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44 Artikel gefunden


Shakespeare, William. - Erich Wulffen: Shakespeares grosse Verbrecher: Richard III. - Macbeth - Othello.

Shakespeare, William. Erich Wulffen: Shakespeares grosse Verbrecher: Richard III. Macbeth..

25,00 €
() "Bretter, die die Welt bedeuten" v. Zobeltitz. 276 S., Verlag Vobach, Berlin um 1910

() "Bretter, die die Welt bedeuten" v. Zobeltitz. 276 S., Verlag Vobach, Berlin um 1910

4,50 €
() "Knaurs Opernfuehrer" Eine Geschichte der Oper. v. Westermann. 544 S., 54 Abb., 1952 Droemersche-Verlag, Muenchen

() "Knaurs Opernfuehrer" Eine Geschichte der Oper. v. Westermann. 544 S., 54 Abb., 1952 Droemersche..

5,50 €
() "Die Vorbilder der deutschen Schauspielkunst". Schroeder, Iffland und Ludwig Devrient. 360 S., Verlag Flemming, Glogau

() "Die Vorbilder der deutschen Schauspielkunst". Schroeder, Iffland und Ludwig Devrient. 360 S..

7,50 €
() "Dekamerone vom Burgtheater". Mit 25 Portraets. 312 S., Hartleben. 1880, Wien, Pest, Leipzig

() "Dekamerone vom Burgtheater". Mit 25 Portraets. 312 S., Hartleben. 1880, Wien, Pest, Leipzig

8,50 €
() Richard Wagner "Die Walkuere" Text und Noten. 206 S., Schott-s Soehne, Mainz (1920er Jahre ?)

() Richard Wagner "Die Walkuere" Text und Noten. 206 S., Schott-s Soehne, Mainz (1920er Jahre ?)

12,50 €
() Richard Wagner "Goetterdaemmerung" Text und Noten. 242 S., Schott-s Soehne, Mainz (1920er Jahre ?)

() Richard Wagner "Goetterdaemmerung" Text und Noten. 242 S., Schott s Soehne, Mainz (1920er Jahre..

12,50 €
() Lackowitz "Der Opernfuehrer" 432 S., Verlag Theodor Reinboth, Leipzig um 1900

() Lackowitz "Der Opernfuehrer" 432 S., Verlag Theodor Reinboth, Leipzig um 1900

6,50 €
() Richard Wagner "Lohengrin". Reclam-Band Nr. 4750. 112 Seiten, siehe bitte Beschreibung und Bild

() Richard Wagner "Lohengrin". Reclam-Band Nr. 4750. 112 Seiten, siehe bitte Beschreibung und Bild

4,50 €
Mülheimer Theatertage 15.   28. Mai `82. Theater an der Ruhr. Presse   Information Nr. 3: Stücke `82. Mülheimer Theatertage 15..

Mülheimer Theatertage 15. 28. Mai `82. Theater an der Ruhr. Presse Information Nr. 3: Stücke..

15,00 €
Berlin, Metropol  Theater. Von Zell, F. / Genee, Richard. Operette in 3 Akten: Der Bettelstudent.  Spielzeit 1993 / 1994.  Intendant Seiferth, Werner..

Berlin, Metropol Theater. Von Zell, F. / Genee, Richard. Operette in 3 Akten: Der Bettelstudent..

15,00 €
Theatre Arts combined with STAGE magazine - MacArthur (Ed.): Theatre Arts. Vol. XXXVLIII, No.10, October 1954. Contents the complete play by Andre Roussin: The little hut.

Theatre Arts combined with STAGE magazine MacArthur (Ed.): Theatre Arts. Vol. XXXVLIII, No.10..

11,00 €
Theatre Arts combined with STAGE magazine - MacArthur (Ed.): Theatre Arts. Vol. XXXVI, No.3, March 1952. Contents the complete play by F.G. Lorca: The House of Bernarda Alba.

Theatre Arts combined with STAGE magazine MacArthur (Ed.): Theatre Arts. Vol. XXXVI, No.3, March..

9,00 €
Theatre Arts combined with STAGE magazine - MacArthur (Ed.): Theatre Arts. Vol. XXXV, No.9, septembre 1951. Contents the complete play by Lillian Hellman: The Autumn Garden (Act one).

Theatre Arts combined with STAGE magazine MacArthur (Ed.): Theatre Arts. Vol. XXXV, No.9..

9,00 €
Theatre Arts combined with STAGE magazine - MacArthur (Ed.): Theatre Arts. Vol. XXXV, No.4, April 1951. Contents the complete play by FrederickLonsdale: The day after tomorrow.

Theatre Arts combined with STAGE magazine MacArthur (Ed.): Theatre Arts. Vol. XXXV, No.4, April..

9,00 €
Theatre Arts combined with STAGE magazine - MacArthur (Ed.): Theatre Arts. Vol. XXXV, No.11, Novembre 1951. Contents the complete play by Lillian Hellman: The Autumn Garden (Act three).

