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12 Artikel gefunden


Diemberger, Hildegard; Elliott, Mark; Clemente, Michela: Buddha's Word   The Life of Books in Tibet and Beyond. Published to accompany the exhibition … 28..

Diemberger, Hildegard; Elliott, Mark; Clemente, Michela: Buddha's Word The Life of Books in Tibet..

50,00 €
Augsburg Synode. - Henrico Ep[iscop]o Augustano. - mit Vorrede des Augsburger Bischofs Alexander Sigismund: Decreta Synodalia Dioces. August. praesidente [...] Henrico Ep[iscop]o Augustano [...] MDCX Mense Octob. promulgata.

Augsburg Synode. Henrico Ep[iscop]o Augustano. mit Vorrede des Augsburger Bischofs Alexander..

127,00 €
Koran. - Sfar, Mondher. - Translated by Emilia Lanier: In Search of the Original Koran. The true History of the revealed Text.

Koran. Sfar, Mondher. Translated by Emilia Lanier: In Search of the Original Koran. The true..

37,00 €
Waters, Frank: Masked Gods: Navaho and Pueblo Ceremonialism.

Waters, Frank: Masked Gods: Navaho and Pueblo Ceremonialism.

8,00 €
Strack, Hermann L: Introduction to the Talmud and Midrash. (Authorized translation on the basis of the author's revised copy of the 5th German edition. 2. Aufl.).

Strack, Hermann L: Introduction to the Talmud and Midrash. (Authorized translation on the basis of..

15,00 €
Khalidi, Tarif [Übersetzung]: The Qur'an.

Khalidi, Tarif [Übersetzung]: The Qur'an.

11,00 €
McDaniel, Jay B: With Roots and Wings. Christianity in an Age of Ecology and Dialogue.

McDaniel, Jay B: With Roots and Wings. Christianity in an Age of Ecology and Dialogue.

27,00 €
Müller. Max (Editor) - E.W. West (Übers.): Pahlavi Texts - Part IV apart: Contents of the Nasks (= The Sacred Books of the East, vol. 37).

Müller. Max (Editor) E.W. West (Übers.): Pahlavi Texts Part IV apart: Contents of the Nasks..

23,00 €
Müller. Max (Ed.) - Hermann Oldenberg (Übers.): The Grihya - Sutras Part I and II (= The Sacred Books of the East, vol. 29 and 30).

Müller. Max (Ed.) Hermann Oldenberg (Übers.): The Grihya Sutras Part I and II (= The Sacred..

30,00 €
Grimme, Karin H: Judentum. Geschichte - Lehre - Glaube - Weltbild.

Grimme, Karin H: Judentum. Geschichte - Lehre - Glaube - Weltbild.

4,00 €
Desan, Wilfrid: The Marxism of Jean-Paul Sartre
 Garden City - New York, Anchor Books - Doubleday & Company, 1966.

Desan, Wilfrid: The Marxism of Jean Paul Sartre Garden City New York, Anchor Books Doubleday &..

10,00 €
Benedictus XIV., Pont(ifex) Max(imus): De Synodo Diocesana libri tredecim. Tomus II, III and IV [3 out of 4 vols. / 3 von insgesamt 4 Bdn.].

Benedictus XIV., Pont(ifex) Max(imus): De Synodo Diocesana libri tredecim. Tomus II, III and IV [3..

92,00 €
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