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87 Artikel gefunden


2 Handbücher Mercedes-Benz Modellreihe 123 Taxi Sonderausführung 1xMotor 1984

2 Handbücher Mercedes-Benz Modellreihe 123 Taxi Sonderausführung 1xMotor 1984

79,00 €
Deutsches Reich KDF Wagen Technik Betrieb Motor Bremsen Licht Handbuch 1938

Deutsches Reich KDF Wagen Technik Betrieb Motor Bremsen Licht Handbuch 1938

320,00 €
Bugatti. - Conway, Hugh, Maurice Sauzay: Bugatti Magnum.

Bugatti. - Conway, Hugh, Maurice Sauzay: Bugatti Magnum.

400,00 €
Bayern Augsburg Nürnberg 100 Jahre Maschinen Fabrik Geschichte Festschrift 1940

Bayern Augsburg Nürnberg 100 Jahre Maschinen Fabrik Geschichte Festschrift 1940

24,00 €
Krupp Fahrzeug-Dieselmotor Ersatzteilliste Motor 50101-51150 (um 1920) Automobil

Krupp Fahrzeug-Dieselmotor Ersatzteilliste Motor 50101-51150 (um 1920) Automobil

59,00 €
Prospekt Motorschiffe "Saturnia" und "Vulcania" -Atlantik Kreuzfahrt um 1935 xz

Prospekt Motorschiffe "Saturnia" und "Vulcania" -Atlantik Kreuzfahrt um 1935 xz

25,00 €
Gilbert, C. W. // Muenscher, W. C. // Knott, J. E. // Price, Walter V. and Whitaker, Randall // Herrick, Glenn W. // Knott, J. E. // Canon, Helen: Gilbert, C. W.: Motor Trucks on New York Farms. (Bulletin 507: p. 1-55) // Muenscher, W. C.: Lead-Arsenate E

Gilbert, C. W. // Muenscher, W. C. // Knott, J. E. // Price, Walter V. and Whitaker, Randall //..

47,00 €
Rossi-Durabd, C. & K. E. Sorensen: Use of the fluorescent retrograde tracer, granula blue, in crustacean motor system studies.

Rossi Durabd, C. & K. E. Sorensen: Use of the fluorescent retrograde tracer, granula blue, in..

4,00 €
Kreis, Thomas & Ronald Vale: Guidebook to the cytoskeletal and motor proteins.

Kreis, Thomas & Ronald Vale: Guidebook to the cytoskeletal and motor proteins.

12,00 €
Ariens-Kappers, C.U: The migrations of the motor cells of the bulbar Trigeminus, Abducens and Facialis in the series of vertebrates, and the differences in the course of their root-fibres.

Ariens Kappers, C.U: The migrations of the motor cells of the bulbar Trigeminus, Abducens and..

4,00 €
Unischewski, Wladimir (Oberleutnant): Wettlauf mit der GPU..

Unischewski, Wladimir (Oberleutnant): Wettlauf mit der GPU..

40,00 €
Serrano, Miguel: Das goldene Band; Esoterische Hitlerismus.

Serrano, Miguel: Das goldene Band; Esoterische Hitlerismus.

420,00 €
Ziermann, Ulf, F. Meintzschel, A. Korschounov & T.V. Ilic: Pharmacological modulation of plasticity in the human motor cortex.

Ziermann, Ulf, F. Meintzschel, A. Korschounov & T.V. Ilic: Pharmacological modulation of plasticity..

4,00 €
Travers, J. B. & R. Norgren: Afferent projections to the oral motor nuclei in the rat.

Travers, J. B. & R. Norgren: Afferent projections to the oral motor nuclei in the rat.

4,00 €
LaVail, J. H: Anterograde axonal transport of 125I wheat germ agglutinin by motor neurons innervating the rat lateral rectus muscle.

LaVail, J. H: Anterograde axonal transport of 125I wheat germ agglutinin by motor neurons..

4,00 €
Kimberley, T.I., G. Kandekar, L.L. Skraba, J. A. Spencer, E. A.Vam Gorp & S. R.Walker: Neural substrates for motor imagery  in severe hemiparesis.

Kimberley, T.I., G. Kandekar, L.L. Skraba, J. A. Spencer, E. A.Vam Gorp & S. R.Walker: Neural..

4,00 €
Rost, R: Das Herz. Motor des Körpers.

Rost, R: Das Herz. Motor des Körpers.

