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59 Artikel gefunden


Fox, Len: The strange story of the Eureka Flag.

Fox, Len: The strange story of the Eureka Flag.

14,00 €
Garnier, Jean Paul: Le Drapeau Blanc.

Garnier, Jean Paul: Le Drapeau Blanc.

13,00 €
Casallas, Luis A. Bohorquez: Simbolos Patrios Colombianos. ( Colleccion Presidencia de la Rebublica - Administracion Turbay Ayala, Volumen VI ).

Casallas, Luis A. Bohorquez: Simbolos Patrios Colombianos. ( Colleccion Presidencia de la..

47,00 €
Brandhof, Marijke van den: Vlaggen, vaandels & standaarden van het Rijksmuseum ( Amsterdam ). Een geillustreerde catalogus.

Brandhof, Marijke van den: Vlaggen, vaandels & standaarden van het Rijksmuseum ( Amsterdam ). Een..

20,00 €
Flag Research Center / Whitney Smith (Ed.): Report of the  12 th International Congress of Vexillology. (The Flag Bulletin, No. 130  January-August 1989, Volume XXVII, Nos. 1-4).

Flag Research Center / Whitney Smith (Ed.): Report of the 12 th International Congress of..

52,00 €
Gay - Calbo, Enrique: El Centenario de la Bandiera Cubana (1849 - 1949). Discurso leido por el Académico de Numéro en la sesión solemne celebrada el dia 7 de junio de 1949.

Gay Calbo, Enrique: El Centenario de la Bandiera Cubana (1849 1949). Discurso leido por el..

42,00 €
Wise, Terence / Guido Rosignoli: Flags of the Napoleonic Wars (2).  Colours, Standards and Guidons of Austria, Britain, Prussia & Russia. (Men-at-Arms-Series 78).

Wise, Terence / Guido Rosignoli: Flags of the Napoleonic Wars (2). Colours, Standards and Guidons..

17,00 €
Zevenbergen, P. / H.J.M. van Rijckevorsel (Pref.): de nieuwe start van een schuttersgilde - Borgvliet Sint Sebastiaan Bergen op Zoom.

Zevenbergen, P. / H.J.M. van Rijckevorsel (Pref.): de nieuwe start van een schuttersgilde..

26,00 €
Gustafsson, Evald (Ed.) - Nils Ludvig Rasmusson, Svante Svärdström: Rikets vapen och flagga.

Gustafsson, Evald (Ed.) - Nils Ludvig Rasmusson, Svante Svärdström: Rikets vapen och flagga.

27,00 €
Arge, Niel Juel: Merkid - Flaggsögan (Flaggsogan).

Arge, Niel Juel: Merkid - Flaggsögan (Flaggsogan).

37,00 €
Jakobsson, Th.: (Red.) - Armemusei: Föreningens Armémusei Vänner Meddelanden III.

Jakobsson, Th.: (Red.) - Armemusei: Föreningens Armémusei Vänner Meddelanden III.

37,00 €
Parrish, Thomas: The American Flag. Illustrated with photographs, prints and drawings.

Parrish, Thomas: The American Flag. Illustrated with photographs, prints and drawings.

27,00 €
Hitchcock, Barbara: The Badford Flag - a national treasure. Illustrations by Jan van Steenwijk.

Hitchcock, Barbara: The Badford Flag - a national treasure. Illustrations by Jan van Steenwijk.

22,00 €
William Jr., Earl P: What You  Should Know About THE AMERICAN FLAG.  Illustrations by Les Prosser.

William Jr., Earl P: What You Should Know About THE AMERICAN FLAG. Illustrations by Les Prosser.

22,00 €
Wates, Wylma A: A Flag worthy of your State and People. The History of the  South Carolina State Flag.

Wates, Wylma A: A Flag worthy of your State and People. The History of the South Carolina State..

21,00 €
Carpenter, Frances: Our State Flags.

Carpenter, Frances: Our State Flags.

23,00 €
Spencer, Richard Henry: The Provincial  Flag of Maryland. (Reprint from Maryland Historical Magazine, Vol. IX, No. 3, 1914).

Spencer, Richard Henry: The Provincial Flag of Maryland. (Reprint from Maryland Historical..

20,00 €
Wall, Alexander J: The Flag with an Eagle in the Canton. (Reprint from New York Historical Society Quarterly Bulletin, 1933).

Wall, Alexander J: The Flag with an Eagle in the Canton. (Reprint from New York Historical Society..

21,00 €
Greenly, A. H: More  Light on the Original Bear Flag of California. (Reprint from  the Yale University Library Gazette, Vol. XXVII, No. 4, 1953).

Greenly, A. H: More Light on the Original Bear Flag of California. (Reprint from the Yale..

20,00 €
William, Jr., Earl P: What You Should Know About the Flags of the Confederacy.

William, Jr., Earl P: What You Should Know About the Flags of the Confederacy.

21,00 €
Plettinck, Eddy (Réd.): Bulletin du Crédit Communal. 50e année, No. 198, 1996 / 4.

Plettinck, Eddy (Réd.): Bulletin du Crédit Communal. 50e année, No. 198, 1996 / 4.

23,00 €
Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (Ed.): Emblèmes et Drapeaux de l ' Europe mediane. (Publications Langues ' o - Cahiers  No. 10 -  Centre d ' etude de l ' Europe mediane).

Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (Ed.): Emblèmes et Drapeaux de l '..

47,00 €
Queensland. - Premier ' s Dept.,  (Ed.): The Queensland Flag Book.

Queensland. - Premier ' s Dept., (Ed.): The Queensland Flag Book.

