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44 Artikel gefunden


Sorg, Anton: Städte Reden. Meditationen über sieben Städte der Heiligen Schrift. - im Inhalt: Jerusalem, Laodizea, Ninive, Rom, Sichar (Vorstadt von Samaria), Philippi, Smyrna.

Sorg, Anton: Städte Reden. Meditationen über sieben Städte der Heiligen Schrift. im Inhalt:..

26,00 €
Hanish, O.Z.A. - Frieda Ammann, O. Rauth u.a: Mazdaznan - 4. Heft 1933 (April). Der vollkommene Gedanke, der im Herzen wohnt. Monats-Zeitschrift der Deutschen Mazdaznan-Zentrale in Leipzig. U.a. mit: Jerusalem, Jerusalem / Der Tag der Palmen / Aquaseife u

Hanish, O.Z.A. Frieda Ammann, O. Rauth u.a: Mazdaznan 4. Heft 1933 (April). Der vollkommene..

23,00 €
Cartier, Germanus: Biblia Sacra Latino Germanica cum Commentario Latino. Vulgatae Editionis Jussu Sixti Quinti Pontificis Max. Recognita, Locupletibus SS. Patrum Et Aliorum Probatorum S. Scripturae Interpretum Commentariis Illustrata Una Cum Nova, Eaque E

Cartier, Germanus: Biblia Sacra Latino Germanica cum Commentario Latino. Vulgatae Editionis Jussu..

707,00 €
Evangelien - Wünsch, Dietrich: Evangelienharmonien im Reformationszeitalter. - Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Leben - Jesu - Darstellungen.

Evangelien Wünsch, Dietrich: Evangelienharmonien im Reformationszeitalter. Ein Beitrag zur..

16,00 €
Thimme, Ludwig: Von Jerusalem bis Rom. Biblische Betrachtungen nach der Apostelgeschichte.

Thimme, Ludwig: Von Jerusalem bis Rom. Biblische Betrachtungen nach der Apostelgeschichte.

11,00 €
Slutsky, Yehuda: Tenu'at ha-has'kalah be-Yahadut Rusyah. [The Haskalah Movement in Russia].

Slutsky, Yehuda: Tenu'at ha-has'kalah be-Yahadut Rusyah. [The Haskalah Movement in Russia].

20,00 €
Leo Baeck Institut Jerusalem (Hrsg.): 'Al toldot Jehudei Germania ba-mea ha- tesha' 'esreh u-ba-mea 'esrim. 'Ovdot u-be'ayot.

Leo Baeck Institut Jerusalem (Hrsg.): 'Al toldot Jehudei Germania ba mea ha tesha' 'esreh u ba mea..

18,00 €
Lange, Elimelech: Hilchos eruvin [Hilkhot eruvin]. Dine[i] arba reshuyot shabat, mehitsot, tsurot ha-petah u-eruve[i] hatsrot.

Lange, Elimelech: Hilchos eruvin [Hilkhot eruvin]. Dine[i] arba reshuyot shabat, mehitsot, tsurot..

35,00 €
Graetz, Michael: Ha periferiah haytah le merkaz / From periphery to center. Perakim be toldot yahadut tsarfat ba me'ah ha tesha"esreh. (Chapters in 19th century..

Graetz, Michael: Ha periferiah haytah le merkaz / From periphery to center. Perakim be toldot..

20,00 €
Gafni, Isaiah [Yeshayahu]: Yahadut Bavel u-Mosadoteha bi-Tekufat ha-Talmud [Yahadût bavel um-môsadôtêha be-teqûfat hat-talmûd]. [Babylonian Jewry and Its Institutions in the Period of the Talmud].

Gafni, Isaiah [Yeshayahu]: Yahadut Bavel u Mosadoteha bi Tekufat ha Talmud [Yahadût bavel um..

22,00 €
Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion. Catalogue 1985-88. Cincinnati, Jerusalem, Los Angeles, New York.

Hebrew Union College Jewish Institute of Religion. Catalogue 1985 88. Cincinnati, Jerusalem, Los..

