Light Metals 1983 Proceedings of the technical sessions sponsored by the TMS Light Metals Committee at the 112th Annual Meeting, Atlanta ... 1983.

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guter Zustand, Gebrauchs- und Alterungsspuren: ehemaliges Bibliotheksexemplar - Bindung leicht gelockert - Titel mit Stempeln und Notizen - Vorsatz mit weiteren 2 Stempeln - Seiten aber sauber und ordentlich, 8 Seiten Inhaltsverzeichnis, davon 2 hier: - Effects of Formulation and Heating Rate on Changes Occurring During Baking of Bench-Scale Hall Cell Anodes.  David Belitskus - Laboratory Studies on Mixing, Forming and Calcining Carbon Bodies H. Martirena - Study of Interrelation of Reactive Properties of Cokes and Baked Anodes    E.A. Kolodin, V.V. Slitsan and S.M. Makhambajev - CARBON TECHNOLOGY III - Reduced Fuel consumption in Noranda Aluminum's Open-Pit Anode Baking Furnaces    J.G. Peacey, J. Auton, and J. Kaiser - Anode Baking Furnace Draft Control    C.D. Jurges - Evaluation of the Uniformity of Baking in Horizontal and Vertical Flue Ring Furnaces    D.N. Holdner, S.K. Nadkarni, and Denis DuTremblay - Combined Mathematical Simulation and Experimental Studies on a Closed Baking Furnace    Monica E. de Fernández, Juan Marletto and Horacio Martirena - CARBON TECHNOLOGY IV - Recent Improvements to the Anode Production Process - Industrial Applications and Results Obtained    P. Hyvernat, P. Fayet, and J.L. Lemarchand - Cross-Sectional Temperature Distribution in SOderberg Anodes - Experiments and Models    K.E. Torklep, S.A. Halvorsen, and T.P. Pedersen - Thermal Bake-Out of Reduction cell cathodes - Advantages and Problem Areas    W.B. Rickards, P.A. Young, J.T. Keniry, and P. Shaw - A Mathematical Model of Anode Burning and Factors Affecting It J.F. Rey Boero - Gluing of Cathode and Anodes - A Proven Technology    K. Etzel, F. Brandmair, P. Aeschbach, and H. Friedli - CAST SHOP TECHNOLOGY I - Continuous casting of Ingot by the 4R Process    A. Leger - The Variable chill Depth Mould system    R.F.T. Wilkins - Alloying by Injection of Mg in an Al-Melt    E. Myrbostad and K. Venas - Progress Report on the Use of the Hazlett Process for Aluminum Alloy Strip-casting    C.J. Petry and S.W. Platek - CAST SHOP TECHNOLOGY II - Electromagnetic circulation of Molten Aluminum: Production Tells the Story    B.J. Bamji and F.W. Pierson, Jr. - Flow Behavior of Liquid Deformable Inclusions in Packed Beds    R. Mutharasan and D. Apelian - TAC - A Novel Process for the Removal of Lithium and Other Alkalis in Primary Aluminum    Ghyslain Dube and V.J. Newberry - AlPur - TM - Refining Process    JM.H. Hicter - ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL AND HEALTH - High Volume sampling and Analysis of Particulate from Process Streams   D.R. Augood and R.J. Schlager - Flakt SO - 2 - Scrubbing Technology for Primary Aluminum Smelters    E. Keul and A. Tokerud - A selective Method to Determine Total Particulate Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons as a Measure of Exposure to coal Tar Pitch Volatiles (A Method for Determining Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons for coal Tar Pitch Volatiles) H. Boden and R. Roussel - Improvements in Sampling Methods for a High Temperature source    N.C. Marshall - Potlining Flux in Making Steel    D.R. Augood, R.J. Schlager, and P.C. Belding - a. m. o, Leinen, ca. 15,5 x 23,5, 1527 Seiten mit zahlreichen Bildern

Détails sur l'article

Herausgeber: E. M. Adkins, Dubai Aluminium Company Ltd., UAE

Titel: Light Metals 1983
Proceedings of the technical sessions sponsored by the TMS Light Metals Committee at the 112th Annual Meeting, Atlanta ... 1983

Verlagsname: American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc., New York

Jahr: 1983

Sprache: Englisch

numéro d'oldthing: 39054537
| le numéro de stockage: 322206


Évaluations du vendeur
96 % Positive
221 Verkäufe
Fournisseur commercial
localisation de l'article: DE-01279 Dresden
Langue : allemand

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