Le marché oldthing propose un large choix dans la catégorie Photographies stéréoscopiques

4.331 Article trouvé


Stereo-Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, Drilling Copper Ore one Mile Underground, Wilson Mine Metcalf Bergbau

Stereo Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, Drilling Copper Ore one Mile Underground, Wilson..

29,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie Keystone View Co., Meadville / PA., Old Mining Pit, Cerro de Pasco in Peru, Bergbau

Stereo Fotografie Keystone View Co., Meadville / PA., Old Mining Pit, Cerro de Pasco in Peru..

29,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie Keystone View Co., Meadville / PA., Shaft House, Smelter and Tailing Pile, Zinc and Lead Mines Bergbau

Stereo Fotografie Keystone View Co., Meadville / PA., Shaft House, Smelter and Tailing Pile, Zinc..

29,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, Inclines to the Copper Mines, Metcalf, Bergbau, Kupfermine

Stereo Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, Inclines to the Copper Mines, Metcalf, Bergbau..

29,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie Keystone View Co., Meadville / PA., Mines and Copper Smelter in Butte / Mont., Bergbau

Stereo Fotografie Keystone View Co., Meadville / PA., Mines and Copper Smelter in Butte / Mont..

29,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, die grosse Stampfmühle der Robinson Mine, Goldgrube Süd Afrika Bergbau

Stereo Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, die grosse Stampfmühle der Robinson Mine..

29,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie Fotograf unbekannt, London, R. E.`s mine counter Mine Messines Ridge, Ypres, Bergbau

Stereo Fotografie Fotograf unbekannt, London, R. E.`s mine counter Mine Messines Ridge, Ypres..

29,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie R. Neilson, Johannesburg, Bergmänner im Schacht beim Steineschlagen Untertage, Bergbau

Stereo Fotografie R. Neilson, Johannesburg, Bergmänner im Schacht beim Steineschlagen Untertage..

29,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie R. Neilson, Johannesburg, Bergmänner / Kumpel beladen Rutsche untertage, Bergbau

Stereo-Fotografie R. Neilson, Johannesburg, Bergmänner / Kumpel beladen Rutsche untertage, Bergbau

29,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, junge Schweizerin in Tracht vor ihrem Wohnhaus

Stereo-Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, junge Schweizerin in Tracht vor ihrem Wohnhaus

17,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, junge Schweizerinnen in Tracht beim Kaffeekränzchen

Stereo Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, junge Schweizerinnen in Tracht beim..

17,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie Felix Potin, Paris, Exposition 1900, Porte Monumentale, Ausstellung

Stereo-Fotografie Felix Potin, Paris, Exposition 1900, Porte Monumentale, Ausstellung

20,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie Felix Potin, Paris, Exposition 1900, Petit Palais, Rikscha

Stereo-Fotografie Felix Potin, Paris, Exposition 1900, Petit Palais, Rikscha

20,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie Felix Potin, Paris, Exposition 1900, Entree du Petit Palais

Stereo-Fotografie Felix Potin, Paris, Exposition 1900, Entree du Petit Palais

20,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie Felix Potin, Paris, Exposition 1900, Avillon de la Navigation, Leuchtturm, Ausstellung

Stereo Fotografie Felix Potin, Paris, Exposition 1900, Avillon de la Navigation, Leuchtturm..

20,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie Felix Potin, Paris, Exposition 1900, vue de Quai des Nations, Ausstellung

Stereo-Fotografie Felix Potin, Paris, Exposition 1900, vue de Quai des Nations, Ausstellung

20,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie Keystone View Co., Meadville / PA, Gold Quartz Mining, Robinson Mine, 10th Level, Johannesburg Bergbau

Stereo Fotografie Keystone View Co., Meadville / PA, Gold Quartz Mining, Robinson Mine, 10th Level..

24,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie Keystone View Co., Meadville / PA, Quartz Sorting Table, Robinson Mine, Johannesburg, Bergbau

Stereo Fotografie Keystone View Co., Meadville / PA, Quartz Sorting Table, Robinson Mine..

24,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, Gold Miners at Work in the Klondike, Yukon District, Bergbau

Stereo Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, Gold Miners at Work in the Klondike, Yukon..

24,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie Keystone View Co., Meadville / PA, Surface Mining in the Erzberg near Eisenerz, Bergbau

Stereo Fotografie Keystone View Co., Meadville / PA, Surface Mining in the Erzberg near Eisenerz..

24,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie Keystone View Co., Meadville, Mammoth Pits of South Africas Greatest Diamond Mine, Pretoria, Bergbau

Stereo Fotografie Keystone View Co., Meadville, Mammoth Pits of South Africas Greatest Diamond..

24,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie NPG, Berlin, Kali und Steinsalzbergwerk Fördermaschine, Schacht II. Seiltrommeln, Bergbau

Stereo Fotografie NPG, Berlin, Kali und Steinsalzbergwerk Fördermaschine, Schacht II..

24,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie Littleton View Co., Littleton / N.H., Mining Coal Three Miles Under Ground, Bergbau, Kohle

Stereo Fotografie Littleton View Co., Littleton / N.H., Mining Coal Three Miles Under Ground..

