the Rocky Mountain News and the Commonwealth published in Denver, Colorado Territory, 1864 ( = Colorado History through the news, a context of the ti

Williams, Scott C: The indian wars of 1864 through the Sand Creek massacre. A collection of..

47,00 €
Appleton, Leroy H: American Indian Design and Decoration.

Appleton, Leroy H: American Indian Design and Decoration.

18,00 €
Witt, Shirley Hill (Hrsg.) and Stan (Hrsg.) Steiner: The Way. An Anthology of American Indian Literature.

Witt, Shirley Hill (Hrsg.) and Stan (Hrsg.) Steiner: The Way. An Anthology of American Indian..

12,00 €
Forbes, Jack D: Apache, Navaho and Spaniard. [= The Civilization of the American Indian Series].

Forbes, Jack D: Apache, Navaho and Spaniard. [= The Civilization of the American Indian Series].

18,00 €
Duff, Wilson: The Indian History of British Columbia. Volume 1: The Impact of the White Man. [= Anthropology in British Columbia, Memoir 5, 1964].

Duff, Wilson: The Indian History of British Columbia. Volume 1: The Impact of the White Man. [=..

15,00 €
Prucha, Francis Paul: United States Indian Policy. A Critical Bibliography. [= The Newberry Library Center for the History of the America Indian, Bibliographical Series].

Prucha, Francis Paul: United States Indian Policy. A Critical Bibliography. [= The Newberry Library..

17,00 €
Helm, June: The Indians of the Subarctic. A Critical Bibliography. [= The Newberry Library Center for the History of the America Indian, Bibliographical Series].

Helm, June: The Indians of the Subarctic. A Critical Bibliography. [= The Newberry Library Center..

8,00 €
Spradley, James P. (Hrsg.): Guests Never Leave Hungry. The Autobiography of James Sewid, a Kwakiutl Indian.

Spradley, James P. (Hrsg.): Guests Never Leave Hungry. The Autobiography of James Sewid, a Kwakiutl..

18,00 €
Hodge, Gene Meany: Kachina Tales From the Indian Pueblos.

Hodge, Gene Meany: Kachina Tales From the Indian Pueblos.

13,00 €
Gaddis, Vincent H: American Indian Myths and Mysteries.

Gaddis, Vincent H: American Indian Myths and Mysteries.

8,00 €
de Angulo, Jaime: Indian Tales. Indian Folklore, Rituals, Hunting Adventures, Allegories, Tall Tales, Blessings and Curses.

de Angulo, Jaime: Indian Tales. Indian Folklore, Rituals, Hunting Adventures, Allegories, Tall..

15,00 €
McNickle, D`Arcy: Native American Tribalism. Indian Survivals and Renewals. (Published for the Institute for Race Relations, London).

McNickle, D`Arcy: Native American Tribalism. Indian Survivals and Renewals. (Published for the..

10,00 €
Ellis, Richard N. (Hrsg.): The Western American Indian. Case Studies in Tribal History.

Ellis, Richard N. (Hrsg.): The Western American Indian. Case Studies in Tribal History.

10,00 €
Books About Indians. November, 1977.

Books About Indians. November, 1977.

12,00 €
Dodsley, Robert: The œconomy of human life (translated from an Indian manuscript, written by an ancient Bramin. To which is prefixed an account of the..

Dodsley, Robert: The œconomy of human life (translated from an Indian manuscript, written by an..

67,00 €
Schriever-KLassen, Silja (Text): Bollywood : the passion of indian film and music.

Schriever-KLassen, Silja (Text): Bollywood : the passion of indian film and music.

18,00 €
Irmgard Weitlaner-Johnson: Design Motifs on Mexican Indian Textiles.

Irmgard Weitlaner-Johnson: Design Motifs on Mexican Indian Textiles.

198,88 €
Christie, Manson & Woods Ltd. ( Eds.): Important Tribal Art. The Properties of Lord Strange, The late Joseph Mueller, J. L. H. Williams, Capt. E. A. Pereira. On Tuesday, June 13, 1978. - From the contens: The Megginch Indian Relics / The Pacific / Africa.

Christie, Manson & Woods Ltd. ( Eds.): Important Tribal Art. The Properties of Lord Strange, The..

23,00 €
Asien-Pazifik-Wochen Berlin. Germany-Korea. The Smell of Indian ink Preview. Exhibition 10. Sept. 2007 - 23. Sept. 2007. Im Press- und Besucherzentrum des Bundespresseamtes
 Ohne Ort, Korea Calligraphy Association, (Oktober) 2007.

Asien Pazifik Wochen Berlin. Germany Korea. The Smell of Indian ink Preview. Exhibition 10. Sept..

28,00 €
Artikel pro Seite 48 | 96


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