4,00 €
Vidal, Francesca ( Herausgeberin).   Beiträge: Gert Ueding / Volker Friedrich u. a: Rhetorik und Utopie ( = Rhetorik, Band 39 )..

Vidal, Francesca ( Herausgeberin). Beiträge: Gert Ueding / Volker Friedrich u. a: Rhetorik und..

47,00 €
Sharp, F. R., & M. F. Gonzalez: Adult rat motor cortex connections to thalamus following neonatal and juvenile frontal cortical lesions. WGA-HRP and amino acid studies.

Sharp, F. R., & M. F. Gonzalez: Adult rat motor cortex connections to thalamus following neonatal..

4,00 €
MCLEAN, J. H., Hopkins, D. A: Ultrastructural identification of labeled neurons in the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve following injections of HRP into the vagus nerve and brainstem.

MCLEAN, J. H., Hopkins, D. A: Ultrastructural identification of labeled neurons in the dorsal motor..

4,00 €
DeFelipe, J., M. Cnley & E. G. Jones: Long-range focal collateralization of axons ariding from coortcocortical cells in mokey sensory-motor cortex.

DeFelipe, J., M. Cnley & E. G. Jones: Long range focal collateralization of axons ariding from..

4,00 €
NSKK: Poststempel-Abdruck: Hohenstein-Ernstthal, 8.8.37. N.S.K.K.-Motor-Brigade Sachsen. Großer Preis von Deutschland.

NSKK: Poststempel Abdruck: Hohenstein Ernstthal, 8.8.37. N.S.K.K. Motor Brigade Sachsen. Großer..

30,00 €
BRAENDGAARD, H., Sidenius, P: The retrograde fast component of axonal transport in motor and sensory nerves of the rat during administration of 2,5-hexanedione.

BRAENDGAARD, H., Sidenius, P: The retrograde fast component of axonal transport in motor and..

4,00 €
UGOLINI, G: Specifity of rabies virus as a transneuronal tracer of motor networks. Transfer from hypoglossal motoneurons to connected second-order and higher order central nervous system cell groups.

UGOLINI, G: Specifity of rabies virus as a transneuronal tracer of motor networks. Transfer from..

4,00 €
SCHNEIDER, J. S., Manetto, C., Lidsky, T. I: Substantia nigra projection to medullary reticular formation. Relevance to oculomotor and related motor functions in the cat.

SCHNEIDER, J. S., Manetto, C., Lidsky, T. I: Substantia nigra projection to medullary reticular..

4,00 €
Glicksman, M. A. & J. R.Sanes: Differentiation of motor nerve terminals gormed in the absence of muscle fibres.

Glicksman, M. A. & J. R.Sanes: Differentiation of motor nerve terminals gormed in the absence of..

4,00 €
Robinson, D.A: Is the oculomotor system a cartoon of motor conzrol?.

Robinson, D.A: Is the oculomotor system a cartoon of motor conzrol?.

4,00 €
Schell, H.R., & P. L. Strick: The origi of thalamic iputs to the rcuate premotor and supplementary motor areas.

Schell, H.R., & P. L. Strick: The origi of thalamic iputs to the rcuate premotor and supplementary..

4,00 €
Fritz,N., M. Iller, P. Saggau: Location of dorsal  interosseus motor nuclei i the cat.

Fritz,N., M. Iller, P. Saggau: Location of dorsal interosseus motor nuclei i the cat.

4,00 €
DULHUNTY, A. F., Gage, P. W., Valois, A. V: Upper motor neurone modulation of the structure of the terminal cisternae in rat skeletal muscle fibers.

DULHUNTY, A. F., Gage, P. W., Valois, A. V: Upper motor neurone modulation of the structure of the..

4,00 €
DROGE, M. H., Leonard, R. B: Organization of spinal motor nuclei in the Stringray, Dasyatis sabina.

DROGE, M. H., Leonard, R. B: Organization of spinal motor nuclei in the Stringray, Dasyatis sabina.

4,00 €
DONOGHUE, J. P., Kitai, S. T: A collateral pathway to the neostriatum from corticofugal neurons of the rat sensory-motor cortex. An intracellular HRP study.

DONOGHUE, J. P., Kitai, S. T: A collateral pathway to the neostriatum from corticofugal neurons of..

4,00 €
Lemon, R.N.., & J. Van der Burg: Short-latency periperal inputs to thalamic neurones projecting to the motor cortex in the monkey.

