New York, The Museum of Modern Art 2004, Mit 89 Abbildungen. 240 S. Kl.-4to. OBrosch.
(= "Studies in Modern Art"). - Correspondence detailing the collaboration-cum-collision between Frank Lloyd Wright and the Museum of Modern Art, New York, about the staging of a retrospective work, and the publication of a book to accompany it, is published here for the first time, including a controversial piece by Walter Curt Behrendt. - Nahezu neuwertiges Exemplar.
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Détails sur l'article
Autor:Reed, Peter and Kathryn Smith
Titel:The Show to End All Shows. Frank Lloyd Wright and The Museum of Modern Art, 1940
Verlagsort:New York, The Museum of Modern Art 2004
Seitenanzahl:Mit 89 Abbildungen. 240 S. Kl.-4to. OBrosch
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