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87 Artikel gefunden


Yan, Q,, J. Elliot & W. D. Snider: Brain-derived neurotrophic factor rescues spinal motor neurons from axotomy-induced cell death.

Yan, Q,, J. Elliot & W. D. Snider: Brain derived neurotrophic factor rescues spinal motor neurons..

4,00 €
MOODY, S. A., Heaton, M. B: Morphology of migrating trigeminal motor neuroblasts as revealed by HRP retrograde labeling techniques.

MOODY, S. A., Heaton, M. B: Morphology of migrating trigeminal motor neuroblasts as revealed by HRP..

4,00 €
WIESENDANGER, M: WIESENDANGER, M., Initiation of volunatry movements and the supplementary motor area. Exp. Brain Res. Series 15, H. Heuer & C. Fromm (Eds.)., Springer, Berlin 1986, pp. 3-13, Obr.,  [WES141]., // ROUILLER, E. M., Babalian, A., Kazennikov,

WIESENDANGER, M: WIESENDANGER, M., Initiation of volunatry movements and the supplementary motor..

5,00 €
Vraa-Jensen, Gustav F: The motor nucleus of the facial nerve with a survey of the efferent innervation of the facial mucles.

Vraa Jensen, Gustav F: The motor nucleus of the facial nerve with a survey of the efferent..

4,00 €
DALE, S. M., Kuang, R. Z., Wie, X., Varon, S: Corticospinal motor neurons in the adult rat. Degeneration after intracortical axotomy and protection by ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF).

DALE, S. M., Kuang, R. Z., Wie, X., Varon, S: Corticospinal motor neurons in the adult rat..

4,00 €
SPARKS, D. L., Jay, M. F: The functional organization of the primate superior colliculus. A motor perspective.

SPARKS, D. L., Jay, M. F: The functional organization of the primate superior colliculus. A motor..

4,00 €
Shaffer, Wilson G: Alertness and motor abilities of athletes and non-atletes.

Shaffer, Wilson G: Alertness and motor abilities of athletes and non-atletes.

29,00 €
Schwindt, Peter C: Control of motoneuron output by pathways descending from the brain stem.

Schwindt, Peter C: Control of motoneuron output by pathways descending from the brain stem.

4,00 €
SCHULLER, G., R. Ruebsamen: Laryngeal nerve activity during pulse emission in the CF-FM bat, Rhinolophus ferrumequinum. I. Superior laryngeal nerve  (Externmal motor branch).

SCHULLER, G., R. Ruebsamen: Laryngeal nerve activity during pulse emission in the CF FM bat..

4,00 €
Sawyer, Steven F., S.J.Young & P,M. Groves: Quantitative golgi study of anatomically identified subdivisions of motor thalamus in the rat.

Sawyer, Steven F., S.J.Young & P,M. Groves: Quantitative golgi study of anatomically identified..

4,00 €
Sakai, S, T: The thalamic connectivity of the primary motor cortex (MI) in the  Raccoon.

Sakai, S, T: The thalamic connectivity of the primary motor cortex (MI) in the Raccoon.

4,00 €
Aschoff, J. & U. Von Saint Paul: Brain temperature as related to gross motor activity in the unanesthetized chicken.

Aschoff, J. & U. Von Saint Paul: Brain temperature as related to gross motor activity in the..

4,00 €
Schultz, W., A. Ruffieux & P. Aebischer: The activity of pars compacta neurons of the Monkey substantia nigra in relationto motor activation.

Schultz, W., A. Ruffieux & P. Aebischer: The activity of pars compacta neurons of the Monkey..

4,00 €
Overschmidt/Gliewe: Fuehrerschein AA1 fuer Segler mit Motor. Mit offiziellem Fragenkatalog.

Overschmidt/Gliewe: Fuehrerschein AA1 fuer Segler mit Motor. Mit offiziellem Fragenkatalog.

4,00 €
DEUEL, R. K: Loss of motor habits after cortical lesions..

DEUEL, R. K: Loss of motor habits after cortical lesions..