Theatre Arts combined with STAGE magazine MacArthur (Ed.): Theatre Arts. Vol. XXXV, No.11..

9,00 €
Theatre Arts combined with STAGE magazine - MacArthur (Ed.), Giraudoux: Theatre Arts. Vol. XXXIII, No.11, November 1949. Contents the complete play by Giraudoux: The Madwoman of Chaillot.

Theatre Arts combined with STAGE magazine MacArthur (Ed.), Giraudoux: Theatre Arts. Vol. XXXIII..

13,00 €
Theatre Arts combined with STAGE magazine - MacArthur (Ed.), McEnroe, Robert E: Theatre Arts. Vol. XXXIII, No. 7, July 1949. Contents the complete play by Robert E. McEnroe: The Silver Whistle.

Theatre Arts combined with STAGE magazine MacArthur (Ed.), McEnroe, Robert E: Theatre Arts. Vol..

13,00 €
Theatre Arts - Ryan Peter J. (Pub.): Theatre Arts.  Vol. XLV, No.7, July 1961. Contents the complete play by Jay Thompson: Double Entry.

Theatre Arts Ryan Peter J. (Pub.): Theatre Arts. Vol. XLV, No.7, July 1961. Contents the..

9,00 €
Theatre Arts - Ryan Peter J. (Pub.), Robert Anderson: Theatre Arts.  Vol. XLV, No.12, December 1961. Contents the complete play by Robert Anderson: Silent Night, Lonely Night.

Theatre Arts Ryan Peter J. (Pub.), Robert Anderson: Theatre Arts. Vol. XLV, No.12, December..

13,00 €
Theatre Arts - Ryan Peter J. (Pub.), Jerome Weidman, George Abbott: Theatre Arts.  Vol. XLV, No.11, November 1961. Contents the complete play by Jerome Weidman and George Abbott: Fiorello!.

Theatre Arts Ryan Peter J. (Pub.), Jerome Weidman, George Abbott: Theatre Arts. Vol. XLV, No.11..

13,00 €
Theatre Arts - Ryan Peter J. (Pub.): Theatre Arts.  Vol. XLV, No. 5, May 1961. Contents the complete play by Saul Levitt: The Andersonville Trial.

Theatre Arts Ryan Peter J. (Pub.): Theatre Arts. Vol. XLV, No. 5, May 1961. Contents the..

9,00 €
Theatre Arts - Ryan Peter J. (Pub.): Theatre Arts.  Vol. XLV, No. 4, April 1961. Contents the complete play by Luigi Pirandello, adapted by William Murray: The Rules of the Game.

Theatre Arts Ryan Peter J. (Pub.): Theatre Arts. Vol. XLV, No. 4, April 1961. Contents the..

9,00 €
Theatre Arts - Ryan  Peter J. / Edith Bel Geddes (Pub.): Theatre Arts. Vol. XLIII, No.4, April 1959. Contents the complete play by Betty Comden and Adolph Green: Bells Are Ringing.

Theatre Arts Ryan Peter J. / Edith Bel Geddes (Pub.): Theatre Arts. Vol. XLIII, No.4, April..

9,00 €
Theatre Arts - Ryan  Peter J. / Edith Bel Geddes (Pub.): Theatre Arts. Vol. XLIII, No.2, February 1959. Contents the complete play by Jean Anouilh, english version Patricia Moyes: Time Remembered.

Theatre Arts Ryan Peter J. / Edith Bel Geddes (Pub.): Theatre Arts. Vol. XLIII, No.2, February..

9,00 €
Theatre Arts - Ryan  Peter J. / Edith Bel Geddes (Pub.): Theatre Arts. Vol. XLIII, No.11, November 1959. Contents the complete play by Dore Schary: Sunrise at Campobello.

Theatre Arts Ryan Peter J. / Edith Bel Geddes (Pub.): Theatre Arts. Vol. XLIII, No.11, November..

9,00 €
Theatre Arts - Ryan  Peter J. / Edith Bel Geddes (Pub.): Theatre Arts. Vol. XLIII, No.1, January 1959. Contents the complete play by James Forsyth: Heloise.

Theatre Arts Ryan Peter J. / Edith Bel Geddes (Pub.): Theatre Arts. Vol. XLIII, No.1, January..

9,00 €
Trevisani, Giulio: Il teatro italiano nell´ordinamento giuridico ed economico.

Trevisani, Giulio: Il teatro italiano nell´ordinamento giuridico ed economico.

9,00 €
Kritik, Die.   le Suire, Walter von (Hrsg.).   Herbert Ihering, K. P., W. H. , Norbert Falk, Fritz Köpp, B. P., Karl..

Kritik, Die. le Suire, Walter von (Hrsg.). Herbert Ihering, K. P., W. H. , Norbert Falk, Fritz..

