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20 Artikel gefunden


Scheel, Karl: Das Acetylen. (Bibliothek d. gesamten Technik ; 44).

Scheel, Karl: Das Acetylen. (Bibliothek d. gesamten Technik ; 44).

11,00 €
Ritchie, Calvin D: Physical Organic Chemistry. The Fundamental Concepts. Second Edition, Revised and Expanded
 New York - Basel, Marcel Dekker, 1990.

Ritchie, Calvin D: Physical Organic Chemistry. The Fundamental Concepts. Second Edition, Revised..

10,00 €
Raup, D. M.; Jablonski, D. (Hg.): Patterns and Processes in the History of Life. Report of the Dahlem Workshop … Berlin 1985, June 16..

Raup, D. M.; Jablonski, D. (Hg.): Patterns and Processes in the History of Life. Report of the..

17,00 €
Tenhunen, J. D.; Kabat, P. (Hg.): Integrating Hydrology, Ecosystem Dynamics, and Biogeochemistry in Complex Landscapes. Report of the Dahlem Workshop … January 18..

Tenhunen, J. D.; Kabat, P. (Hg.): Integrating Hydrology, Ecosystem Dynamics, and Biogeochemistry in..

44,00 €
Krumbein, W. E.; Brimblecombe, P.; Cosgrove, D. E.; Staniforth, S. (Hg.): Durability and Change. The Science, Responsibility, and Cost of Sustaining Cultural Heritage. Report of..

Krumbein, W. E.; Brimblecombe, P.; Cosgrove, D. E.; Staniforth, S. (Hg.): Durability and Change..

22,00 €
Miller, John A.; Neuzil, E. F: Organic Chemistry. Concepts and Applicationsd
 Lexington - Toronto, D. C. Heath and Company, (1979).

Miller, John A.; Neuzil, E. F: Organic Chemistry. Concepts and Applicationsd Lexington Toronto..

64,00 €
Miller, John A.; Neuzil, E. F: Modern Experimental Organic Chemistry
 Lexington - Toronto, D. C. Heath and Company, (1982).

Miller, John A.; Neuzil, E. F: Modern Experimental Organic Chemistry Lexington Toronto, D. C..

20,00 €
Chisman, D. G. (Hg.): University Chemical Education. Proceedings of the International Symposium on University Chemical Education held in Frascati (Rome), Italy 16 - 19 October 1969
 London, Butterworths, (1970).

Chisman, D. G. (Hg.): University Chemical Education. Proceedings of the International Symposium on..

17,00 €
Arnold, D. R.; Baird; N. C.; Bolton, J. R.; Brand, J. C. D.; Jacobs, P. W. M.; Mayo, P. de; Ware, W: Photochemistry. An Introduction. [= Academic Press Rapid Manuscript Reproduction]
 New York - London, Academic Press, 1974.

Arnold, D. R.; Baird; N. C.; Bolton, J. R.; Brand, J. C. D.; Jacobs, P. W. M.; Mayo, P. de; Ware..

17,00 €
Barton, Derek; Baldwin, J. E.; Ollis, W. D.; Stephen, T. (Hg.): Tetrahedron Reports on Organic Chemistry. Volume 1 [Reports Numbers 1 - 10]
 Oxford - New York - Toronto - Sydney - Paris - Frankfurt, Pergamon Press, (1976).

Barton, Derek; Baldwin, J. E.; Ollis, W. D.; Stephen, T. (Hg.): Tetrahedron Reports on Organic..

27,00 €
Andreae, M. O.; Schimel, D. S. (Hg.): Exchange of Trace Gases between Terrestrial Ecosystems and the Atmosphere. Report of the Dahlem Workshop … Berlin 1989..

Andreae, M. O.; Schimel, D. S. (Hg.): Exchange of Trace Gases between Terrestrial Ecosystems and..

17,00 €
Brown, D. W.; Floyd, A. J.; Sainsbury, M: Organic Spectroscopy
 Chichester - New York - Brisbane - Toronto - Singapore, John Wiley & Sons, 1988.

Brown, D. W.; Floyd, A. J.; Sainsbury, M: Organic Spectroscopy Chichester New York Brisbane..

27,00 €
Pigman, Ward; Horton, Derek; Wander, Joseph D. (Hg.): The Carbohydrates. Chemistry and Biochemistry. Second edition. Volume 1B
 New York - London - Toronto - Sydney - San Francisco, Academic Press, 1980.

Pigman, Ward; Horton, Derek; Wander, Joseph D. (Hg.): The Carbohydrates. Chemistry and..

12,00 €
Holland, H. D.; Schidlowski, M. (Hg.): Mineral Deposits and the Evolution of the Biosphere. Report of the Dahlem Workshop … Berlin 1980, September 1 5..

Holland, H. D.; Schidlowski, M. (Hg.): Mineral Deposits and the Evolution of the Biosphere. Report..

17,00 €
Goldberg, E. D. (Hg.): Atmospheric Chemistry. Report of the Dahlem Workshop on Atomospheric Chemistry Berlin 1982, May 2-7. [= Physical and Chemical Sciences Research Report 4]
 Berlin - Heidelberg - New York, Springer-Verlag, 1982.

Goldberg, E. D. (Hg.): Atmospheric Chemistry. Report of the Dahlem Workshop on Atomospheric..

16,00 €
Buzagh, Aladar von: Kolloidik. Eine Einführung in d. Probleme d. modernen Kolloidwissenschaft.

Buzagh, Aladar von: Kolloidik. Eine Einführung in d. Probleme d. modernen Kolloidwissenschaft.

14,00 €
Ostwald, Wolfgang: Die neuere Entwicklung der Kolloidchemie ; Vortr., geh. auf d. 84. Versammlung Dt. Naturforscher u. Ärzte zu Münster i. W., 1912.

Ostwald, Wolfgang: Die neuere Entwicklung der Kolloidchemie ; Vortr., geh. auf d. 84. Versammlung..

10,00 €
I. N. Nasarow
 L. D. Bergelson
 D. H. R. Barton: Die Stereochemie der Steroidverbindungen / Die Stereochemie der Zyklohexanderivate.

I. N. Nasarow L. D. Bergelson D. H. R. Barton: Die Stereochemie der Steroidverbindungen / Die..

29,99 €
Zimmermann, W. F. A. [d. i. Vollmer, Carl Gottfried Wilhelm]: Chemie für Laien. Eine populäre Belehrung über die Geheimnisse der Chemie, deren Aufschlüsse über das..

Zimmermann, W. F. A. [d. i. Vollmer, Carl Gottfried Wilhelm]: Chemie für Laien. Eine populäre..

44,00 €
Dyer, R. Brian; Martinez, Mary Ann D.; Shreve, Andrew, Woodruff, William H: Seventh International Conference on Time-Resolved Vibrational Spectroscopy. Proceedings of the Conference Santa Fe, New Mexiko, USA, June 11-16, 1995
 Los Alamos, National Laborat

Dyer, R. Brian; Martinez, Mary Ann D.; Shreve, Andrew, Woodruff, William H: Seventh International..

18,00 €
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