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129 Artikel gefunden


David Burliuk - paintings 1907 - 1966. First London Exhibition 15 March - 7 April 1966
 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1966.

David Burliuk paintings 1907 1966. First London Exhibition 15 March 7 April 1966 London..

12,00 €
R. B. Kitaj. Pictures from an exhibition held at the Kestner-Gesellschaft, Hannover and the Boymans Museum, Rotterdam 1970. April - May 1970
 London, Marlborough Fine Art, 1970.

R. B. Kitaj. Pictures from an exhibition held at the Kestner Gesellschaft, Hannover and the Boymans..

17,00 €
Richard Hamilton. Prints 1939 - 83. A complete catalogue of graphic works
 Stuttgart - London, edition hansjörg mayer, 1984.

Richard Hamilton. Prints 1939 83. A complete catalogue of graphic works Stuttgart London..

11,00 €
Hubert Schmalix. Thirteen Paintings 1983 - Gouaches on Paper 1982
 London, Fischer Fine Art, [1983].

Hubert Schmalix. Thirteen Paintings 1983 Gouaches on Paper 1982 London, Fischer Fine Art..

15,00 €
Francis Newton - Souza. [Ausstellungskatalog:] New York October 14 - 27 2005 / London November 9 - 19 2005
 New York - London, Saffronart - Grosvenor Gallery Present, 2005.

Francis Newton Souza. [Ausstellungskatalog:] New York October 14 27 2005 / London November 9..

30,00 €
Buchloh, Benjamin H. D: Broodthaers. Writings, Interviews, Photographs. [= October. Art | Theory | Criticism | Politics (no.) 42.]. This special issue is published with the assistance of the J. Paul Getty Trust
 Cambridge - London, MIT Press, Fall 1987.

Buchloh, Benjamin H. D: Broodthaers. Writings, Interviews, Photographs. [= October. Art | Theory |..

30,00 €
Eva Hesse [Ausstellungskatalog:] San Francisco Museum of Modern Art 2. Februar - 19. Mai 2002 / Museum Wiesbaden 11. Juni - 13. Oktober 2002 / Tate London 12. November 2002 - 9. März 2003
 Wiesbaden, Museum, 2002.

Eva Hesse [Ausstellungskatalog:] San Francisco Museum of Modern Art 2. Februar 19. Mai 2002 /..

24,00 €
Mondern Painters. Is Painting Dead? [With contributions by David Bowie, Tracey Emin, Ian MacMillan, Martin Gayford, Tom Lubbock, Howard Jacobson, Matthew Collings, Craig Raine, William Boyd and Bryan Robertson
 London, Fine Arts Journals, Autumn 1997.

Mondern Painters. Is Painting Dead? [With contributions by David Bowie, Tracey Emin, Ian MacMillan..

20,00 €
Arbit Blatas - At the Theatre.  [Ausstellungskatalog:] 24th May - 17th June, 1994
 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1994.

Arbit Blatas At the Theatre. [Ausstellungskatalog:] 24th May 17th June, 1994 London..

18,00 €
Sebastian Horsley - The Great White Series.  [Ausstellungskatalog:] 8th - 29th May 1997
 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1997.

Sebastian Horsley The Great White Series. [Ausstellungskatalog:] 8th 29th May 1997 London..

18,00 €
Eight Artists - Eight Attitudes - Eight Greeks. Stephan Antonakos - Vlassis Caniaris - Chryssa - Jannis Kounellis - Pavlos - Lucas Samaras - Takis - Costas Tsoclis. [Ausstellungskatalog:] 5 November - 4 December 1975
 London, Institute of Contemporary Art

Eight Artists Eight Attitudes Eight Greeks. Stephan Antonakos Vlassis Caniaris Chryssa..

44,00 €
Robert Ryman. [Ausstellungskatalog:] 21 September - 23 October 1977
 London, Whitechapel Art Gallery, 1977.

Robert Ryman. [Ausstellungskatalog:] 21 September 23 October 1977 London, Whitechapel Art..

15,00 €
The Non-Objective World / Die Gegenstandslose Welt 1914 - 1955. [Ausstellungskatalog] Anley Juda Fine Art London July 56h - September 22nd 1973. University Art Museum University of Texas at Austin, Texas, October 14th - December 15th 1973
 London, Annnely

The Non Objective World / Die Gegenstandslose Welt 1914 1955. [Ausstellungskatalog] Anley Juda..

15,00 €
Beauties and Beasts. Making and Collecting Art in Germany
 London, Christie's, 2018.

