International Review of Victimology - Volume 2 No. 2

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Miers, David / Sebba, Leslie / Shapland, Joanna
Academic Publishers
gr. 8°
p. 85-178


Contents: - Multiple Victimisation: Its Extent and Significance, by G. Farrell - Family Disruption, Violent and Protest Masculinity, by R.L. Austin and J. Arthur - Economic Exchange between Battered Wives and their Husbands in Israel, by N. Avni - Women Battering on the Navajo Reservation, by C. Feinman et al. READY TO SEND! In good condition only wear and tear on the binding and two small stamps inside. Barzahlung bei Selbstabholung. - Internationaler Versand / int. shipping
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Évaluations du vendeur
100 % Positive
48 Verkäufe
Fournisseur commercial
localisation de l'article: DE-12163 Berlin
Langue : allemand
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