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107 Artikel gefunden


AK North East Harbor, ME, Main Street looking West

AK North East Harbor, ME, Main Street looking West

7,00 €
AK Portland, ME, Congress Square

AK Portland, ME, Congress Square

7,00 €
AK Skowhegan, ME, Lakewood Theatre

AK Skowhegan, ME, Lakewood Theatre

7,00 €
AK Bangor, ME, Exchange Street

AK Bangor, ME, Exchange Street

7,00 €
AK Bangor, ME, Penobscot Exchange

AK Bangor, ME, Penobscot Exchange

7,00 €
AK Portland, ME, Portland Observatory

AK Portland, ME, Portland Observatory

7,00 €
AK Belfast, ME, Post Office

AK Belfast, ME, Post Office

7,00 €
AK Gorham, ME, The Old Hugh McLellan House, Erected 1773

AK Gorham, ME, The Old Hugh McLellan House, Erected 1773

7,00 €
AK Ogunquit, ME, Airview of Perkins Cove

AK Ogunquit, ME, Airview of Perkins Cove

5,00 €
AK Portland, ME, The Rum Hole, City Hall, Contraband Liquor in Durance Vile

AK Portland, ME, The Rum Hole, City Hall, Contraband Liquor in Durance Vile

5,00 €
AK Center Sandwich, NH, FB Church, Town Hall, ME Church, School House, Art Nouveau

AK Center Sandwich, NH, FB Church, Town Hall, ME Church, School House, Art Nouveau

10,00 €
AK Centre Lovell, ME, Severance Lodge on Lake Kezar, Severance Lodge

AK Centre Lovell, ME, Severance Lodge on Lake Kezar, Severance Lodge

7,00 €
AK Augusta, ME, Old Fort Western

AK Augusta, ME, Old Fort Western

7,00 €
AK Biddeford, ME, Biddeford and Saco Bridge

AK Biddeford, ME, Biddeford and Saco Bridge

5,00 €
AK Augusta, ME, State Capitol

AK Augusta, ME, State Capitol

5,00 €
Florida - Palm Beach - Cactus on the Craignan Place - Edition H. C. Leighton Co. Portland Me. 1904

Florida - Palm Beach - Cactus on the Craignan Place - Edition H. C. Leighton Co. Portland Me. 1904

9,00 €
Florida - Palm Beach - Shore of West Palm Beach - Edition H. C. Leighton Co. Portland Me. 1904

Florida - Palm Beach - Shore of West Palm Beach - Edition H. C. Leighton Co. Portland Me. 1904

7,00 €
Florida - Palm Beach - Cocoanut Trees on the Craignan Place - Edition H. C. Leighton Co. Portland Me. 1904

Florida Palm Beach Cocoanut Trees on the Craignan Place Edition H. C. Leighton Co. Portland..

7,00 €
Florida - Mouth of the Miami River and Royal Palms - Edition H. C. Leighton Co. Portland Me. 1904

Florida - Mouth of the Miami River and Royal Palms - Edition H. C. Leighton Co. Portland Me. 1904

9,00 €
Maine - Greetings from Bar Harbor - Anemone Cave on Ocean Drive - Publisher Chisholm Bros Portland Me gel. 1904

Maine Greetings from Bar Harbor Anemone Cave on Ocean Drive Publisher Chisholm Bros Portland..

7,00 €
York Me - The Chasm -731812

York Me - The Chasm -731812

4,00 €
Western promenade, Portland, me.

Western promenade, Portland, me.

