Le marché oldthing propose un large choix dans la catégorie Littérature & fiction : Livres en langues étrangères - anglais

998 Article trouvé


Walter Benjamin's Archive - Images, Texts, Signs

Walter Benjamin's Archive - Images, Texts, Signs

29,00 €
Isa Genzken - October Files 17

Isa Genzken - October Files 17

18,50 €
Fashion, Culture and Identity

Fashion, Culture and Identity

15,00 €
Born Free

Born Free

10,00 €
Living in Hong Kong

Living in Hong Kong

25,00 €
Return from Tomorrow

Return from Tomorrow

18,00 €
Hoban, Russel: The Moment under the Moment. Stories, a Libretto, Essays and Sketches.

Hoban, Russel: The Moment under the Moment. Stories, a Libretto, Essays and Sketches.

13,00 €
Herr, Michael: Dispatches.

Herr, Michael: Dispatches.

26,00 €
Horwood, William: THE WOLVES OF TIME II; Seekers at the Wulfrock.

Horwood, William: THE WOLVES OF TIME II; Seekers at the Wulfrock.

12,00 €
Milton Crane (Ed.): 50 Great American Short Stories.

Milton Crane (Ed.): 50 Great American Short Stories.

5,00 €
Chesterton, G. K: Charles Dickens.

Chesterton, G. K: Charles Dickens.

21,00 €
Bodelsen, C.A: Essays and Papers - Presented to C.A. Bodelsen on His Seventieth Birthday.

Bodelsen, C.A: Essays and Papers - Presented to C.A. Bodelsen on His Seventieth Birthday.

14,00 €
Brown, Ivor: A Ring of Words.

Brown, Ivor: A Ring of Words.

24,00 €
Kipnis, Laura: The Female Thing: Dirt, Envy, Sex, Vulnerability.

Kipnis, Laura: The Female Thing: Dirt, Envy, Sex, Vulnerability.

9,00 €
Standing, E. Mortimer: Maria Montessori; Her Life and Work.

Standing, E. Mortimer: Maria Montessori; Her Life and Work.

6,00 €
Irvine, A.H. [ed.]: Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms. [Collins GEM books].

Irvine, A.H. [ed.]: Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms. [Collins GEM books].

9,00 €
Mitch Albom: Tuesdays with Morrie. An old man, a young man, and life's greatest lesson.

Mitch Albom: Tuesdays with Morrie. An old man, a young man, and life's greatest lesson.

6,00 €
Kipling, Rudyard: O Beloved Kids. Rudyard Kipling's Letters to His Children.

Kipling, Rudyard: O Beloved Kids. Rudyard Kipling's Letters to His Children.

5,50 €
Jan Crawford Greenburg: Supreme Conflict: the Inside Story of the Struggle for Control of the United States Supreme Court.

Jan Crawford Greenburg: Supreme Conflict: the Inside Story of the Struggle for Control of the..

7,00 €
Billett, Stephen; Fenwick, Tara; Somerville, Margaret: Work, Subjectivity and Learning - Understanding Learning through Working Life.

Billett, Stephen; Fenwick, Tara; Somerville, Margaret: Work, Subjectivity and Learning..

85,00 €
Houston Peterson [Ed.]: Great Essays. Fifty Delightful, Witty and Provocative Great Essays on Man and the World Around Him By Thirty-Eight Great Writers.

Houston Peterson [Ed.]: Great Essays. Fifty Delightful, Witty and Provocative Great Essays on Man..

9,00 €
Mallinson, Vernon: None can be called deformed.. Problems of the crippled adolescent.

Mallinson, Vernon: None can be called deformed.. Problems of the crippled adolescent.

142,00 €
Yeh Tzu: Harvest.

Yeh Tzu: Harvest.

10,00 €
Reginald Frederick Russell: English taught by an Englishman I. Teil: Wie man in England spricht und reist.

Reginald Frederick Russell: English taught by an Englishman I. Teil: Wie man in England spricht und..

10,00 €
J.B. Priestley: Essays of Five Decades. Selected and with a preface by Susan Cooper.

J.B. Priestley: Essays of Five Decades. Selected and with a preface by Susan Cooper.

17,00 €
Bret Harte / Jack London / Nathaniel Hawthorne / Edgar Allan Poe / Herman Melville / Mark Twain: Klassische amerikanische Kurzgeschichten / Classic American short Stories; engl./deutsch.

Bret Harte / Jack London / Nathaniel Hawthorne / Edgar Allan Poe / Herman Melville / Mark Twain:..

6,00 €
Corbett, J. Martin; Baungaard Rasmussen, Lauge; Rauner, Felix: Crossing the Border - The Social and Engineering Design of Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems.