15,00 €
Klausner, Joseph - Walter Fischel (Übers.): Jesus von Nazareth - Seine Zeit, sein Leben und seine Lehre.

Klausner, Joseph Walter Fischel (Übers.): Jesus von Nazareth Seine Zeit, sein Leben und seine..

47,00 €
Islam. - Taqiyyu-d-Din an-Nabhani: Die Lebensordnung des Islam (Nizamu-L-Islam).

Islam. - Taqiyyu-d-Din an-Nabhani: Die Lebensordnung des Islam (Nizamu-L-Islam).

27,00 €
Salibi, Kamal: Die Verschwörung von Jerusalem. Wer war Jesus wirklich?.

Salibi, Kamal: Die Verschwörung von Jerusalem. Wer war Jesus wirklich?.

5,00 €
Swedenborg, Emanuel: Von dem Neuen Jerusalem und seiner Himmlischen Lehre.

Swedenborg, Emanuel: Von dem Neuen Jerusalem und seiner Himmlischen Lehre.

12,00 €
Institute of Asian and African Studies at the Hebrew University - The Max Schloessinger Memorial Foundation / M.J. Kister, E. Kohlberg, Uri Rubin et al: Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam. Volume I, 1979 (= Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam, Ed. S.

Institute of Asian and African Studies at the Hebrew University The Max Schloessinger Memorial..

40,00 €
Wie sah Christus aus? Ein Jerusalem-Fund

Wie sah Christus aus? Ein Jerusalem-Fund

12,00 €
Ben-Yaacov, Yissakhar: A lasting reward. Memoirs of an Israeli diplomat. - Mit handschriftl. Widmung d. Verfassers a. V.

Ben Yaacov, Yissakhar: A lasting reward. Memoirs of an Israeli diplomat. Mit handschriftl..

25,00 €
Weinberg, Jehuda Louis: Aus der Frühzeit des Zionismus. Heinrich Löwe.

Weinberg, Jehuda Louis: Aus der Frühzeit des Zionismus. Heinrich Löwe.

30,00 €
Berner, Karl Fr: Von Wittenberg über Rom und Moskau nach Jerusalem. Von dem Verfasser der 'Vierten Internationale'. Mit Vorwort von Adolf Kappus. Einführung in das Verständnis der Bibel, Heft Nr. 5.

Berner, Karl Fr: Von Wittenberg über Rom und Moskau nach Jerusalem. Von dem Verfasser der 'Vierten..

18,00 €
Sima, Marion: Angesichts des traurigen Symbols. Portrait eines Gerichts. Zeichnungen aus dem Eichmann-Prozess.

Sima, Marion: Angesichts des traurigen Symbols. Portrait eines Gerichts. Zeichnungen aus dem..

18,00 €
Mishkinsky [Mishkinski], M. [Moshe] (Hrsg.): Sotsyalizm [Sozialism] yehudi u-tenu'at ha-po'alim ha-yehudit ba-me'ah ha-19 / Jewish socialism and the Jewish labor movement in the 19th century. Hrsg. von The Zalman Shazar Center for the furtherance of the s

Mishkinsky [Mishkinski], M. [Moshe] (Hrsg.): Sotsyalizm [Sozialism] yehudi u tenu'at ha po'alim ha..

30,00 €
Gutman, Yisrael / Schatzker, Chaim: Ha-Shoah u-Mashema'utah. [= The Holocaust and its Significance].

Gutman, Yisrael / Schatzker, Chaim: Ha Shoah u Mashema'utah. [= The Holocaust and its..

24,00 €
Reshimat ma'amarim be-mada'e ha-yahadut / Index of articles on Jewish studies. No. 13: 1977-1978 (with additions to 1966-1976). Compiled and ed. by the editorial board of "Kirjath sefer", bibliographical quarterly of the Jewish National and University Lib

Reshimat ma'amarim be mada'e ha yahadut / Index of articles on Jewish studies. No. 13: 1977 1978..

20,00 €
Reshimat ma'amarim be-mada'e ha-yahadut / Index of articles on Jewish studies. No. 12: 1976-1977 (with additions to 1966-1975). Ed. by Issachar Joel. Issued by the editorial board of "Kirjath sefer", bibliographical quarterly of the Jewish National and Un

Reshimat ma'amarim be mada'e ha yahadut / Index of articles on Jewish studies. No. 12: 1976 1977..

