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121 Artikel gefunden


Asien-pazifik-Wochen Berlin. 2009. Germany-Korea. The Smell of Indian ink Preview. Exhibition 2. Oct. 2009 _ 16. Oct. 2009. Im Press- und Besucherzentrum des Bundespresseamtes
 Ohne Ort, Korea Calligraphy Association, (Oktober) 2009.

Asien pazifik Wochen Berlin. 2009. Germany Korea. The Smell of Indian ink Preview. Exhibition 2..

28,00 €
Indian Construction News.

Indian Construction News.

85,00 €
Powder Metallurgy and Material Strengthening
 Proceedings of the international Symposium, sponsored by Indian Institute, Kharagpur, India.

Powder Metallurgy and Material Strengthening Proceedings of the international Symposium, sponsored..

225,00 €
Wright, Ronald: Stolen Continents - The 'New Word' Through Indian Eyes.

Wright, Ronald: Stolen Continents - The 'New Word' Through Indian Eyes.

7,90 €
Grewal, Bikram: Birds of the Indian subcontinent.

Grewal, Bikram: Birds of the Indian subcontinent.

7,90 €
Butalia, Urvashi und Ritu Menon (Herausgeber): In Other Words - New Writing By Indian Woman.

Butalia, Urvashi und Ritu Menon (Herausgeber): In Other Words - New Writing By Indian Woman.

7,90 €
Kopit, Arthur L. and Israel Horovitz, John Guare and Charles Dizeno: Off-Broadway Plays Volume One - Vol. 1: Oh Dad, poor dad, mamma's hung you in the closet and I'm feeling so sad / Arthur L. Kopit. The Indian wants the Bronx , It's called the sugar plum

Kopit, Arthur L. and Israel Horovitz, John Guare and Charles Dizeno: Off Broadway Plays Volume..

7,90 €
Indian Women (Contemporary Writing by): Truth Tales 2: The Slate of Life.

Indian Women (Contemporary Writing by): Truth Tales 2: The Slate of Life.

7,90 €
Devi, Sudarshhana: WRHASPATI-TATTWA an old Javanese philosophical text critically edited and annotated. Proefschr. [Diss.] letteren, Univ. Utrecht 1957.

Devi, Sudarshhana: WRHASPATI TATTWA an old Javanese philosophical text critically edited and..

27,00 €
Küpper, Joachim / Klaus W. Hempfer / Erika Fischer-Lichte (Eds.): Religion and Society in the 21st Century.

Küpper, Joachim / Klaus W. Hempfer / Erika Fischer Lichte (Eds.): Religion and Society in the 21st..

42,00 €
Ritusamhara. - Manirama. - Narayana Balakrishna Godabole, Wasudeva Laxmana Panasikar and Bhalchandra S. Devasthali: The Ritusamhara of Kalidasa. With the commentary (the chandrika) of Manirama. Edited with explanatory notes by Narayana Balakrishna Godabol

Ritusamhara. Manirama. Narayana Balakrishna Godabole, Wasudeva Laxmana Panasikar and..

87,00 €
Sotheby & Co., London (Ed.): Catalogue of  valuable printed books illuminated and other manuscripts, autograph letters, Persian and Indian Miniatures, etc.  Days of Sale July 20th - July 22nd 1936. Illustrated  catalogue.

Sotheby & Co., London (Ed.): Catalogue of valuable printed books illuminated and other..

13,00 €
Dumont, Louis / D. Pocock (Eds.): Contributions to Indian Sociology.  No. IV. (Ecole Pratique des Hautes Études, Vie Section - Paris / Institute of Social Anthropology - Oxford).

Dumont, Louis / D. Pocock (Eds.): Contributions to Indian Sociology. No. IV. (Ecole Pratique des..

23,00 €
Flag Research Center / Whitney Smith (Ed.): Report of the  12 th International Congress of Vexillology. (The Flag Bulletin, No. 130  January-August 1989, Volume XXVII, Nos. 1-4).

Flag Research Center / Whitney Smith (Ed.): Report of the 12 th International Congress of..

52,00 €
Indian Chambers: Die Entwicklung der Privatindustrien innerhalb der Fuenfjahresplaene. Herausgeber: Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry. Federation House, New Delhi.

Indian Chambers: Die Entwicklung der Privatindustrien innerhalb der Fuenfjahresplaene. Herausgeber:..

13,00 €
Rapson, E. J: Indian Coins.

Rapson, E. J: Indian Coins.

14,00 €
Adam, H.L: The Indian Criminal.

Adam, H.L: The Indian Criminal.

23,00 €
Indien. - Watson, J. Forbes: The International Exhibition of 1862. A Classified Descriptive Catalogue of the Indian Department. Printed for Her Majesty's Commissioners.

Indien. Watson, J. Forbes: The International Exhibition of 1862. A Classified Descriptive..

232,00 €
Meldrum, C: Notes on the form of Cyclones in the Southern Indian Ocean, and on some of the rules given for avoiding their centres. Published by the Authority of the Meteorological Committee.

Meldrum, C: Notes on the form of Cyclones in the Southern Indian Ocean, and on some of the rules..

27,00 €
Jenks, Albert Ernest: Indian-White amalgamation an anthropometric study. The University of Minnesota, Studies in the social sciences, 6.

Jenks, Albert Ernest: Indian White amalgamation an anthropometric study. The University of..

15,00 €
Tanner, Clara Lee: Southwest Indian Painting, a changing art. 2nd edition.

Tanner, Clara Lee: Southwest Indian Painting, a changing art. 2nd edition.