Corbett, J. Martin; Baungaard Rasmussen, Lauge; Rauner, Felix: Crossing the Border The Social and..

55,00 €
E. Joseph, Lawrence: Apocalypse 2012. An Investigation into Civilization's End.

E. Joseph, Lawrence: Apocalypse 2012. An Investigation into Civilization's End.

5,00 €
Johnson, Diane: The Life of Dashiell Hammett.

Johnson, Diane: The Life of Dashiell Hammett.

5,00 €
Martha Evans Martin: The Friendly Stars.

Martha Evans Martin: The Friendly Stars.

8,00 €
Stephen Crane: Maggie: A Girl of the Streets and Other Short Fiction.

Stephen Crane: Maggie: A Girl of the Streets and Other Short Fiction.

13,00 €
Jean-Jacques Rousseau; Translated a. Edited by William Boyd: Emile of Jean Jacques Rousseau. Selection.

Jean Jacques Rousseau; Translated a. Edited by William Boyd: Emile of Jean Jacques Rousseau..

7,00 €
Marilyn French: My Summer with Georg.

Marilyn French: My Summer with Georg.

4,00 €
Doris Lessing: African Stories.

Doris Lessing: African Stories.

8,00 €
Sand, George: A Winter in Majorca.

Sand, George: A Winter in Majorca.

7,00 €
Colin G. Hey: Rwoland Hill - Genius and Benefactor 1795-1879.

Colin G. Hey: Rwoland Hill - Genius and Benefactor 1795-1879.

5,00 €
Fadiman, Clifton (ed.): The Short Stories of Henry James.

Fadiman, Clifton (ed.): The Short Stories of Henry James.

5,00 €
Tucholsky, Kurt: Kleines Lesebuch / Little Reader.

Tucholsky, Kurt: Kleines Lesebuch / Little Reader.

5,00 €
Stone, Irving: The Agony and the Ecstasy: A Biographical Novel of Michelangelo.

Stone, Irving: The Agony and the Ecstasy: A Biographical Novel of Michelangelo.

5,00 €
Emerson, Ralph, Waldo / Sherman F. Mittell (Editor): Emerson´s Essays; First Series.

Emerson, Ralph, Waldo / Sherman F. Mittell (Editor): Emerson´s Essays; First Series.

22,00 €
Lori Bard: Hello World.

Lori Bard: Hello World.

18,00 €
John A. Ahern: Miniature Landscape Modelling.

John A. Ahern: Miniature Landscape Modelling.

6,00 €
Nick Vrajich: Against The Odds & Common Sense : A True Story ; signed copy.

Nick Vrajich: Against The Odds & Common Sense : A True Story ; signed copy.

44,00 €
Snow, Charles Percy: The Masters.

Snow, Charles Percy: The Masters.

3,00 €
Shaw, Irwin: Retreat.

Shaw, Irwin: Retreat.

8,00 €
Caldwell, Erskine: Tobacco Road.

Caldwell, Erskine: Tobacco Road.

16,00 €
Brink, André: A Dry White Season.

Brink, André: A Dry White Season.

4,00 €
Jeffrey Archer: A Matter of Honour.

Jeffrey Archer: A Matter of Honour.

5,00 €
Jim Crace: Being Dead.

Jim Crace: Being Dead.

5,00 €
Ondaatje, Michael: In  the Skin of a Lion.

Ondaatje, Michael: In the Skin of a Lion.

4,00 €
Collins Warwick: New World.

Collins Warwick: New World.

9,00 €
Spencer Wise: The Emperor of Shoes.

Spencer Wise: The Emperor of Shoes.

6,00 €
Stephen Spender [Ed.]: Great German Short Stories.

Stephen Spender [Ed.]: Great German Short Stories.

5,50 €
Arthur Koestler: Arrival and Departure.

Arthur Koestler: Arrival and Departure.

8,00 €
Muller, Marcia: Wolf in the Shadows.  A Sharon McCone Mystery.

Muller, Marcia: Wolf in the Shadows. A Sharon McCone Mystery.

3,00 €
Vikram Seth: A Suitable Boy. Volume 3.

Vikram Seth: A Suitable Boy. Volume 3.

5,00 €
Rick Reilly: Shanks for Nothing. A Novel.

Rick Reilly: Shanks for Nothing. A Novel.

6,00 €
Galsworthy, John: The White Monkey.

Galsworthy, John: The White Monkey.

6,80 €
Vicki Hendricks: Miami Purity. A Novel.

Vicki Hendricks: Miami Purity. A Novel.

15,00 €
Bennett, Arnold: Hilda Lessways.

Bennett, Arnold: Hilda Lessways.

