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12 Artikel gefunden


Lloyd. - Drory, Charles Esquire: Lloyd's Register of Yachts. Containing particulars and Distinguishing Flags of yachts and motor boats; an alphabetical list of owners, with their addresses, also the flags of the principal yacht and sailing clubs, with the

Lloyd. Drory, Charles Esquire: Lloyd's Register of Yachts. Containing particulars and..

257,00 €
Brandhof, Marijke van den: Vlaggen, vaandels & standaarden van het Rijksmuseum ( Amsterdam ). Een geillustreerde catalogus.

Brandhof, Marijke van den: Vlaggen, vaandels & standaarden van het Rijksmuseum ( Amsterdam ). Een..

20,00 €
Turek, Eva: Böhmiska fanor i Statens trofesamling. - Bohemian Colours in the Swedish State Trophy Collection.

Turek, Eva: Böhmiska fanor i Statens trofesamling. Bohemian Colours in the Swedish State Trophy..

23,00 €
Pripavilo Stredisko Vexilologickych Informaci  (Ed.) / Petr Exner (Red.): Sbornik Prednasek Z 1,  Z 2, Z 3, Z 5.  Ceskeho Narodniho Vexilologeckeho Kongresu Hradek Kralove 1996 / Usti Nad Labem 2000 / Plzen 2004 / Liberec 2012.

Pripavilo Stredisko Vexilologickych Informaci (Ed.) / Petr Exner (Red.): Sbornik Prednasek Z 1, Z..

47,00 €
Raituma, Daina / Baiba Stepite / Dagmara Lejina (Red.): Latvijas Valsts Svetuma Zimes.

Raituma, Daina / Baiba Stepite / Dagmara Lejina (Red.): Latvijas Valsts Svetuma Zimes.

45,00 €
Horváth, Zoltán: A Világ zászlói - a zászlók vilaga. Zászlók, Cimerek, Leirasok, Adatok, Térképek Amit a Zászlokrol Tudni Érdemes….

Horváth, Zoltán: A Világ zászlói a zászlók vilaga. Zászlók, Cimerek, Leirasok, Adatok..

27,00 €
Dreyer, Emil - Harald Müller / Swiss Society of Vexillology: Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of Vexillology, Zurich (Zürich) 23 - 27 August 1993.

Dreyer, Emil Harald Müller / Swiss Society of Vexillology: Proceedings of the 15th International..

57,00 €
Zweguintzow, Wladimir Wladimirowitch ( auch Zvegintsov, Vladimir Vladimirovich ): Drapeaux et Etendards de l ' Armée Russe  XVIe s. - 1914. Texte  en russe et francais.

Zweguintzow, Wladimir Wladimirowitch ( auch Zvegintsov, Vladimir Vladimirovich ): Drapeaux et..

3.857,00 €
Popovich, Miroslav (Foreword): The Historical Heraldry of Ukrainian Cities.

Popovich, Miroslav (Foreword): The Historical Heraldry of Ukrainian Cities.

27,00 €
Myslivecek, Milan: Panoptikum. Symbolu, znacek a znameni. (= Panoptikum. Symbole, Wappen und Zeichen).

Myslivecek, Milan: Panoptikum. Symbolu, znacek a znameni. (= Panoptikum. Symbole, Wappen und..

19,00 €
Törnquist, Leif ( Dir.): Konstnären som heraldiker Einar J : Son Kedjas Fanor 17 juni - 4 oktober 1992.

Törnquist, Leif ( Dir.): Konstnären som heraldiker Einar J : Son Kedjas Fanor 17 juni 4 oktober..

25,00 €
Vaicenonis, Jonas: Lietuvos Valstybes Simboliai. (Serija "Mazieji pasakojimai apie Lietuva").

Vaicenonis, Jonas: Lietuvos Valstybes Simboliai. (Serija "Mazieji pasakojimai apie Lietuva").

27,00 €
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