30,00 €
Deming, Edwin Willard: Indian child life. With numerous full-page colour-plates after paintings in water-colour, together with illustrations in black-and-white, ... and with new stories by Therese O. Deming. Renewed and extended.

Deming, Edwin Willard: Indian child life. With numerous full page colour plates after paintings in..

55,00 €
Buch: Ritual, Caste, and Religion in Colonial South India, Bergunder, Michael

Buch: Ritual, Caste, and Religion in Colonial South India, Bergunder, Michael

18,64 €
Bittner, Regina sowie Kathrin Rhomberg (Herausgeberinnen): The Bauhaus in Calcutta: An Encounter of Cosmopolitan Avant-Gardes - aus der Reihe: Edition Bauhaus - Band: 36.

Bittner, Regina sowie Kathrin Rhomberg (Herausgeberinnen): The Bauhaus in Calcutta: An Encounter of..

75,00 €
Indian Legacy: Native American Influences on World Life and Culture

Indian Legacy: Native American Influences on World Life and Culture

5,00 €
Feest, Christian F. (Ed.): Studies in American Indian Art. A Memorial tribute to Norman Feder.

Feest, Christian F. (Ed.): Studies in American Indian Art. A Memorial tribute to Norman Feder.

42,00 €
Frazier, Betty (Ed.): Four.

Frazier, Betty (Ed.): Four.

120,00 €
Narayan, R. K: The Mahabharata. A shortened modern Prose Version of the indian Epic.

Narayan, R. K: The Mahabharata. A shortened modern Prose Version of the indian Epic.

13,00 €
South Asian Digest of Regional Writing - Vol. 1 - Features of Localization in Contemporary Indian Fiction

South Asian Digest of Regional Writing Vol. 1 Features of Localization in Contemporary Indian..

19,50 €
Pechar, Peter / Prior, Chris / Parkinson, Brian: Mitre shells from the Pacific and Indian oceans.

Pechar, Peter / Prior, Chris / Parkinson, Brian: Mitre shells from the Pacific and Indian oceans.

40,00 €
Mosteller, John F: The measure of form. A new approach for the study of Indian sculpture.

Mosteller, John F: The measure of form. A new approach for the study of Indian sculpture.

30,00 €
Martin, D[enys] R: Numbers in early Indian cancellations. 1855-1884.

Martin, D[enys] R: Numbers in early Indian cancellations. 1855-1884.

42,00 €
Steinkellner, Ernst: Early Indian Epistemology and Logic: Fragments from Jinendrabuddhi's Pramanasamuccayatika 1 and 2. (= Studia Philologica Buddhica. Monograph Series XXXV).

Steinkellner, Ernst: Early Indian Epistemology and Logic: Fragments from Jinendrabuddhi's..

87,00 €
Indian Publishing since Independence.

Indian Publishing since Independence.

15,00 €
Introduction to the Handbook of American Indian Languages

Introduction to the Handbook of American Indian Languages

15,00 €
Women in Indian Reilgions.

Women in Indian Reilgions.

15,00 €
Indien in der Gegenwart. Band I. Nummer 2-4. Dezember 1996. Zeitschrift des Indian Council for Cultural Relations.

Indien in der Gegenwart. Band I. Nummer 2 4. Dezember 1996. Zeitschrift des Indian Council for..

5,00 €
Der Zoologische Garten, Band 48, 1978, Heft 5/6 (Beiträge und a.: Breeding Behavior in Captive Indian Rhinoceros, Schwarzfußkatzen, Ernährung des Rotfuchses, Geburten Asiatischer Elefanten, Fortpflanzungsbiologie..

Der Zoologische Garten, Band 48, 1978, Heft 5/6 (Beiträge und a.: Breeding Behavior in Captive..

10,00 €
The book of Indian Birds.

The book of Indian Birds.

4,50 €
Birds and Animals in Indian Art and Crafts (Second Edition).

Birds and Animals in Indian Art and Crafts (Second Edition).

30,00 €
Birds and Animals in Indian Art and Crafts.

Birds and Animals in Indian Art and Crafts.

30,00 €
The Gita: Amar Chitra Katha (Vol. 505).

The Gita: Amar Chitra Katha (Vol. 505).

11,00 €
Encyclopaedic. Profile of Indian Tribes (Vol. I - IV).

Encyclopaedic. Profile of Indian Tribes (Vol. I - IV).

80,00 €
Indien in der Gegenwart. Band II. Nummer 3. 1997. Zeitschrift des Indian Council for Cultural Relations.

Indien in der Gegenwart. Band II. Nummer 3. 1997. Zeitschrift des Indian Council for Cultural..

5,00 €
Indien in der Gegenwart. Band I. Nummer 2. Mai-Juli 1996. Zeitschrift des Indian Council for Cultural Relations.

Indien in der Gegenwart. Band I. Nummer 2. Mai Juli 1996. Zeitschrift des Indian Council for..

6,00 €
Der Zoologische Garten, Band 23, 1957, Heft 1-6 (Beiträge u.a.: Analysis of Camel's Milk, The horn of the Indian Rhinoceros unicornis, Breeding of Orang-Utans).

Der Zoologische Garten, Band 23, 1957, Heft 1 6 (Beiträge u.a.: Analysis of Camel's Milk, The horn..

35,00 €
Pavo: The Indian Journal of Ornithology, Vol 8, Nos. 1&2 (March - September 1970).

Pavo: The Indian Journal of Ornithology, Vol 8, Nos. 1&2 (March - September 1970).

15,00 €
Bibliography of Indian Zoology: Volume 31.

Bibliography of Indian Zoology: Volume 31.

20,00 €
Artikel pro Seite 48 | 96


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