24,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie Keystone View Co., Meadville / PA, Coal Mining, Strata, Miners Shovelling and Drilling, Bergbau

Stereo Fotografie Keystone View Co., Meadville / PA, Coal Mining, Strata, Miners Shovelling and..

24,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie Keystone View Co., Meadville / PA, Hydrauli Mining, Oregon, Bergbau, Tagebau

Stereo-Fotografie Keystone View Co., Meadville / PA, Hydrauli Mining, Oregon, Bergbau, Tagebau

24,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie Keystone View Co., Meadville / PA., Brechen und Laden der Kohle nach der Sprengung, Scarnton, Bergbau

Stereo Fotografie Keystone View Co., Meadville / PA., Brechen und Laden der Kohle nach der..

24,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, Cutting peat, the vegetable substitute for Coal, near Kiltoom

Stereo Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, Cutting peat, the vegetable substitute for Coal..

20,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie Keystone View Co., Meadville / PA, Nativ Boys Descending Shaft, Robinson Mine, Johannesburg, Bergbau

Stereo Fotografie Keystone View Co., Meadville / PA, Nativ Boys Descending Shaft, Robinson Mine..

24,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie R. Neilson, Johannesburg, Shaft Sinking Knight Central, Bergbau, Gleise verlegen

Stereo-Fotografie R. Neilson, Johannesburg, Shaft Sinking Knight Central, Bergbau, Gleise verlegen

24,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie R. Neilson, Johannesburg, Pipesetting, Knights Central, Bergbau, Minenschacht

Stereo-Fotografie R. Neilson, Johannesburg, Pipesetting, Knights Central, Bergbau, Minenschacht

24,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie Keystone View Co., Meadville / PA, electric Motor Hauling Cars loaded with Caol, Scranton, Bergbau

Stereo Fotografie Keystone View Co., Meadville / PA, electric Motor Hauling Cars loaded with Caol..

20,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie Keystone View Co., Meadville / PA, Salz Felder, ein Reservoir nach dem Abdampfen, Soline, Russland

Stereo Fotografie Keystone View Co., Meadville / PA, Salz Felder, ein Reservoir nach dem Abdampfen..

20,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie Universal Stereoscopic View Co., Drilling Coal Prewoods Blasting, Bergbau Kohle

Stereo-Fotografie Universal Stereoscopic View Co., Drilling Coal Prewoods Blasting, Bergbau Kohle

20,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie Keystoen View Co., Meadville / PA, Pouring molten Copper into Ingot Molds, Calumet Lake Linden Mich.

Stereo Fotografie Keystoen View Co., Meadville / PA, Pouring molten Copper into Ingot Molds..

20,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie Keystone View Co., Meadville, Nitrate for Agriculture and for War being Sacked for Shipment, Chile

Stereo Fotografie Keystone View Co., Meadville, Nitrate for Agriculture and for War being Sacked..

20,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie Keystone View Co., Meadville, Pitch Lake in Trinidad, Abbau von Asphalt am See, natürliches Asphalt

Stereo Fotografie Keystone View Co., Meadville, Pitch Lake in Trinidad, Abbau von Asphalt am See..

20,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie Kurt Emmerich, Erfurt, Schacht des kgl. Salzbergwerkes in Erfurt, Bergmänner, Kumpel, Bergbau

Stereo Fotografie Kurt Emmerich, Erfurt, Schacht des kgl. Salzbergwerkes in Erfurt, Bergmänner..

20,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, at foot of Taikozan Fort, which Japanese charged to its capture

Stereo Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, at foot of Taikozan Fort, which Japanese charged..

24,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, on board the Japanese armoured cruise Asama, Japanese Navy, Marine

Stereo Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, on board the Japanese armoured cruise Asama..

24,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, Japanese Reserves awaiting order to advance, siege of Port Arthur

Stereo Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, Japanese Reserves awaiting order to advance..

24,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, advance of Russian Troops in the Far-East marching along Railway

Stereo Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, advance of Russian Troops in the Far East..

24,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, Russian officers watching Japanese assault in Port Arthur

Stereo Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, Russian officers watching Japanese assault in..

24,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, great Japanese siege Guns firing ofer the Hills into Port Arthur

Stereo Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, great Japanese siege Guns firing ofer the Hills..

24,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, Keeping below the dead line, Japanese trenches near Port Arthur

Stereo Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, Keeping below the dead line, Japanese trenches..

24,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, Great Japanese siege guns, firing over the hills into Port Arthur

Stereo Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, Great Japanese siege guns, firing over the hills..

24,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, Hole in ground near Ho-o-shan made by 12-in Shell from Russian Ship

Stereo Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, Hole in ground near Ho o shan made by 12 in..

24,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, Russian barrie and wire entanglements closing road, Port Arthur

Stereo Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, Russian barrie and wire entanglements closing..

24,00 €
Stereo-Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, wounded Japanese after a desperate charge on Russian stronghold

Stereo Fotografie Underwood & Underwood, New York, wounded Japanese after a desperate charge on..

24,00 €