sehr guter Zustand, geringe Gebrauchs- und Alterungsspuren: Vorsatz und Schmutztitel mit alten Bibliotheksstempeln und Nummerierung - Seiten sauber und ordentlich, Preface - Theory of plastic deformation:— properties of low energy dislocation structures - D. Kuhlmann-Wilsdorf (Charlottesville, VA, U.S.A.) - EPITAXY - Misfit dislocations in heteroepitaxy - D. Cherns and C. J. Kiely (Bristol, U.K.) - Atomic structure of 60° and 90° dislocations in Ge/Si systems and critical phenomena - A. S. Nandedkar and J. Narayan (Raleigh, NC, U.S.A.) - Strain-relief mechanisms and nature of misfit dislocations in GaAs/Si heterostructures - S. Sharan and J. Narayan (Raleigh, NC, U.S.A.) - Critical thickness during three-dimensional epitaxial growth—a self-consistent approach - K. Jagannadham and J. Narayan (Raleigh, NC, U.S.A.) - Experimental observations on the accommodation dislocation pattern for a low symmetry gradient orientation - S. A. Hackney (Houghton, MI, U.S.A.) - Descriptions of low energy misfit dislocation structures using the parabolic interaction potential - J. H. van der Merwe (Pretoria, South Africa) and W. A. Jesser (Charlottesville, VA, U.S.A.) - Reactions between crystal dislocations and grain boundary dislocations in near-coincidence boundaries. - C. Solenthaler (Zurich, Switzerland) - Dislocation structures in large-angle grain boundaries in hexagonal close-packed materials - K. Shin and A. H. King (Stony Brook, NY, U.S.A.) - Triple-line disclinations in polycrystalline material - W. Bollman (Geneva, Switzerland) - Triple-line corrosion in high purity nickel - G. Palumbo and K. T. Aust (Toronto, Canada) - Impotent dislocation walls - T. Mura (Evanston, IL, U.S.A.) - Interfacial structure of Ꝋ precipitates in Al-5wt.%Cu alloys - S. A. Hackney, R. W. Fonda and G. J. Shiflet (Charlottesville, VA, U.S.A.) - CREEP AND RECOVERY - On the stability of the creep substructure in NaCl single crystals - S. V. Raj (Cleveland, OH, U.S.A.), G. M. Pharr (Houston, TX, U.S.A.) and J. D. Whittenberger (Cleveland, OH, U.S.A.) - High temperature creep based on a minimum energy consideration - R. J. Arsenault, L. Y. Bai and S. Li (College Park, MD, U.S.A.) - Some special types of low energy dislocation configurations in annealed α-Ti single crystals - L. Zhang and Z. Li (Hefei, China) - Dislocation structures in γ–γ' interfaces of the single-crystal superalloy SRR 99 after annealing and high temperature creep - M. Feller-Kniepmeier and T. Link (Berlin, F.R.G.) - A two-parameter representation of dynamic dislocation distributions - K. Jagannadham and H. Conrad (Raleigh, NC, U.S.A.) - and many others, Halbleinen, ca. 20 x 27,5, 727 Seiten mit zahlreichen Bildern