New Materials by Mechanical Alloying Techniques.

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guter Zustand, Gebrauchs- und Alterungsspuren: ehemaliges Bibliotheksexemplar - Titel mit Stempeln und Notizen - Deckel innen mit angeklebtem Papierrest - Vorsatz mit weiterem Stempel - Seiten aber sauber und ordentlich - Einbandecken und -kanten teils gering abgenutzt, The development of new engineering materials is increasingly considered a key technology, because it has the potential of stimulating innovation in all fields of engineering. In particular, non-equilibrium processing methods, such as powder metallurgy and rapid solidification, are receiving considerable attention in the research and development community. Among the processes with the highest potential for tailoring advanced materials, mechanical alloying techniques are of special interest because they offer great flexibility in the choice of constituent materials to be combined. Invented in the 1970's as a method for producing unique dispersion-strengthened alloys for high-temperature applications, mechanical alloying has developed several side branches and stimulated the development of related processes. Since the discovery in 1983 that even amorphous alloys can be produced by mechanical alloying, a new wave of research activity concerned with the possibilities and perspectives of this process has been unleashed. This book is the result of a conference on New Materials by Mechanical Alloying Techniques", designed to present and discuss the state-of-the-art in this fleld and to provide some "cross-fertilization" between the different research groups including materials scientists, chemists, solid state physicists and producers. The conference was held an October 3-5, 1988 in the Kloster Hotel at Calw-Hirsau in the picturesque Black Forest region of West Germany. The group of participants consisted mainly of invited speakers from eleven countries, including three overseas nations (USA, Japan, Israel). This book, which contains the contributions presented orally and in poster form, will make the results of the conference available to a larger community and serve as a future reference for the current state of development." - Mechanical Alloying: Processes and Mechanisms - Mechanical Alloying - A Perspective J. S. Benjamin, Alcoa Center - Dispersion Strengthening by Mechanical Alloying R. C. Benn and P. K. Mirchandani, Huntington - Reaction Milling of Aluminium Alloys G. Jangg, Wien - Basic Phenomena of Glass Formation by Mechanical Alloying Schultz, Erlangen - Amorphous Phase Formation by Mechanical Alloying: Thermodynamic and Kinetic Requirements R. Bormann and R. Busch, Göttingen - Amorphization of a Binary Metal-Metalloid System by Mechanical Alloying G. Veltl, B. Scholz and H.-D. Kunze, Bremen - Compositional Dependence of Glass Formation in Mechanically Alloyed Transition Metal-Transition Metal Alloys J. Eckert, L. Schultz and K. Urban, Erlangen and Jülich - Amorphization of Gd-Co Powders by Mechanical Alloying D. Girardin and M. Maurer, Pont-a-Mousson - Ball Milling Amorphization Mechanism of Ni-Zr Alloys E. Gaffet, N. Merk, and G. Martin, J. Bigot, Vitry - Amorphization of Intermetallic Phases by Mechanical Alloying / Mechancical Milling C. C. Koch, J. S. C. Jang and P. Y. Lee, Raleigh - Amorphization and Phase Transformations during Mechanical Alloying of Nickel-Zirconium F. Petzold, B. Scholz and H.-D. Kunze, Bremen - Structural Transformation and Decomposition of Binary Alloys by Grinding P. I. Loeff, H. Bakker and F. R. de Boer, Amsterdam - Processing of Mechanically Alloyed Materials - Consolidation of Powders under High Pressures - Cold Sintering E. Y. Gutmanas, Haifa - Microstructural Changes during Consolidation - A Comparison of Rapid Solidification and Mechanical Alloying Techniques D. G. Morris and M. A. Morris, Neuchatel - Recrystallization of ODS Superalloys C. P. Jongenburger and R. F. Singer, Baden - Problems Related to Processing of Ferritic ODS Superalloys G. Korb, Reutte - Mechanically Alloyed Materials and their Properties - ODS Superalloys - High Temperature Properties of Dispersion Strengthened Materials Produced by Mechanical Alloying: Current Theoretical Understanding and Some Practical Implications E. Arzt, Stuttgart - Properties of Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Alloys J. D. Whittenberger, Cleveland - Properties and Applications of Iron-Base ODS Alloys H. D. Hedrich, Stuttgart - Analysis and Modelling of the Creep-Fatigue Behaviour of Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Superalloys D. M. Elzey and E. Arzt, Stuttgart - Aluminium Alloys - Mechanical Alloying of Light Metals R. Sundaresan and F. H. Froes , Dayton - Properties and Applications of Dispersion Strengthened Aluminum Alloys V. Arnhold and K. Hummert, Radevormwald - Creep in Dispersion Strengthened Aluminium Alloys at High Temperatures - A Model Based Approach J. Roster and E. Arzt, Stuttgart - Elevated Temperature Deformation Behaviour of Mechanically Alloyed Rapidly Solidified Al-8.4%Fe-3.4%Ce Alloy L. Övecoglu and W. D. Nix, Heerlen and Stanford - Permanent Magnets - Mechanically Alloyed Nd-Fe-B Permanent Magnets L. Schultz, K. Schnitzke, and J. Wecker, Erlangen - Nonequilibrium Phases - Development of Nanocrystalline Structures by Mechanical Alloying W. Schlump and H. Crewe, Essen - Amorphous and Nano-meter Order Grained Structures of Al-Fe and Ag-Fe Alloys Formed by Mechanical Alloying P. H. Shingu, B. Huang, J. Kuyama, K. N. Ishihara and S. Nasu, Kyoto - Mechanically Alloyed Metals with Non-Equilibrium Phases A. Inoue and T. Masumoto, Sendai - Structural and Thermal Analysis of New Systems Prepared by Mechanical Alloying G. Cocco, S. Enzo. L. Schiffini and L. Battezzati, Sassari - Topical Discussion: - Applications and Future Perspective of Mechanical Alloying - Author Index - Subject Index and Alloу Index - List of Participants, Leinen, ca. 16 x 23,5, 373 Seiten mit zahlreichen Bildern

Détails sur l'article

Herausgeber: E. Arzt
L. Schultz

Titel: New Materials by Mechanical Alloying Techniques

Verlagsname: DGM Informationsgesellschaft (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Metallkunde e. V., Oberursel)

Jahr: 1989

Sprache: Englisch

ISBN: 3883551333

numéro d'oldthing: 39053711
| le numéro de stockage: 317952


Évaluations du vendeur
96 % Positive
221 Verkäufe
Fournisseur commercial
localisation de l'article: DE-01279 Dresden
Langue : allemand

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