London, Faber & Faber/New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art 1966, Mit 261 Abbildungen und 5 Tabellen. XVI, 217 S. 4to. OLwd.
This study is mainly concerned with the techniques of Attic pottery of the black-figured and the red-figured styles, the period from the late 7th to the late 4th century B. C. In addition I have included some studies of other periods and cultures, from the Egyptian black and red ware of the third millennium B. C. to the Barbotine pottery of the Roman period as late as the fourth century A. D., wherever they have bearing on the techniques of the Attic painted pottery (Vorwort). - Rücken und Ecken leicht berieben, ansonsten guter Zustand.
Albanie, Andorre, Bosnie-Herzégovine, Îles Féroé, Géorgie, Islande, Macédoine du Nord, Moldavie, Monaco, Norvège, Suisse, Ukraine, État de la Cité du Vatican, Biélorussie, Royaume-Uni, Serbie