3,48 €
Brunswick ME The Moulton Union Bowdoin College gl1931 163.927

Brunswick ME The Moulton Union Bowdoin College gl1931 163.927

6,99 €
Bridgton ME Highland Lake gl1968 164.107

Bridgton ME Highland Lake gl1968 164.107

6,99 €
AK Portland, ME, Falmouth Hotel

AK Portland, ME, Falmouth Hotel

6,00 €
AK Augusta, ME, Cony High School

AK Augusta, ME, Cony High School

6,00 €
AK Bangor, ME, Bangor Salmon Pool

AK Bangor, ME, Bangor Salmon Pool

6,00 €
AK Westbrook, ME, Main Street

AK Westbrook, ME, Main Street

6,00 €
AK Kittery Point, ME, Old Block House, Fort Mc. Clary

AK Kittery Point, ME, Old Block House, Fort Mc. Clary

6,00 €
AK Lubec, ME, Water Street

AK Lubec, ME, Water Street

6,00 €
AK Old Ochard, ME, Hotel The Atlantic

AK Old Ochard, ME, Hotel The Atlantic

6,00 €
AK Saco, ME, New Sears & Roebuck Shoe Factory

AK Saco, ME, New Sears & Roebuck Shoe Factory

6,00 €
AK Casco Bay, ME, View from Little Diamond Island, showing Cape Shore

AK Casco Bay, ME, View from Little Diamond Island, showing Cape Shore

6,00 €
AK Casco Bay, ME, Great Diamond from Little Diamond Island

AK Casco Bay, ME, Great Diamond from Little Diamond Island

6,00 €
AK Portland, ME, Longfellow`s Home, Congress Street

AK Portland, ME, Longfellow`s Home, Congress Street

6,00 €
AK Bingham, ME, United States Post Office, Bingham`s Store

AK Bingham, ME, United States Post Office, Bingham`s Store

7,00 €
AK York Harbor, ME, The Emerson

AK York Harbor, ME, The Emerson

13,00 €
AK Union, ME, Post Office, Masonic Hall and Old Universalist Church

AK Union, ME, Post Office, Masonic Hall and Old Universalist Church

7,00 €
AK Freeport, ME, Post Office, Clark Hotel

AK Freeport, ME, Post Office, Clark Hotel

7,00 €
AK Kennebunkport, ME, US Post Office

AK Kennebunkport, ME, US Post Office

7,00 €
AK Hallowell, ME, Post Office

AK Hallowell, ME, Post Office

7,00 €
AK Wells Beach, ME, Casino and Post Office

AK Wells Beach, ME, Casino and Post Office

7,00 €
AK Gardiner, ME, US Post Office and Water Street

AK Gardiner, ME, US Post Office and Water Street

7,00 €
AK Gardiner, ME, Post Office

AK Gardiner, ME, Post Office

7,00 €
AK Hallowell, ME, City Building and Post Office

AK Hallowell, ME, City Building and Post Office

7,00 €
AK Westbrook, ME, Post Office

AK Westbrook, ME, Post Office

7,00 €
AK Dexter, ME, Post Office

AK Dexter, ME, Post Office

7,00 €
AK Cedar Grove, ME, Post Office

AK Cedar Grove, ME, Post Office

7,00 €
Artikel pro Seite 48 | 96

Antike Ansichtskarten aus den USA von New York bis Los Angeles

Die USA sind für viele Menschen ein Sehnsuchtsland, was auch die große Menge alte Ansichtskarten zeigt. Gelaufene und ungelaufene Karten wurden als Reiseerinnerung und Gruß aus dem Land der unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten verschickt oder mitgebracht.

Sammlerstücke aus allen 50 Bundesstaaten: alte Ansichtskarten der USA

Wegen der großen Menge an Ansichtskarten aus den USA lässt sich die Entwicklung des nordamerikanischen Landes über dieses Medium ideal nachverfolgen. Sehenswürdigkeiten und Alltagsszenen aus allen 50 Bundesstaaten der USA werden auf unseren alten Ansichtskarten dargestellt. Palmenstrände im Florida der 1960er Jahre können Sie auf antiken Ansichtskarten genauso bewundern wie Casinos in Las Vegas, Nevada, oder Kunstwerke aus Kalifornien.

Historische Postkarten aus New York

Eine besondere Faszination übt New York City aus, weshalb Sie bei uns viele Ansichtskarten der Ostküsten-Metropole finden. Darauf sind berühmte Sehenswürdigkeiten wie das Rockefeller Center oder das Empire State Building im Wandel der Zeit zu sehen. Doch Ansichtskarten aus New York bieten noch viel mehr, denn sie zeigen Ihnen Motive des gesamten Bundesstaates.

Lassen Sie sich von ländlichen Motiven aus Kleinstädten verzaubern und bewundern Sie Postkarten aus New York mit Naturszenen beliebter Seen und Wälder wie beispielsweise dem Green Lake.