Lemon, R.N.., & J. Van der Burg: Short latency periperal inputs to thalamic neurones projecting to..

4,00 €
Nimchinsky, E. A., P. R. Hof., W, G., Young & J. M. Morrison: Neurohemical, morphologic, and laminar characterization of cortical projection neurons in the cingulate motor areas of the Macaque Monkey.

Nimchinsky, E. A., P. R. Hof., W, G., Young & J. M. Morrison: Neurohemical, morphologic, and..

4,00 €
ILLERT, M., Fritz, N., Aschoff, A., Holländer, H: Fluorescent compounds as retrograde tracers compared with HRP. II. A. parametric study in the peripheral motor system of the cat.

ILLERT, M., Fritz, N., Aschoff, A., Holländer, H: Fluorescent compounds as retrograde tracers..

4,00 €
KOSAR, E., Waters, R. S., Tuskahara, N., Asanuma, H: Anatomical and physiological properties of the projection from the sensory cortex to the motor cortex in normal cats. the difference between corticocortical and thalamocortical projections.

KOSAR, E., Waters, R. S., Tuskahara, N., Asanuma, H: Anatomical and physiological properties of the..

4,00 €
CHIBUZO, G. A., Cummings, J. F: An enzyme tracer study of the organization of the somatic motor center for the innervation of different muscles of the tongue. Evidence for two sources.

CHIBUZO, G. A., Cummings, J. F: An enzyme tracer study of the organization of the somatic motor..

4,00 €
LETINSKY, M. S: Staining normal and eperimental motor nerve terminals with tetrazolium salts.

LETINSKY, M. S: Staining normal and eperimental motor nerve terminals with tetrazolium salts.

4,00 €
MCGEORGE, A. J., Faull, R. L. M: The organization  and collateralization of corticostriate neurones in the motor and sensory cortex of the rat brain.

MCGEORGE, A. J., Faull, R. L. M: The organization and collateralization of corticostriate neurones..

4,00 €
Ruzicka, Karel: Tschechoslowakische Motor-Revue., 16. Jahrgang 1970,  Heft  12.

Ruzicka, Karel: Tschechoslowakische Motor-Revue., 16. Jahrgang 1970, Heft 12.

8,00 €
Ruzicka, Karel: Tschechoslowakische Motor-Revue., 15. Jahrgang 1969,  Heft 2, 10, 11, 12.

Ruzicka, Karel: Tschechoslowakische Motor-Revue., 15. Jahrgang 1969, Heft 2, 10, 11, 12.

26,00 €
Ruzicka, Karel: Tschechoslowakische Motor-Revue., 14. Jahrgang 1968,  Heft 8.

Ruzicka, Karel: Tschechoslowakische Motor-Revue., 14. Jahrgang 1968, Heft 8.

8,00 €
Porter, L. L. & E. L. White: Synaptic connections of callosal projection neurons in the vibrissl region of mouse primary motor cortex. An electron microscopic / HRP study.

Porter, L. L. & E. L. White: Synaptic connections of callosal projection neurons in the vibrissl..

4,00 €
Rolls-Royce: Rolls-Royce motor cars.

Rolls-Royce: Rolls-Royce motor cars.

26,00 €
Ralston, Diane Cornelia D: Red nucleus of Macaca fascicularis. An electron microscopic study of ist synaptic organization in relation to afferent and efferent connectivity and proposal for the role of the Red nucleus in motor mechanisms.

Ralston, Diane Cornelia D: Red nucleus of Macaca fascicularis. An electron microscopic study of ist..

16,00 €
Mu, X, J. He, D. W. Anderson, J. Q. Trojanowski & J. E. Springer: Altered expression of Bcl-2 and bax mRNA in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis spinal cord motor neurons.

Mu, X, J. He, D. W. Anderson, J. Q. Trojanowski & J. E. Springer: Altered expression of Bcl 2 and..

4,00 €
Yahr, Melvin D., & Dominick P. Purpura: Neurophysiological basis of normal and abnormal motor activities.

Yahr, Melvin D., & Dominick P. Purpura: Neurophysiological basis of normal and abnormal motor..

12,00 €
YEOW, M. B. L., Peterson, E. H: organization of motor pools supplying the cervical musculature in a Crytpodyran Turtle, Pseudemys scripta elegans. II. Medial motor nucleus and muscles supplied by two motor nuclei.

YEOW, M. B. L., Peterson, E. H: organization of motor pools supplying the cervical musculature in a..

4,00 €
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