Beauties and Beasts. Making and Collecting Art in Germany London, Christie's, 2018.

20,00 €
Talbot Rice, Tamara: Ikonen - Icons.

Talbot Rice, Tamara: Ikonen - Icons.

13,00 €
Fifty Years of Sculpture. Some aspects 1914 - 1964. [Ausstellungskatalog] 9 February - 11 March 1965
 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1965.

Fifty Years of Sculpture. Some aspects 1914 1964. [Ausstellungskatalog] 9 February 11 March..

15,00 €
Enzo Plazzotta. June 10 - July 10 1970
 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1970.

Enzo Plazzotta. June 10 - July 10 1970 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1970.

12,00 €
Enzo Plazzotta. June 10 - July 10 1970
 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1970.

Enzo Plazzotta. June 10 - July 10 1970 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1970.

12,00 €
South African Artists. 28 September - 16 October 1965
 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1965.

South African Artists. 28 September - 16 October 1965 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1965.

15,00 €
20th Century Paintings and Sculpture. [Ausstellungskartalog] Part I: 2 July - 27 July ; Part II: 28 August - 21 September 1968
 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1968.

20th Century Paintings and Sculpture. [Ausstellungskartalog] Part I: 2 July 27 July ; Part II: 28..

15,00 €
Alphonse Mucha. 21 May - 29 June 1963
 London, Grosvener Gallery - The Arthur Jeffress Gallery, 1963.

Alphonse Mucha. 21 May 29 June 1963 London, Grosvener Gallery The Arthur Jeffress Gallery..

12,00 €
in the eye of the beholder. The portrayal of women in art over the past 200 years. 2 December 1997 - 31 January 1998
 London, Blains Fine Art, 1997.

in the eye of the beholder. The portrayal of women in art over the past 200 years. 2 December..

17,00 €
Proll, Thorwald: Thorwalds Aesthetische Reise zu den sozialistischen Gesellschaftsinseln in London Paris Rom Strassburg Neapel Nepal Mailand München West-Berlin Köln
 Köln, Opitz, um 1985.

Proll, Thorwald: Thorwalds Aesthetische Reise zu den sozialistischen Gesellschaftsinseln in London..

17,00 €
Martin Assig. Zeichnungen 1993 - 99. Mit einem Text von Werner Schade
 München - Paris - London, Schirmer/Mosel, 1999.

Martin Assig. Zeichnungen 1993 99. Mit einem Text von Werner Schade München Paris London..

20,00 €
BaconFreudMehtaSouza. An exhibition of works by Francis Bacon, Lucian Freud, Tyeb Mehta and F N Souza. 31st August - 20th September
 London, Growvenor Vadehra, 2007.

BaconFreudMehtaSouza. An exhibition of works by Francis Bacon, Lucian Freud, Tyeb Mehta and F N..

17,00 €
Dasgupta, Anshuman: Hema Upadhyay - the glass house. [Exhibition catalogue] 18th may - 2nd June 2007
 London, Vadehra Art Gallery - Grosvenor Vadehra, 2007.

Dasgupta, Anshuman: Hema Upadhyay the glass house. [Exhibition catalogue] 18th may 2nd June..

14,00 €
Newsome, Victor: Recent Paintings & Drawings. 1 - 24 April 1998
 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1998.

Newsome, Victor: Recent Paintings & Drawings. 1 - 24 April 1998 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1998.

10,00 €
Marc Chagall. Original signed lithographs 1950's - 1960's. 46h - 28th June [1996]
 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1996.

Marc Chagall. Original signed lithographs 1950's 1960's. 46h 28th June [1996] London..

14,00 €
Lithographs by twenty-seven Soviet artists. May 9th to June 10th 1961
 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1961.

Lithographs by twenty seven Soviet artists. May 9th to June 10th 1961 London, Grosvenor Gallery..

12,00 €
Faiza Butt. Pehlwan. 13 - 30 October 2010
 London, Grosvenor Vadehra, 2010.

Faiza Butt. Pehlwan. 13 - 30 October 2010 London, Grosvenor Vadehra, 2010.

12,00 €
Otto Gutfreund (1889 - 1927). Sculpture & Drawings 1911 - 1927. [First One-Man Exhibition outside Czechoslovakia 1 - 24 June 1966]
 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1966.

Otto Gutfreund (1889 1927). Sculpture & Drawings 1911 1927. [First One Man Exhibition outside..

10,00 €
Shibu Natesan. Vision Unlimited. 6rh - 29th July 2005
 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 2005.

Shibu Natesan. Vision Unlimited. 6rh - 29th July 2005 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 2005.