17,00 €
Tolkin, Michael: The Player.

Tolkin, Michael: The Player.

6,00 €
Fay Weldon: The Bulgari Connection.

Fay Weldon: The Bulgari Connection.

8,00 €
Bawden, Nina: George Beneath a Paper Moon.

Bawden, Nina: George Beneath a Paper Moon.

5,00 €
Rob Swigart: Little America.

Rob Swigart: Little America.

10,00 €
Lynne Reid Banks: The L-Shaped Room.

Lynne Reid Banks: The L-Shaped Room.

4,00 €
Kennedy, A. L: Original Bliss.

Kennedy, A. L: Original Bliss.

7,80 €
Sally Rena: The Sea Road West.

Sally Rena: The Sea Road West.

7,00 €
Michaels, Barbara: Wings of the Falcon.

Michaels, Barbara: Wings of the Falcon.

3,00 €
Roth, Philip: The Dying Animal.

Roth, Philip: The Dying Animal.

5,50 €
Cussler, Clive: Iceberg.

Cussler, Clive: Iceberg.

2,00 €
D.H. Lawrence: Sons and Lovers; with an introduction by Anthony Beal.

D.H. Lawrence: Sons and Lovers; with an introduction by Anthony Beal.

9,00 €
Ford, Richard: The Lay of the Land.

Ford, Richard: The Lay of the Land.

3,00 €
Price, Richard: Lush Life.

Price, Richard: Lush Life.

3,50 €
Fowles, John: Mantissa.

Fowles, John: Mantissa.

4,00 €
Price, Richard: Lush Life.

Price, Richard: Lush Life.

4,50 €
Jonathan Franzen: The Corrections.

Jonathan Franzen: The Corrections.

3,30 €
Roald Dahl: Danny, the Champion of the World.

Roald Dahl: Danny, the Champion of the World.

4,00 €
Graham Greene: The Quiet American.

Graham Greene: The Quiet American.

5,00 €
Ibuse, Masuji: BLACK RAIN.  A Novel.

Ibuse, Masuji: BLACK RAIN. A Novel.

25,00 €
Archibald Joseph Cronin: The Spanish Gardener.

Archibald Joseph Cronin: The Spanish Gardener.

13,00 €
Muller, Marcia: The Broken Promise Land.

Muller, Marcia: The Broken Promise Land.

4,00 €
Kazuo Ishiguro: The Remains of the Day.

Kazuo Ishiguro: The Remains of the Day.

29,00 €
Pope, Dudley: Ramage's Devil.

Pope, Dudley: Ramage's Devil.

13,00 €
Tyler, Anne: The Accidental Tourist.

Tyler, Anne: The Accidental Tourist.

3,50 €
Sullivan, Tricia: Lethe.

Sullivan, Tricia: Lethe.

5,30 €
Trollope, Anthony: The Warden.

Trollope, Anthony: The Warden.

3,50 €
Lewis, Sinclair: Babbitt.

Lewis, Sinclair: Babbitt.

7,00 €
Torga, Miguel: Grape Harvest.

Torga, Miguel: Grape Harvest.

22,00 €
White, Patrick: Voss.

White, Patrick: Voss.

6,00 €
Coetzee, J.M: Waiting for the Barbarians.

Coetzee, J.M: Waiting for the Barbarians.

9,00 €
Trefusis, Violet: Broderie Anglaise.

Trefusis, Violet: Broderie Anglaise.

15,00 €
Paul Gallico: Scruffy.

Paul Gallico: Scruffy.

7,00 €
Fielding, Joseph: Joseph Andrews and Shamela.

Fielding, Joseph: Joseph Andrews and Shamela.

6,00 €
White, Patrick: A Fringe of Leaves.

White, Patrick: A Fringe of Leaves.

8,00 €
Forester, C.S: The African Queen.

Forester, C.S: The African Queen.

4,00 €
O'Brien, Flann: The Third Policeman.

O'Brien, Flann: The Third Policeman.

19,00 €
Sir Thomas Malory: Le Morte D'Arthur; I+II.

Sir Thomas Malory: Le Morte D'Arthur; I+II.

16,00 €
Vikram Seth: Suitable Boy; Volume 2.

Vikram Seth: Suitable Boy; Volume 2.

5,00 €
Boscaro, Adriana [Ed.]: 101  Letters of Hideyoshi; The Private Correspondence of Toyotomi Hideyoshi.

Boscaro, Adriana [Ed.]: 101 Letters of Hideyoshi; The Private Correspondence of Toyotomi..

80,00 €
Nye, Russel B: A History of the United States :2 - The Growth of the U.S.A.

Nye, Russel B: A History of the United States :2 - The Growth of the U.S.A.

4,50 €