20,00 €
Reshimat ma'amarim be-mada'e ha-yahadut / Index of articles on Jewish studies. No. 10: 5735-36/1975-76 (with additions to 5726-34/1966-74). Ed. by Issachar Joel. Issued by the editorial board of "Kirjath sepher", bibliographical quarterly of the Jewish Na

Reshimat ma'amarim be mada'e ha yahadut / Index of articles on Jewish studies. No. 10: 5735 36/1975..

20,00 €
Reshimat ma'amarim be-mada'e ha-yahadut / Index of articles on Jewish studies. No. 9: 5734/1974 (with additions to 5726-33/1966-73). Ed. by Issachar Joel. Issued by the editorial board of "Kirjath sepher", bibliographical quarterly of the Jewish National

Reshimat ma'amarim be mada'e ha yahadut / Index of articles on Jewish studies. No. 9: 5734/1974..

20,00 €
Reshimat ma'amarim be-mada'e ha-yahadut / Index of articles on Jewish studies. No. 26: 1985 (with additions from previous years). (Founded by the  late Issachar Joel). Compiled and ed. by the editorial board of "Kirjath sefer", bibliographical quarterly o

Reshimat ma'amarim be mada'e ha yahadut / Index of articles on Jewish studies. No. 26: 1985 (with..

20,00 €
Reshimat ma'amarim be-mada'e ha-yahadut / Index of articles on Jewish studies. No. 27: 1985 (with additions from previous years). (Founded by the  late Issachar Joel). Compiled and ed. by the editorial board of "Kirjath sefer", bibliographical quarterly o

Reshimat ma'amarim be mada'e ha yahadut / Index of articles on Jewish studies. No. 27: 1985 (with..

20,00 €
Reshimat ma'amarim be-mada'e ha-yahadut / Index of articles on Jewish studies. No. 3: 5728/1968 (with additions to 5726-7/1966-7). Ed. by Issachar Joel. Issued by the editorial board of "Kirjath sepher", bibliographical quarterly of the Jewish National an

Reshimat ma'amarim be mada'e ha yahadut / Index of articles on Jewish studies. No. 3: 5728/1968..

20,00 €
Reshimat ma'amarim be-mada'e ha-yahadut / Index of articles on Jewish studies. No. 20-21: 1981 (with additions to 1966-1980). (Founded by the  late Issachar Joel). Compiled and ed. by the editorial board of "Kirjath sefer", bibliographical quarterly of th

Reshimat ma'amarim be mada'e ha yahadut / Index of articles on Jewish studies. No. 20 21: 1981..

40,00 €
Reshimat ma'amarim be-mada'e ha-yahadut / Index of articles on Jewish studies. No. 2: 5727/1967 (with additions to 5726/1966). Ed. by Issachar Joel. Issued by the editorial board of "Kirjath sepher", bibliographical quarterly of the Jewish National and Un

Reshimat ma'amarim be mada'e ha yahadut / Index of articles on Jewish studies. No. 2: 5727/1967..

20,00 €
Reshimat ma'amarim be-mada'e ha-yahadut / Index of articles on Jewish studies. No. 5: 5730/1970 (with additions to 5726-29/1966-69). Ed. by Issachar Joel. Issued by the editorial board of "Kirjath sepher", bibliographical quarterly of the Jewish National

Reshimat ma'amarim be mada'e ha yahadut / Index of articles on Jewish studies. No. 5: 5730/1970..

20,00 €
Reshimat ma'amarim be-mada'e ha-yahadut / Index of articles on Jewish studies. No. 22: 1982 (with additions to 1966-1981). (Founded by the  late Issachar Joel). Compiled and ed. by the editorial board of "Kirjath sefer", bibliographical quarterly of the J

Reshimat ma'amarim be mada'e ha yahadut / Index of articles on Jewish studies. No. 22: 1982 (with..