10,00 €
Estoric, Eric E. (Hg.): Favorsky. 50 Years of his graphic art 1912 - 1960. Sevenarts 10 July - 17 August 1962
 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1962.

Estoric, Eric E. (Hg.): Favorsky. 50 Years of his graphic art 1912 1960. Sevenarts 10 July 17..

14,00 €
Piero Manzoni. Paintings, reliefs & objects
 [London], The Tate Gallery, ohne Jahr [1974].

Piero Manzoni. Paintings, reliefs & objects [London], The Tate Gallery, ohne Jahr [1974].

22,00 €
Nath, Deeksha (Hg.): House of mirrors. [Exhibition] 4-24 July 2007
 Ohne Ort [London - New Delhi], Grosvenor Vadehra, 2007.

Nath, Deeksha (Hg.): House of mirrors. [Exhibition] 4 24 July 2007 Ohne Ort [London New Delhi]..

14,00 €
Victor Newsome. Sculpture, Paintings and Drawings. Exhibition:: 12th may - 27th May 1999
 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1999.

Victor Newsome. Sculpture, Paintings and Drawings. Exhibition:: 12th may 27th May 1999 London..

10,00 €
BaconFreudMehtaSouza. An exhibition of works by Francis Bacon, Lucian Freud, Tyeb Mehta and F N Souza. 31st August - 20th September
 Ohne Ort [London - New Delhi], Grosvenor Vadehra, 2007.

BaconFreudMehtaSouza. An exhibition of works by Francis Bacon, Lucian Freud, Tyeb Mehta and F N..

22,00 €
Dobai, Johannes: Gustav Klimt. Landscapes. With an essay by Johannes Dobai and a biography of Gustav Klimt. Translated from the German by Ewald Osers
 London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, (1988).

Dobai, Johannes: Gustav Klimt. Landscapes. With an essay by Johannes Dobai and a biography of..

15,00 €
Rea, Hope: Donatello. "Il Maestro di Chi Sanno". [= The Great Masters in Painting and Sculpture - Edited by G. C. Williamson]
 London, George Bell & Sons, 1900.

Rea, Hope: Donatello. "Il Maestro di Chi Sanno". [= The Great Masters in Painting and Sculpture..

18,00 €
Manguel, Alberto: Reading Pictures.  A History of Love and Hate.

Manguel, Alberto: Reading Pictures. A History of Love and Hate.

15,00 €
Royal Style. Von Marie Antoinette bis Herzogin Kate. Die Fashiontrends des Adels. Wackerl, Luise

Royal Style. Von Marie Antoinette bis Herzogin Kate. Die Fashiontrends des Adels. Wackerl, Luise

18,00 €
Mario Sironi 1885 - 1961. [Ausstellungskatalog] April 22 - May 17, 1993
 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1993.

Mario Sironi 1885 1961. [Ausstellungskatalog] April 22 May 17, 1993 London, Grosvenor Gallery..

20,00 €
Henri Matisse - André Derain. Works on Paper. [Ausstellungskatalog] 1st - 30th June 1995
 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1995.

Henri Matisse André Derain. Works on Paper. [Ausstellungskatalog] 1st 30th June 1995 London..

12,00 €
Great Sculptors c. 1900 - 1950. [Ausstellungskatalog] November 8th - December 2nd 1994
 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1994.

Great Sculptors c. 1900 1950. [Ausstellungskatalog] November 8th December 2nd 1994 London..

24,00 €
An Exhibition of Recent Paintings by Franjo Dolenec. 16 October - 5 November 1963
 London, Arthur Jeffress Gallery, 1963.

An Exhibition of Recent Paintings by Franjo Dolenec. 16 October 5 November 1963 London, Arthur..

12,00 €
Makonde Sculpture. November 25 1969 - February 1970
 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1969.

Makonde Sculpture. November 25 1969 - February 1970 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1969.

18,00 €
Modern Czechoslovak Art. [Ausstellungskatalog] 16 - 28 July 1962
 London, Czechoslovak Industrial Exhibition Olympia, 1962.

Modern Czechoslovak Art. [Ausstellungskatalog] 16 28 July 1962 London, Czechoslovak Industrial..

12,00 €
Wolfgang Mattheuer - Paintings 1971 - 1988. [Ausstellungskatalog] 22 February - 23 March 1990
 London, Fischer Fine Art, 1990.

Wolfgang Mattheuer Paintings 1971 1988. [Ausstellungskatalog] 22 February 23 March 1990..

15,00 €
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