4,00 €
MILLER. M. W: VOGT, B. A.-, Miller, M. W., Cortical connections between rat cingulate cortex and visual, motor, and postsubicular cortices. J. Comp Neurol. 216, 192-210 (1983)., Obr.,  [WES93].,. //  MILLER, M. W., B. A. Vogt, Heterotopic and homotopic ca

MILLER. M. W: VOGT, B. A. , Miller, M. W., Cortical connections between rat cingulate cortex and..

5,00 €
LABANDEIRA-GARCIA, J. L: LABANDEIRA-GARCIA, J. L., Guerra-Sejas, M. J., Labanda-Garcia, J. A., The abducens motor and internuclear neurons in the barrirt. Retrograde HRP and double fluorescent labeling., Brain Res. 30097, 305-31300 (1989)., Obr.,  [SD202]

LABANDEIRA GARCIA, J. L: LABANDEIRA GARCIA, J. L., Guerra Sejas, M. J., Labanda Garcia, J. A., The..

4,00 €
KUGELBERG, E: KUGELBERG, E. Injury activity and trigger zones in Human nerves. Brain 69, 310-325 (1946) Obr., [SD50]. / KUGELBERG, E- Skoglund, C. R. Responses of single human motor units to electrical stimulation J. Neurophysiol. 9, 391-398 (1936) , Obr.

KUGELBERG, E: KUGELBERG, E. Injury activity and trigger zones in Human nerves. Brain 69, 310 325..

5,00 €
KREUTZBERG, G. W: KREUTZBERG, G. W. & K. D. Barron., 5'-nucleotidase of microglial cells in the facial nucleus during axonal reaction. J. Neurocytol. 7, 601-610 (1978),obr.,  [SD55]. //   KREUTZBERG, G. W., H. Emmert. Glucose utilization of motor nuclei d

KREUTZBERG, G. W: KREUTZBERG, G. W. & K. D. Barron., 5' nucleotidase of microglial cells in the..

7,00 €
Kimmel, Donald L: Differentiation of the bulbar motor nuclei and the coincident development of associated root fibers in the rabbit.,).

Kimmel, Donald L: Differentiation of the bulbar motor nuclei and the coincident development of..

4,00 €
KEMPLAY, S: KEMPLAY, S., Cavanagh,. J. B., Bilateral innervation of the anterior digastric muscle by trigeminal motor neurons., J. Anat. 136, 417-423 (1983)., Obr.,    [WES57]..,.,// KEMPLAY, S. K., Webster, K. E., A qualitative and quantiative analysis o

KEMPLAY, S: KEMPLAY, S., Cavanagh,. J. B., Bilateral innervation of the anterior digastric muscle..

5,00 €
KANG, Y., Kayano, F: Electrophysiological and morphological characteristics of Layer VI pyramidal cells in cat motor cortex-.

KANG, Y., Kayano, F: Electrophysiological and morphological characteristics of Layer VI pyramidal..

4,00 €
ICHIKAWA, M: ICHIKAWA, M., Arissian, K.,  Asanuma, H., Reorganization of the projection from the sensory cortex to the motor cortex in cats., Golgi, electron microscope and degeneration study.-, Brain Res. 30037, 131-13001 (1987)., Obr.,  [SD202].., //  I

ICHIKAWA, M: ICHIKAWA, M., Arissian, K., Asanuma, H., Reorganization of the projection from the..

4,00 €
HOUSER, C. R., Hendry, S. H. C-. Jones, E. G-., Vaughn,  J. E: Morphological diversity of immunocytochemically identified GABA neurons in the monkey sensory-motor cortex.

HOUSER, C. R., Hendry, S. H. C . Jones, E. G ., Vaughn, J. E: Morphological diversity of..

4,00 €
FITZGERALD, M. J. T: COMERFORD, P. T., Fitzgerald, M. J. T., Motor innervation of rodent diaphragm. J. Anat. 13009, 171-175 (1986)., Obr.,  [SD101]..,// FITZGERALD, M. J. T., Comerford, P. T., Tuffery, A. R. , Sources of innervation of the neuromuscular s

FITZGERALD, M. J. T: COMERFORD, P. T., Fitzgerald, M. J. T., Motor innervation of rodent diaphragm..

5,00 €
Dinopoulos, A., A. N. Karamanlidis, G.Papadopoulos, J. Antomopoulos & H. Michaloudi: Thalamic projections to motor, prefrontal, and somatosensory cortex in Sheep, studied by means of HRP retrograde transport methode.

