Oxford, Clarendon Press 1967, 2 Bde. Mit 2 Frontispizen und zahlr. Abbildungen auf 256 Tafeln. Insges. XXIX, 812 S. 4to. OLwd.
(= "Oxford monographs on Classical Archaeology", edited by J. D. Beazley, B. Ashmole, C. M. Robertson). - Vol. I: Text; Vol. II: Indexes and Plates. - "The primary purpose of this work is to provide classified lists of Lucanian, Campanian, and Sicilian red-figured vases, accompanied by some explanatory comments on style and dating and by a fairly wide selection of illustrations to enable the reader to follow the various attributions or groupings" (Vorwort). - Kapitale minimal bestoßen, ansonsten guter Zustand.
Albanie, Andorre, Bosnie-Herzégovine, Îles Féroé, Géorgie, Islande, Macédoine du Nord, Moldavie, Monaco, Norvège, Suisse, Ukraine, État de la Cité du Vatican, Biélorussie, Royaume-Uni, Serbie