Der oldthing Marktplatz bietet eine große Auswahl in der Rubrik Literatur & Belletristik: Fremdsprachige Bücher - Englisch

999 Artikel gefunden


Gamble, Sarah: Angela Carter - Writing from the Font Line.

Gamble, Sarah: Angela Carter - Writing from the Font Line.

7,90 €
Claude Monet - Paintings in Soviet Museums.

Claude Monet - Paintings in Soviet Museums.

11,90 €
Whitfield, Wendy (introduction): Clout! The story behind the bruises - written and illustrated by Ann, Amy, Kate, Jean, Jane, Anne, Julia, Betty, Kelly, Stella, Kathy and Christine and their children.

Whitfield, Wendy (introduction): Clout! The story behind the bruises written and illustrated by..

7,90 €
Dutson, Bill: Poems by Bill Dutson.

Dutson, Bill: Poems by Bill Dutson.

7,90 €
IAEA: IAEA inspections and Iraq's nuclear capabilities.

IAEA: IAEA inspections and Iraq's nuclear capabilities.

7,90 €
Barke, James: Bonnie Jean - a novel.

Barke, James: Bonnie Jean - a novel.

7,90 €
Weedon, Chris: Identity and Culture - Narratives of Difference and Belonging.

Weedon, Chris: Identity and Culture - Narratives of Difference and Belonging.

7,90 €
Cronin, A: The Green Years.

Cronin, A: The Green Years.

7,90 €
Marshall, Alan: Wild Red Horses - short stories.

Marshall, Alan: Wild Red Horses - short stories.

7,90 €
Goulet, Denis: An New Moral Order - Studies in Development Ethics and Liberation Theology.

Goulet, Denis: An New Moral Order - Studies in Development Ethics and Liberation Theology.

7,90 €
Grimal, Pierre: The Dictionary Of Classical Mythologie.

Grimal, Pierre: The Dictionary Of Classical Mythologie.

11,90 €
Tilsley, Frank: Voice of the Crowd.

Tilsley, Frank: Voice of the Crowd.

7,90 €
Reeves, Maud Pember: Round about a Pound a Week - The best-selling book on working-class life.

Reeves, Maud Pember: Round about a Pound a Week - The best-selling book on working-class life.

7,90 €
Jordan, Glenn: Tramp Steamers, Seamen & Sailor Town - Jack Sullivan's Paintings of old Cardiff Docklands.

Jordan, Glenn: Tramp Steamers, Seamen & Sailor Town Jack Sullivan's Paintings of old Cardiff..

11,90 €
Kaplan, Cora: Sea changes. Essays on Culture and feminism.

Kaplan, Cora: Sea changes. Essays on Culture and feminism.

7,90 €
Baker, Bob and Neil Harvey (editors): Publishing for people and fighting censorship.

Baker, Bob and Neil Harvey (editors): Publishing for people and fighting censorship.

7,90 €
Lovell, Terry: Consuming fiction.

Lovell, Terry: Consuming fiction.

7,90 €
Grewal, Bikram: Birds of the Indian subcontinent.

Grewal, Bikram: Birds of the Indian subcontinent.

7,90 €
Butalia, Urvashi und Ritu Menon (Herausgeber): In Other Words - New Writing By Indian Woman.

Butalia, Urvashi und Ritu Menon (Herausgeber): In Other Words - New Writing By Indian Woman.

7,90 €
Perrie, Walter: A lamentation for the children.

Perrie, Walter: A lamentation for the children.

7,90 €
Boetcher Joeres, Ruth Ellen and Barbara Laslett (editors): Signs. Journal of women in culture and society. Volume 17, Number 1, autumn 1991.

Boetcher Joeres, Ruth Ellen and Barbara Laslett (editors): Signs. Journal of women in culture and..

7,90 €
Eaton, Peter and Marylin Warnick (editors): Marie Stopes. A checklist of her writings - together with some biographical notes.

Eaton, Peter and Marylin Warnick (editors): Marie Stopes. A checklist of her writings together..

7,90 €
Margolies, David N: The function of literature. A study of Christopher Caudwell's aesthetics.

Margolies, David N: The function of literature. A study of Christopher Caudwell's aesthetics.