20,00 €
Reshimat ma'amarim be-mada'e ha-yahadut / Index of articles on Jewish studies. No. 8: 5733/1973 (with additions to 5726-32/1966-72). Ed. by Issachar Joel. Issued by the editorial board of "Kirjath sepher", bibliographical quarterly of the Jewish National

Reshimat ma'amarim be mada'e ha yahadut / Index of articles on Jewish studies. No. 8: 5733/1973..

20,00 €
Reshimat ma'amarim be-mada'e ha-yahadut / Index of articles on Jewish studies. No. 14: 1978 (with additions to 1966-1977). (Founded by the  late Issachar Joel). Compiled and ed. by the editorial board of "Kirjath sefer", bibliographical quarterly of the J

Reshimat ma'amarim be mada'e ha yahadut / Index of articles on Jewish studies. No. 14: 1978 (with..

20,00 €
Reshimat ma'amarim be-mada'e ha-yahadut / Index of articles on Jewish studies. No. 19: 1980 (with additions to 1966-1979). (Founded by he late Issachar Joel). Compiled and ed. by the editorial board of "Kirjath sepher", bibliographical quarterly of the Je

Reshimat ma'amarim be mada'e ha yahadut / Index of articles on Jewish studies. No. 19: 1980 (with..

20,00 €
Reshimat ma'amarim be-mada'e ha-yahadut / Index of articles on Jewish studies. No. 4: 5729/1969 (with additions to 5726-28/1966-68). Ed. by Issachar Joel. Issued by the editorial board of "Kirjath sepher", bibliographical quarterly of the Jewish National

Reshimat ma'amarim be mada'e ha yahadut / Index of articles on Jewish studies. No. 4: 5729/1969..

20,00 €
Reshimat ma'amarim be-mada'e ha-yahadut / Index of articles on Jewish studies. No. 17-18: 1980 (with additions to 1966-1979). (Founded by the  late Issachar Joel). Compiled and ed. by the editorial board of "Kirjath sefer", bibliographical quarterly of th

Reshimat ma'amarim be mada'e ha yahadut / Index of articles on Jewish studies. No. 17 18: 1980..

40,00 €
Reshimat ma'amarim be-mada'e ha-yahadut / Index of articles on Jewish studies. No. 15: 1979 (with additions to 1966-1978). (Founded by the  late Issachar Joel). Compiled and ed. by the editorial board of "Kirjath sefer", bibliographical quarterly of the J

Reshimat ma'amarim be mada'e ha yahadut / Index of articles on Jewish studies. No. 15: 1979 (with..

20,00 €
Reshimat ma'amarim be-mada'e ha-yahadut / Index of articles on Jewish studies. No. 24: 1983 (with additions from previous years). (Founded by the  late Issachar Joel). Compiled and ed. by the editorial board of "Kirjath sefer", bibliographical quarterly o

Reshimat ma'amarim be mada'e ha yahadut / Index of articles on Jewish studies. No. 24: 1983 (with..

20,00 €
Reshimat ma'amarim be-mada'e ha-yahadut / Index of articles on Jewish studies. No. 23: 1982 (with additions to 1966-1981). (Founded by the  late Issachar Joel). Compiled and ed. by the editorial board of "Kirjath sefer", bibliographical quarterly of the J

Reshimat ma'amarim be mada'e ha yahadut / Index of articles on Jewish studies. No. 23: 1982 (with..

20,00 €
Reshimat ma'amarim be-mada'e ha-yahadut / Index of articles on Jewish studies. No. 25: 1984 (with additions from previous years). (Founded by the  late Issachar Joel). Compiled and ed. by the editorial board of "Kirjath sefer", bibliographical quarterly o

Reshimat ma'amarim be mada'e ha yahadut / Index of articles on Jewish studies. No. 25: 1984 (with..

20,00 €
Reshimat ma'amarim be-mada'e ha-yahadut / Index of articles on Jewish studies. No. 1: 5726/1966. Ed. by Issachar Joel. Issued by the editorial board of "Kirjath sepher", bibliographical quarterly of the Jewish National and University Library.

Reshimat ma'amarim be mada'e ha yahadut / Index of articles on Jewish studies. No. 1: 5726/1966..

20,00 €
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