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41 Artikel gefunden


Box: The PhotoBookMuseum Catalogue Box, 2014, Kettler, gebraucht, sehr gut

Box: The PhotoBookMuseum Catalogue Box, 2014, Kettler, gebraucht, sehr gut

39,99 €
Buch: Ich wäre tendenziell für ein Happy End, Mohl, Nils, 2009, Plöttner Verlag

Buch: Ich wäre tendenziell für ein Happy End, Mohl, Nils, 2009, Plöttner Verlag

16,95 €
Labour Magazine, The: The Labour Magazine. Volume 2, complete with 12 numbers, May 1923 - April 1924. Official Monthly Journal of the Labour Movement. - From the contents: The capitalist' s budget / makers of the Labour movement / Re-birth of the internat

Labour Magazine, The: The Labour Magazine. Volume 2, complete with 12 numbers, May 1923 April..

47,00 €
Sanderson, Michael (Hrsg.): The Universities in the Nineteenth Century. [= Birth of Modern Britain Series].

Sanderson, Michael (Hrsg.): The Universities in the Nineteenth Century. [= Birth of Modern Britain..

12,00 €
Hollis, Patricia (Hrsg.): Class and Conflict in Ninetheenth-Century England 1815-1850. [= Birth of Modern Britain Series].

Hollis, Patricia (Hrsg.): Class and Conflict in Ninetheenth Century England 1815 1850. [= Birth of..

15,00 €
Fleetwood The Youths Life of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ 2 Bde. 1850-70 js

Fleetwood The Youths Life of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ 2 Bde. 1850-70 js

37,60 €
Chwalisz, K.; Garfield, R. E. (Hg.): Basic Mechanisms Controlling Term and Preterm Birth. With 86 Figures. [= Ernst Schering Research Foundation Workshop 7]
 Berlin u. a., Springer, 1993.

Chwalisz, K.; Garfield, R. E. (Hg.): Basic Mechanisms Controlling Term and Preterm Birth. With 86..

10,00 €
BARTHOLINUS, Thomas: Thomæ Bartholini Vasa lymphatica, nuper Hafniæ in animantibus inventa, et hepatis exsequiæ. (Edited on the tercentary of the birth of T. Bartholinus by Vilhelm Maar, etc.).

BARTHOLINUS, Thomas: Thomæ Bartholini Vasa lymphatica, nuper Hafniæ in animantibus inventa, et..

30,00 €
15 % Rabatt
ab Einkaufswert von 10 € bei diesem Händler
Anderson, R. G. W.; Lawrence, Christopher: Science, Medicine and Dissent: Joseph Priestley (1733 - 1804). Papers celebrating the 250th anniversary of the birth of Joseph Priestley together with a catalogue of an exhibition held at the Royal Society and th

Anderson, R. G. W.; Lawrence, Christopher: Science, Medicine and Dissent: Joseph Priestley (1733..

10,00 €
Labour Party (Ed.): A Pictorial History of the Labour Party 1900 - 1975 to celebrate the seventy fifth anniversary of ist birth.

Labour Party (Ed.): A Pictorial History of the Labour Party 1900 1975 to celebrate the seventy..

17,00 €
Sachsen u.a. - Sammlung von 12 Lehr- und Geburtsbriefen 1723-1832 Briefe sf

Sachsen u.a. - Sammlung von 12 Lehr- und Geburtsbriefen 1723-1832 Briefe sf

1.149,50 €
Reinhardt, Max. - edited by George E. Wellwarth and Alfred G. Brooks: Max Reinhardt 1873 - 1973. A centennial Festschrift of memorial essays and interviews on the one hundredth anniversary of his birth.

Reinhardt, Max. edited by George E. Wellwarth and Alfred G. Brooks: Max Reinhardt 1873 1973. A..

40,00 €
Ten Doesschate Chu, Petra: Petra Ten Doesschate Chu: French Realism and the Dutch Masters. The Influence of Dutch Seventeenth-Century Painting on the Development of French Painting between 1830 and 1870.

Ten Doesschate Chu, Petra: Petra Ten Doesschate Chu: French Realism and the Dutch Masters. The..

120,00 €
Rank, Otto: The Trauma of Birth.

Rank, Otto: The Trauma of Birth.

62,00 €
Isaacs, Susan: The nursery years. The mind of the child from birth to six years.

Isaacs, Susan: The nursery years. The mind of the child from birth to six years.

16,00 €
Folia Primatologica - Volume 42, No. 1. Contents for example:Timing of Birth, Femal Reproductive Success and Infant Sex Ratio in Semifree-Ranging Barbary Macaques (Macaca sylvanus).

Folia Primatologica Volume 42, No. 1. Contents for example:Timing of Birth, Femal Reproductive..

12,00 €
Der Zoologische Garten, Band 47, 1977, Heft 1 (Beiträge und a.: Riesenotter, Ozelot, Zusammensetzung von Gayamilch, Birth of two White Rhinoceroses, Ungulaten an Gehegegräben, Reproduction of Geoffrey' s Cats, Siberian Ibex).

Der Zoologische Garten, Band 47, 1977, Heft 1 (Beiträge und a.: Riesenotter, Ozelot..

5,00 €
Hiroshige, Utagawa ( 1797 - 1858 ). - Supervised by Tadashi Kobayashi. - Edited by the Mainichi Newspapers. - photography by Paul Kodama. - Epilogue by Geore  R. Ellis: 200th anniversary of the birth of Hiroshige exhibition.

Hiroshige, Utagawa ( 1797 1858 ). Supervised by Tadashi Kobayashi. Edited by the Mainichi..

67,00 €
Kundler, Herbert: RIAS Berlin; Eine Radio-Station in einer geteilten Stadt; Programme und Menschen - Texte, Bilder, Dokumente.