18,00 €
Missouri Division of Tourism (Ed.): This is Missouri.

Missouri Division of Tourism (Ed.): This is Missouri.

20,00 €
Smith, Whitney: The Bedford Flag.

Smith, Whitney: The Bedford Flag.

20,00 €
Mittlebeeler, Emmet V: What Flag flew at Bunker Hill? (Reprint from The Flag Bulletin, Vol. XVII, No. 2).

Mittlebeeler, Emmet V: What Flag flew at Bunker Hill? (Reprint from The Flag Bulletin, Vol. XVII..

20,00 €
Rogner, E. A: The Pentagon. Flags displayed in the building.  History - Location - Myths and Facts.

Rogner, E. A: The Pentagon. Flags displayed in the building. History - Location - Myths and Facts.

20,00 €
The Flagsource - America ' s World Class Flagmaker  (Ed.): Catalog 1985 - 1986. Special Statue  of Liberty Edition.

The Flagsource America ' s World Class Flagmaker (Ed.): Catalog 1985 1986. Special Statue of..

15,00 €
The Flag Guys - Flag Merchants Since 1977 (Ed.): Spring Catalog 1991.

The Flag Guys - Flag Merchants Since 1977 (Ed.): Spring Catalog 1991.

15,00 €
Pond, Chester / O ' Hara, A. C: Flags over New York.  History and Display of the Flag of the United States of America and the Flag of the State of New York.

Pond, Chester / O ' Hara, A. C: Flags over New York. History and Display of the Flag of the United..

15,00 €
McCloskey, Marsha / Linda Moore: Make your own Outdoor Flags & Banners.  A Handbook for Do - it - Yourself Flag Design and Construction.

McCloskey, Marsha / Linda Moore: Make your own Outdoor Flags & Banners. A Handbook for Do it..

20,00 €
Rault, Philippe: Les Drapeaux Bretons de 1188 à nos Jours. (Illustrations de Lucien Philippe).

Rault, Philippe: Les Drapeaux Bretons de 1188 à nos Jours. (Illustrations de Lucien Philippe).

28,00 €
Philippe, Lucien: Les Drapeaux des Parties Politiques du Sénégal. (Conférence au Congrès International de Vexillologie de York, 27 juillet 2001).

Philippe, Lucien: Les Drapeaux des Parties Politiques du Sénégal. (Conférence au Congrès..

47,00 €
Lupant, Michel R: Drapeaux et armoiries de l ' État du Koweit (Dawlat al - Kwit).

Lupant, Michel R: Drapeaux et armoiries de l ' État du Koweit (Dawlat al - Kwit).

27,00 €
Bolten, D. (Voorwoord): Het Blazoen. Tentoonstelling van 23 December 1953 tot 14 Februari 1954.

Bolten, D. (Voorwoord): Het Blazoen. Tentoonstelling van 23 December 1953 tot 14 Februari 1954.

18,00 €
Verillon, Commandant M. ( Chef de Bataillon Brevete au 151e Regiment D'Infanterie): Les Trophees de la France.

Verillon, Commandant M. ( Chef de Bataillon Brevete au 151e Regiment D'Infanterie): Les Trophees de..

357,00 €
Vuono, Carl E. / Milton H. Hamilton (Red.): Heraldic Activities - Flags, Guidons, Streamers, Tabards and Automobile and Aircraft plates. Army Regulation  840 - 10 Effective 26 November 1990.

Vuono, Carl E. / Milton H. Hamilton (Red.): Heraldic Activities Flags, Guidons, Streamers..

23,00 €
Escobar, Ismael Bucich: Banderas Argentinas de la Independencia.

Escobar, Ismael Bucich: Banderas Argentinas de la Independencia.

47,00 €
Galuppini, Gino: La Bandiera Tricolore nella Marina Sarda. (Ufficio Storico della Marina Militare).

Galuppini, Gino: La Bandiera Tricolore nella Marina Sarda. (Ufficio Storico della Marina Militare).

21,00 €
Wescher, H: Flags.

Wescher, H: Flags.

15,00 €
Stewart. John A: Notes on the Arms of Nova Scotia.

Stewart. John A: Notes on the Arms of Nova Scotia.

72,00 €
Nunnerley, Priscilla: An Army with Banners- A book on banners for the church of Christ.

Nunnerley, Priscilla: An Army with Banners- A book on banners for the church of Christ.

18,00 €
Kennedy, Darrel E: Wellington County Municipalities.

Kennedy, Darrel E: Wellington County Municipalities.

16,00 €
Martin, Horace T: Castorologia or the History and Traditions of the Canadian Beaver.

Martin, Horace T: Castorologia or the History and Traditions of the Canadian Beaver.

27,00 €
Ricchiardi, Enrico: Le Bandiere di Carlo Alberto (1814 - 1849).

Ricchiardi, Enrico: Le Bandiere di Carlo Alberto (1814 - 1849).

22,00 €
Cruikshank, John: The Armorial Ensigns of the Royal Burgh of Aberdeen with some observations on the legend relating to the capture and demolition of the castle.

Cruikshank, John: The Armorial Ensigns of the Royal Burgh of Aberdeen with some observations on the..

157,00 €
Porrua, Miguel Angel (Ed.).- Andres Henestrosa, Maria del Refugio Gonzales u.a: La Bandera de Mexico.

Porrua, Miguel Angel (Ed.). Andres Henestrosa, Maria del Refugio Gonzales u.a: La Bandera de..

47,00 €
Lupant, Michel: Drapeaux royaux et militaires du Nepal.

Lupant, Michel: Drapeaux royaux et militaires du Nepal.

37,00 €
Artikel pro Seite 48 | 96