96,00 €
Klincic. - Kohout, Pavel: So eine Liebe. Spiel in zwei Teilen. Deutsch von Lucie Taubová. Als Manuskript gedruckt.

Klincic. Kohout, Pavel: So eine Liebe. Spiel in zwei Teilen. Deutsch von Lucie Taubová. Als..

37,00 €
Cohen - Stratyner, Barbara Naomi (edited): Performing arts resources. Volume sixteen. Contents: Taking the pledge and other public amusements. Articles by: John W. Frick, T. P. Taylor, Barbara Cohen-Stratyner, George Cruikshank, Martha Schmoyer LoMonaco,

Cohen Stratyner, Barbara Naomi (edited): Performing arts resources. Volume sixteen. Contents:..

9,00 €
Heerekrintjes - Over jan Klaassen en Katrijn en hun buitenlandse soortgenoten

Heerekrintjes - Over jan Klaassen en Katrijn en hun buitenlandse soortgenoten

22,00 €
Thys, P. / Germain, St. - deutsch von P. Helm: Die drei Curiatier (Les trois Curiaces). Schwank in 1 Akt (No. 12).

Thys, P. / Germain, St. deutsch von P. Helm: Die drei Curiatier (Les trois Curiaces). Schwank in..

27,00 €
Wichmann, P(aul) V(ictor): Der Zopf, oder: Wunderliche Käuze. Lustspiel in 4 Aufzügen. - Nach 'Les Ganaches' des Victorien Sardou.

Wichmann, P(aul) V(ictor): Der Zopf, oder: Wunderliche Käuze. Lustspiel in 4 Aufzügen. Nach..

27,00 €
Bühne, Die   Knudsen, Hans (Schriftleitung).   mit Beiträgen von Erich Dürr, Wilhelm Hendel, Rudolf Köppler, Horst Brenning: Die angemessene Ausnutzung eines Bühnenwerkes..

Bühne, Die Knudsen, Hans (Schriftleitung). mit Beiträgen von Erich Dürr, Wilhelm Hendel..

19,00 €
Der Kirschgarten von Anton P. Tschechow - Regiebuch

Der Kirschgarten von Anton P. Tschechow - Regiebuch

8,00 €
Dramen : Bei geschlossenen Türen / Tote ohne Begräbnis / Die ehrbare Dirne / Drei Damen

Dramen : Bei geschlossenen Türen / Tote ohne Begräbnis / Die ehrbare Dirne / Drei Damen

5,00 €
Shekar, Indu: Sanskrit Drama: Its Origins and Decline.  Proefsch. [Diss.] letteren, Univ. Utrecht 1960.

Shekar, Indu: Sanskrit Drama: Its Origins and Decline. Proefsch. [Diss.] letteren, Univ. Utrecht..

9,00 €
Haueter, Max W: Ronald Duncan - The Metaphysical Content of his Plays. Diss.phil., Univ. Bern 1968.

Haueter, Max W: Ronald Duncan - The Metaphysical Content of his Plays. Diss.phil., Univ. Bern 1968.

9,00 €
Earley, Clarence L.S: English Dramatic Criticism 1920-1930. Thèse lettres, Univ. de Genève 1951.

Earley, Clarence L.S: English Dramatic Criticism 1920-1930. Thèse lettres, Univ. de Genève 1951.

9,00 €
Destouches, (Philippe Nericault): Oeuvres de Monsieur Destouches, de l'Académie Francoise. T.3 contient/enthält: Le Tambour Nocturne/Le Philosophe marié/L'Envieux/Prologue de l'Ambitieux/L'Ambitieux et L'Indiscrette/L'Amoureuse/Le Mariage de Radegonde..

Destouches, (Philippe Nericault): Oeuvres de Monsieur Destouches, de l'Académie Francoise. T.3..

67,00 €
Calderon de la Barca, Don Pedro. - Monti, Pietro // Rojas, Francesco di / Vega Carpio, Lope de / Belmonte, Luigi di: Teatro scelto di Pietro Calderon della Barca con opere teatrali di altri illustri poeti Castigliani. Volgarizzamento con prefazioni e note

Calderon de la Barca, Don Pedro. Monti, Pietro // Rojas, Francesco di / Vega Carpio, Lope de /..

42,00 €
Bissell, Clifford H: Les conventions du theatre bourgeois contemporain en France, 1887-1914. These [Diss.] lettres, Univ. de Californie 1930.

Bissell, Clifford H: Les conventions du theatre bourgeois contemporain en France, 1887 1914. These..

12,00 €
Courtney, Marie-Th: Edward Martyn and the Irish Theatre. Thesis letters, Univ. of Fribourg/CH 1952.

Courtney, Marie-Th: Edward Martyn and the Irish Theatre. Thesis letters, Univ. of Fribourg/CH 1952.

11,00 €
Artikel pro Seite 48 | 96