London, Taylor & Francis, 1991, (75-) 158 pp. With numerous b&w illustrations. 4°, orig. wrappers.
Contents: Graham Clarke: Alfredf Stieglitz and Lake George; Alfred Stieglitz: Some Uncollected Works; Fred Zinnemann: Portfolio: Photographs of New Yoirk (1932); Anne Hammond: Impressionist Theory and the Autochrome; et al. - Somewhat sunned, front cover minimally squeezed, else a fine copy.
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Détails sur l'article
Autor:Weaver, Mike and Anne Hammond (Ed.)
Titel:Alfred Stieglitz
Verlagsort:London, Taylor & Francis, 1991
Anzahl Bände:1
Händler-Kategorie:Fotografie (photography)
numéro d'oldthing: 40605207 | le numéro de stockage: 140433
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