Kundler, Herbert: RIAS Berlin; Eine Radio Station in einer geteilten Stadt; Programme und..

28,00 €
Morgan, Charles F: The normal development of the ovary of the Opossum from birth to maturity and its reaction to sex hormones.

Morgan, Charles F: The normal development of the ovary of the Opossum from birth to maturity and..

13,00 €
Schwickert, Gustav: Rectifications of the Birth Time. Translated by Eugene Bernay.

Schwickert, Gustav: Rectifications of the Birth Time. Translated by Eugene Bernay.

22,00 €
Thomas Kesseler. Ein Platz für Don Bosco in Velbert-Birth.

Thomas Kesseler. Ein Platz für Don Bosco in Velbert-Birth.

12,00 €
Walsh, J. E. (Ed.): Erasmus on the 500th anniversary of his birth.

Walsh, J. E. (Ed.): Erasmus on the 500th anniversary of his birth.

9,00 €
Stevenson, J. A. & R. D. Lund: A crossed parabigemino-lateral geniculate projection in rats blinded at birth., Exp. Brain Res. 45, 95-100 (1982), / Alterations of the crossed parabigeminotectal projection induced by neonatal eye removal in rats. J. Comp N

Stevenson, J. A. & R. D. Lund: A crossed parabigemino lateral geniculate projection in rats blinded..

5,00 €
Reinhardt, Max: Max Reinhardt 1873-1973., An exhibition commemorating the hundredth anniversary of his birth.

Reinhardt, Max: Max Reinhardt 1873 1973., An exhibition commemorating the hundredth anniversary of..

28,00 €
Pepley, A. R., A. I. Hermalin & J., Knodel: Birth spacing and infant mortality .. Evidence for eighteenth and nineteenth century german villages.

Pepley, A. R., A. I. Hermalin & J., Knodel: Birth spacing and infant mortality .. Evidence for..

4,00 €
Panter-Brick, Catherine: Lactation, birth-spacing and maternal work-loads among two casts in rural  Napal.

Panter Brick, Catherine: Lactation, birth spacing and maternal work loads among two casts in rural..

4,00 €
ALVAREZ-BUYLLA, A., Theelen, M., Nottenbohm, F: Birth of projection neurons in the higher vocal center of the canaty forebrain bevore, during and after song learning.

ALVAREZ BUYLLA, A., Theelen, M., Nottenbohm, F: Birth of projection neurons in the higher vocal..

4,00 €
Kaplan, B. A., C. G. N. Mascie-Tayylor & J. Boldsen: Birth order and halth status in a british national sample.

Kaplan, B. A., C. G. N. Mascie Tayylor & J. Boldsen: Birth order and halth status in a british..

5,00 €
Joubert, Kalman: Size at birth and some sociodemographic factors in Gypsies in Hungary.,.

Joubert, Kalman: Size at birth and some sociodemographic factors in Gypsies in Hungary.,.

4,00 €
JEN, L. S: JEN, L. S., So, K. F., Woo, H. H. , An anterograde HRP study of the retinocollicular pathways in normal hamsters and hamsters with one eye enucleated at birth. Brain Res. 294, 169-173 (1984) , Obr., [SD12]. //  JEN, L. S., So, F.K., Yew, D. T.,

JEN, L. S: JEN, L. S., So, K. F., Woo, H. H. , An anterograde HRP study of the retinocollicular..

7,00 €
Buber, Martin: Martin Buber. The 100th anniversary of his birth.

Buber, Martin: Martin Buber. The 100th anniversary of his birth.

4,00 €
Höberg, U., & S. Wall: Reproductive mortality and ist relation to different methods of birth control.

Höberg, U., & S. Wall: Reproductive mortality and ist relation to different methods of birth..

4,00 €
HEUMANN, D: Postnatal development of the visual cortex of the mouse after enucleation at birth.

HEUMANN, D: Postnatal development of the visual cortex of the mouse after enucleation at birth.

4,00 €
Gould, Elizabeth & Bruce S. McEween: Neuronal birth and death.

Gould, Elizabeth & Bruce S. McEween: Neuronal birth and death.

4,00 €
Fuster, V: Seasonality of birth and family characteristics in a Spanish population.

Fuster, V: Seasonality of birth and family characteristics in a Spanish population.

4,00 €
FARID-AHMED, A. K. M: FARID-AHMED, A. K. M., Dong, K., Yamadori, T., A retrograde-double labeling study of uni- and bilaterally projecting retinal ganglion cells that project to the superior colliculi after unilateral eye removal at birth in the albino ra

FARID AHMED, A. K. M: FARID AHMED, A. K. M., Dong, K., Yamadori, T., A retrograde double labeling..

5,00 €
DRÄGER, U. C: Observations in the organization of the visual cortex in the reeler mouse. J. Comp. Neurol. 201, 555 570 (1981)., Obr..

DRÄGER, U. C: Observations in the organization of the visual cortex in the reeler mouse. J. Comp..

5,00 €
Desjardins, B., A. Bideau., E. Hayer & G. Brunet: Intervals between marriage and first birth in mothers and dautghters.,.

Desjardins, B., A. Bideau., E. Hayer & G. Brunet: Intervals between marriage and first birth in..

4,00 €
Dankert, G., & J. Van Ginneken: Birth weight and other determinants of infant and child mortality in three provinces of China.

Dankert, G., & J. Van Ginneken: Birth weight and other determinants of infant and child mortality..

4,00 €
McKenna, Nancy Durrell: Birth. A Unique Visual Record-14 Different Births in Hospital, at Home, Caesarian, Epidural, Breech, Twins.

McKenna, Nancy Durrell: Birth. A Unique Visual Record 14 Different Births in Hospital, at Home..

14,00 €
Artikel pro Seite 48 | 96


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