Dinopoulos, A., A. N. Karamanlidis, G.Papadopoulos, J. Antomopoulos & H. Michaloudi: Thalamic..

4,00 €
CREUTZFELDT, O. D., Eccles, J. C., Frommn, C., Wiesendanger, M. (Eds.): Cerebral events in voluntary movement. The supplementary motor and premotor areas.

CREUTZFELDT, O. D., Eccles, J. C., Frommn, C., Wiesendanger, M. (Eds.): Cerebral events in..

4,00 €
Cannone, Alberto J., & B. M. H. Bush: Reflexes mediated by non-impulsive afferent neurones of thoracic coxal muscle receptor organs in the crab, Carcinus maenas., III. Positive feedback to the receptor muscle.,  IV. Motor activation of the receptor muscle

Cannone, Alberto J., & B. M. H. Bush: Reflexes mediated by non impulsive afferent neurones of..

6,00 €
BROWN, M. C: BROWN, M. C., Fiber pathways and branching patterns of biocytin-labeled olivocochlear neurons in the mouse bbrainstem. J. Comp. Neuol. 337, 600_613 (1993).., // BROWN, M. C., Perry, V. H., Hunt,. S. P., Lapper, S. R., Further studies on motor

BROWN, M. C: BROWN, M. C., Fiber pathways and branching patterns of biocytin labeled olivocochlear..

5,00 €
BRADY, S., T: A novel brain ATPase with properties expected for the fast axonal  transport motor.

BRADY, S., T: A novel brain ATPase with properties expected for the fast axonal transport motor.

4,00 €
Barbas-Henry, Helen S: The motor nuclei and primary projections of the facial nerve in the Monitor Lizard Varanus exanthematicus.

Barbas Henry, Helen S: The motor nuclei and primary projections of the facial nerve in the Monitor..

4,00 €
Anonymus: Verbrennungsmotoren., Aufbau und Funktionsweise eines Motors mit innerer Verbrennung.

Anonymus: Verbrennungsmotoren., Aufbau und Funktionsweise eines Motors mit innerer Verbrennung.

16,00 €
Hongo, T., A. Lundberg, C. G. Phillips, & R. F. Thompson: The pattern of monosynaptic Ia-connections to hindlimb motor nuclei in the baboon. A comparison with the cat.

Hongo, T., A. Lundberg, C. G. Phillips, & R. F. Thompson: The pattern of monosynaptic Ia..

4,00 €
BORNSCHLEGL, N., Asanuma, H: Importance of the projection from the sensory to the motor cortex for recovery of motor function following partial thalamic lesion in the monkey.

BORNSCHLEGL, N., Asanuma, H: Importance of the projection from the sensory to the motor cortex for..

4,00 €
ASANUMA, H: ASANUMA, H., Kosar, E., Tsukahara, N., Robinson, H., Modification of the projection from the sensory cortex to the motor cortex following the elimination of thalamic projections to the motor cortex in cats. Brain Res. 345, 79-86 (1985) ,  Obr.

ASANUMA, H: ASANUMA, H., Kosar, E., Tsukahara, N., Robinson, H., Modification of the projection..

5,00 €
Holtman, J. R., W P. Norman & R. A. Gillis: Projections from the raphe nuclei to the phrenic motor nucleus in the cat.

Holtman, J. R., W P. Norman & R. A. Gillis: Projections from the raphe nuclei to the phrenic motor..

4,00 €
PRUSKY, G., Whishaw, I. Q: Morphology of identified corticospinal cells in the rat following motor cortex injury. absence of use-dependent change.

PRUSKY, G., Whishaw, I. Q: Morphology of identified corticospinal cells in the rat following motor..

4,00 €
ONAI, T., Miura, M: Projections of supraspinal structures to the phrenic motor nucleus in cats studied by a HRP microinjection method.

ONAI, T., Miura, M: Projections of supraspinal structures to the phrenic motor nucleus in cats..

4,00 €
ALDES, L. D: Thalamic connectivity of rat somatic motor cortex.

ALDES, L. D: Thalamic connectivity of rat somatic motor cortex.

4,00 €
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