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Roberts' Birds of Southern Africa.
13,00 €
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Birds of Eastern and North Eastern Africa, Vol. I + II.
20,00 €
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Birds of West Central and Western Africa, Series III, Vol. I.
10,00 €
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Polar Bears.
40,00 €
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Feeding Cage Birds. A Manual of Diets for Aviculture.
7,00 €
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The Macaques: Studies in Ecology, Behavior and Evolution.
15,00 €
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Personality. Strategies and Issues. With Practice Tests (inkl. Booklet mit "Practice Tests").
18,00 €
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History of the Primates. An Introduction to the Study of Fossil Man. 5th Edition.
10,00 €
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Pittas, Broadbills and Asities.
64,70 €
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In Quest of the Sacred Baboon. A Scientist's Journey.
21,00 €
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A Field Guide to the Ecology of Western Forests.
20,00 €
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Understanding Biodiversity. Life, Sustainability and Equity. Tracts for the times 11.
30,00 €
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The Mentality of Apes.
13,50 €
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The Evolution of Human Behavior: Primate Models (Suny Series in Primatology).
18,00 €
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Indian Snakes.
25,00 €
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A Naturalist in the Gran Chaco.
20,00 €
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The Hornbills - Bird Families of the World Series.
195,00 €
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Dwarf Hamsters.
30,00 €
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Juniper, Tony / Mike Parr.
47,00 €
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Ducks, Geese, and Swans of the World.
42,00 €
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Cranes of the World.
34,00 €
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Primate Conservation Nr. 10, Dec. 1989, The Newsletter and Journal of the IUCN/SSC Primate..
15,00 €
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Primate Conservation Nr. 9, Dec. 1988, The Newsletter and Journal of the IUCN/SSC Primate Specalist..
15,00 €
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Primate Conservation Nr. 8, Sept. 1987, The Newsletter and Journal of the IUCN/SSC Primate..
15,00 €
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Primate Conservation Nr. 5, Jan 1985, The Newsletter and Journal of the IUCN/SSC Primate Specalist..
15,00 €
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Primate Specialist Group Newsletter, Nr. 4, March 1984.
10,00 €
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Lemur News. The Newsletter of the Madagascar Section of the IUCN/SSC Primate Specialist Group..
7,00 €
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Lemur News. The Newsletter of the Madagascar Section of the IUCN/SSC Primate Specialist Group..
7,00 €
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Lemur News. The Newsletter of the Madagascar Section of the IUCN/SSC Primate Specialist Group..
7,00 €
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Lemur News. The Newsletter of the Madagascar Section of the IUCN/SSC Primate Specialist Group..
7,00 €
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Lemur News. The Newsletter of the Madagascar Section of the IUCN/SSC Primate Specialist Group..
7,00 €
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The 2007 Red List of Threatened Fauna and Flora of Sri Lanka.
20,00 €
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A Guide to the Birds of Nepal, 2nd Edition.
10,00 €
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The Whales of Canada: An Equinox Wildlife Handbook.
5,45 €
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Handbook of the Birds of the World - Vol. 5: Barn Owls to Hummingbirds.
140,00 €
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Handbook of the Birds of the World - Vol. 4: Sandgrouse to Cuckoos.
140,00 €
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Handbook of the Birds of the World - Vol. 3: Hoatzin to Auks.
140,00 €
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Handbook of the Birds of the World - Vol. 2: New World Vultures to Guineafowl.
140,00 €
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Handbook of the Birds of the World - Vol. 1: Ostrich to Ducks.
100,00 €
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Of Wolves and Men.
25,00 €
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Fruit Chafers of Southern Africa.
150,00 €
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Rare Birds yearbook 2009. The world´s 190 most threatened birds.
15,00 €
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The Birds of Trinidad and Tobago.
18,50 €
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A Guide to the Birds of Ceylon. 2nd Edition.
24,00 €
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Seabirds of Hawaii. Natural History and Conservation.
26,00 €
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The encyclopaedia of reptiles and amphibians.
10,00 €
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30,00 €
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A Birdwatcher's Guide to Turkey.
13,00 €
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Finding Birds in Northern Spain.
15,00 €
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Orcas of the Gulf - A Natural History.
22,00 €
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