7,90 €
Austin, Terry u.a: But the world goes on the same. Changing times in Durham pit villages.

Austin, Terry u.a: But the world goes on the same. Changing times in Durham pit villages.

7,90 €
Matthews, Z.K. (Editor): Responsible Government in a Revolutionary Age.

Matthews, Z.K. (Editor): Responsible Government in a Revolutionary Age.

7,90 €
Evans, John David Gemmell: Moral Philosophy and Contemporary Problems - aus der Reihe: Royal Institute of Philosophy lecture series - Band: 22.

Evans, John David Gemmell: Moral Philosophy and Contemporary Problems aus der Reihe: Royal..

7,90 €
Frow, Edmund and Ruth: Essays on the Irish in Manchester.

Frow, Edmund and Ruth: Essays on the Irish in Manchester.

7,90 €
Fireweed 4.

Fireweed 4.

7,90 €
Chambers, Veronica: Mama`s Girl.

Chambers, Veronica: Mama`s Girl.

7,90 €
Douglas, Lauren Wright: A rage of maidens.

Douglas, Lauren Wright: A rage of maidens.

7,90 €
Shaw, Georg Bernhard: A Fearless Champion of the Truth - Selections from Shaw.

Shaw, Georg Bernhard: A Fearless Champion of the Truth - Selections from Shaw.

7,90 €
Conlon, Evelyn: Stars in the Daytime.

Conlon, Evelyn: Stars in the Daytime.

7,90 €
Wilde, Oscar und Edgar Allen Poe: Wilde: Lord Arthur Savile's crime. Lady Windermere's Fan. - Poe: Two fantastic tales (3books) - aus der Reihe: Universum Sprachen-Bibliothek - Band: 1, 2,  Reihe A Band 12.

Wilde, Oscar und Edgar Allen Poe: Wilde: Lord Arthur Savile's crime. Lady Windermere's Fan. Poe:..

7,90 €
Ware, Susan: Partner and I: Molly Dewson, feminism, and New Deal politics.

Ware, Susan: Partner and I: Molly Dewson, feminism, and New Deal politics.

7,90 €
Aldrigde, James: One last glimpse. - On the road with F. Scott Fitzgerald and Ernest Hemongway.

Aldrigde, James: One last glimpse. - On the road with F. Scott Fitzgerald and Ernest Hemongway.

7,90 €
Sandel, Cora: Alberta alone.

Sandel, Cora: Alberta alone.

7,90 €
Arnison, Jim: Decades.

Arnison, Jim: Decades.

7,90 €
Munby, Denys (Editor): Economic Growth in world Perspective.

Munby, Denys (Editor): Economic Growth in world Perspective.

7,90 €
Worpole, Ken: Staying Close to the River - Reflections on Travel and Politics.

Worpole, Ken: Staying Close to the River - Reflections on Travel and Politics.

7,90 €
Muller, Marcia: A Wild and Loneley Place - A Sharon McCone Mystery.

Muller, Marcia: A Wild and Loneley Place - A Sharon McCone Mystery.

7,90 €
Gloversmith, Frank: The Theory Of Reading.

Gloversmith, Frank: The Theory Of Reading.

7,90 €
Ni Chuilleanain, Eilean: The Second Voyage.

Ni Chuilleanain, Eilean: The Second Voyage.

7,90 €
Small, Christopher: The printed world. An instrument of Popularity.

Small, Christopher: The printed world. An instrument of Popularity.

7,90 €
Moore, Katharine: Victorian Wives.

Moore, Katharine: Victorian Wives.

7,90 €
Beynon, Huw (editor): Digging deeper. Issues in the miners' strike.

Beynon, Huw (editor): Digging deeper. Issues in the miners' strike.

7,90 €
Vries, Louis de: German-English and English-German technical and engineering dictionary. 2 Volumes.

Vries, Louis de: German-English and English-German technical and engineering dictionary. 2 Volumes.

11,90 €
Clegg, Arthur: Pictures of the thirties. A letter to Mary.

Clegg, Arthur: Pictures of the thirties. A letter to Mary.

7,90 €
Bennet, John C. (Editor): Christian social  ethics in a changing world.

Bennet, John C. (Editor): Christian social ethics in a changing world.

7,90 €
Artikel pro Seite 48 | 96