Lucien Victor Felix Delpy "Coast of Antibes" France 1898 Paris-1967 Lorient

Impressions de la page: 13
numéro d'oldthing: 39444473
| le numéro de stockage: l-136

Lucien Victor Felix Delpy
"Coast of Antibes"
France 1898 Paris-1967 Lorient

Lucien-Victor Delpy was born in the heart of Paris on the Ile de la Cité and is the son of Georges Delpy, the inventor and manufacturer of Delpy Duplicators (4th arrondissement). He comes from a paternal cousin of the painter Hippolyte Camille Delpy (1842-1910).
On his mother's side, he is the grandson of the painter Félix Pierre Bellanger of the Manufacture nationale de Sèvres.
He is admitted on November 14, 1914 at the National School of Fine Arts in the workshops of Fernand Cormon, Emile Renard and Jean-Pierre Laurens, after which he studied with Charles Fouqueray. In 1923 he founds his studio in Montparnasse.
He volunteered 1917 to October 1919 and returned to the Cormon workshop.
He discovered Brittany in 1924.
Lucien-Victor Delpy is silver medalist and Paul Liot winner at the Salon des Artistes français in 1927. He was awarded the Dumoulin Prize for Algeria by the Colonial Society of French Artists in 1928 and was appointed Marine Painter in 1928. In 1931 he also received the city's Grand Prix Paris for North Africa.
He was sent to the front in Dunkirk in 1940 and then to Cherbourg. He was found on a mission to the Rhine and Danube armies in 1945, when he was appointed painter of the armies.
Delpy undertakes a mission in Toulon-Saigon in 1950.
He was awarded the prize of the French landscape gardeners in 1946 and the Corot Prize in 1947. In March 1954 he was appointed Knight of the Legion of Honor.
Lucien-Victor Delpy was sent to France-Algeria in 1958 as a military painter, together with the marines in Oran and Nemours (now Ghazaouet).
His daughter Marine Delpy-Planque has listed 1,332 of his paintings, which mainly represent landscapes and marine themes of Finistère [1] and set up a website. 21 paintings of the Arist were sold in 2013 in Quimper and 37 paintings by Delpy were auctioned in Brest on 5 December 2015. [4] Some of his paintings are reproduced on websites, including the painting dedicated to the painters of Concarneau [or another Work of the painter on the subject of the island Ushant

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Dimensions framed: 50cm X 45 cm
Picture: 35cm X 28.5cm

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