The Selection of essential drugs Report of a WHO Expert Committee WHO Technical Report Series, No. 615.

Une offre dans Livres & magazines Médecine : Pharmacie - 502 autres offres dans cette catégorie

Impressions de la page: 6


WHO, Geneva, 1977, 36 Seiten. Broschur, Heft.

Introduction - General considerations - Statement of the problem - General principles for establishing a list of essential drugs - Guidelines for establishing a list of essential drugs - A more limited list of essential drugs for primary health care - Examples of the application of the guidelines by the Expert Committee - Drug information and education activities - Drug utilization surveys - Research and development - Pharmaceutical - Clinical - Educational - Regulatory - Model list of essential drugs - Recommendations for the development of the WHO programme on essential drugs - Glossary of terms used in the report - Bibliography.


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Détails sur l'article

Herausgeber: World Health Organisation, Geneva

Titel: The Selection of essential drugs
Report of a WHO Expert Committee
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 615

Auflage: Erstausgabe

Verlagsname: WHO, Geneva

Jahr: 1977

Seitenanzahl: 36 Seiten

Einband: Broschur, Heft

Produktart: Buch

Sprache: Englisch

Länge x Breite: 20 cm x 14 cm

ISBN: 9241206152

numéro d'oldthing: 48882487
| le numéro de stockage: 331576


Évaluations du vendeur
96 % Positive
214 Verkäufe
Fournisseur commercial
localisation de l'article: DE-01279 Dresden
Langue : allemand

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