Cambridge, The MIT Press and London, Thames and Hudson, 1991, 543 pages with numerous illustrations, partly coloured. 4°, original green cloth.
The book "provides an international tour in time and space of garden design from the Renaissance to the present. ... The more than seventy essays by scholars from Europe and America and over 650 illustrations raise the standard of garden literature to a new level." (Publisher`s info). - Private owner`s stamp on half title, else a fine copy.
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Détails sur l'article
Autor:Mosser, Monique and Georges Teyssot (Ed.)
Titel:The Architecture of Western Gardens. A Design History from the Renaissance to the Present Day
Verlagsort:Cambridge, The MIT Press and London, Thames and Hudson, 1991
Seitenanzahl:543 pages with numerous illustrations, partly coloured. 4°, original green cloth
Anzahl Bände:1
Händler-Kategorie:Gartenbau (gardens)
numéro d'oldthing: 40606152 | le numéro de stockage: 130266
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