Le marché oldthing propose un large choix dans la catégorie Littérature & fiction : Livres en langues étrangères - anglais

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Andler, Judy u.a. (editors): Radical America. Vol. 23, No. 4 - identity & collateral damage.

Andler, Judy u.a. (editors): Radical America. Vol. 23, No. 4 - identity & collateral damage.

8,90 €
Purvis, June (editor): Gender and Education. Volume 1, Number 3 - 1989 - special issue: race, gender and education.

Purvis, June (editor): Gender and Education. Volume 1, Number 3 1989 special issue: race..

8,90 €
Schmidt, Michael (General Editor): Poetry Nation Review. Volume 6, Number 1.

Schmidt, Michael (General Editor): Poetry Nation Review. Volume 6, Number 1.

8,90 €
Garrett, George: Out of Liverpool - Stories of Sea and Land.

Garrett, George: Out of Liverpool - Stories of Sea and Land.

8,90 €
Garnett, Jim: Good on yer jim lad' - An Anthology of working class verse.

Garnett, Jim: Good on yer jim lad' - An Anthology of working class verse.

12,90 €
Rozsa, G. (editor): The Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences 1826-1976.

Rozsa, G. (editor): The Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences 1826-1976.

8,90 €
Ueno, Osamu sowie Yukio Irie + Norihide Suto + Yasuyuki Funaba (editor): Philosophia Osaka. No. 4.

Ueno, Osamu sowie Yukio Irie + Norihide Suto + Yasuyuki Funaba (editor): Philosophia Osaka. No. 4.

8,90 €
Kat von D: High Voltage Tattoo.

Kat von D: High Voltage Tattoo.

7,90 €
Rose, John Benson: These historical Tracts are affectionately inscribed to my Daughter, Emily Marion.

Rose, John Benson: These historical Tracts are affectionately inscribed to my Daughter, Emily..

23,90 €
Nelson, Henry Loomis + Marvin Pakula: Uniforms of the United States Army. + Second Series. (2 Bände).

Nelson, Henry Loomis + Marvin Pakula: Uniforms of the United States Army. + Second Series. (2..

22,90 €
Gugler, Josef (editor): World Cities beyond the West - Globalization, Development, and Inequality.

Gugler, Josef (editor): World Cities beyond the West - Globalization, Development, and Inequality.

7,90 €
Riser, John: Four socialist reformers of Socialism - Alexandra Kollontai, Andrej Platonow, Robert Havemann, and Stefan Heym.

Riser, John: Four socialist reformers of Socialism Alexandra Kollontai, Andrej Platonow, Robert..

82,90 €
Warfel, Todd Zaki: Prototyping - A practitioner's guide.

Warfel, Todd Zaki: Prototyping - A practitioner's guide.

14,90 €
Ollila, Mark (organizing chair): Rendering Techniques 2004. Eurographics Symposium on Rendering. Norrköping, Sweden, June 21-23, 2004.

Ollila, Mark (organizing chair): Rendering Techniques 2004. Eurographics Symposium on Rendering..

57,90 €
Nissenson, Marilny und Susan Jonas: Snake Charm.

Nissenson, Marilny und Susan Jonas: Snake Charm.

12,90 €
Hureau, Jean: Tunisia today.

Hureau, Jean: Tunisia today.

7,90 €
Irving, John: Until I find you - a novel.

Irving, John: Until I find you - a novel.

11,90 €
Eliot, George: Silas Marner.

Eliot, George: Silas Marner.

8,90 €
Collins, Suzanne: The hunger games (Trilogie) - Volume two: Catching fire. + Volume tree: Mockingjay.

Collins, Suzanne: The hunger games (Trilogie) Volume two: Catching fire. + Volume tree:..

11,90 €
Higgins, John (editor): Glyndebourne - a celebration.

Higgins, John (editor): Glyndebourne - a celebration.

8,90 €
Macfarlane, Michael: Focus on success. Ausgabe Wirtschaft. - Ein Lehrwerk für weiterführende kaufmännische Schulen.

Macfarlane, Michael: Focus on success. Ausgabe Wirtschaft. Ein Lehrwerk für weiterführende..

7,90 €
Music in time - a publication of the Jerusalem rubin academy of music and dance.

Music in time - a publication of the Jerusalem rubin academy of music and dance.

14,90 €
Ramsey Ullman, James: The day on fire - a novel - Suggested by the life of Arthur Rimbaud.

Ramsey Ullman, James: The day on fire - a novel - Suggested by the life of Arthur Rimbaud.

15,90 €
Dayan, Moshe: Diary of the Sinai campaign 1956.

Dayan, Moshe: Diary of the Sinai campaign 1956.

7,90 €
Hoyle, Fred: Frontiers of astronomy - Originaltitel: Perennial Library.

Hoyle, Fred: Frontiers of astronomy - Originaltitel: Perennial Library.

7,90 €
Bernstein, Jon: To a new world - Photos and impressions of America in 1937.

Bernstein, Jon: To a new world - Photos and impressions of America in 1937.

11,90 €
Carveth, Rod sowie James B. South (Editor): Mad men and philosophy - Nothing is as it seems - aus der Reihe: The blackwell philosophy and pop culture series.

Carveth, Rod sowie James B. South (Editor): Mad men and philosophy Nothing is as it seems aus..

7,90 €
Vihma, Susann (edited): Form and vision - Articles and writings from the international UIAH'87 conference at the University of Industrial Arts in Helsinki 6-9.1.1987 - aus der Reihe: Publication of the University of Industrial Arts - Band: B 7.

Vihma, Susann (edited): Form and vision Articles and writings from the international UIAH'87..

14,90 €
Manvell, Roger and Heinrich Fraenkel: Doctor Goebbels - His Life and Death.

Manvell, Roger and Heinrich Fraenkel: Doctor Goebbels - His Life and Death.

7,90 €
dropping knowledge e.V: ask yourself.

dropping knowledge e.V: ask yourself.

7,90 €
The sound of your life - A record of Radio's first generation.

The sound of your life - A record of Radio's first generation.

8,90 €
Manvell, Roger and Heinrich Fraenkel: Dr. Goebbels - his Life and Death.

Manvell, Roger and Heinrich Fraenkel: Dr. Goebbels - his Life and Death.

7,90 €
Morris, Lewis: Songs of two Worlds - aus der Reihe: The poetical works of Lewis Morris - Band: volume one.

Morris, Lewis: Songs of two Worlds aus der Reihe: The poetical works of Lewis Morris Band:..

8,90 €
Spitzer, Alan B: Historical Truth and Lies about the Papst - Reflections on Dewey, Dreyfus, de Man and Reagan.

Spitzer, Alan B: Historical Truth and Lies about the Papst Reflections on Dewey, Dreyfus, de Man..

7,90 €
The World Fellowship Committe of the Young Women's Christian Association of Tokyo: Japanese Etiquette - An Introduction.

The World Fellowship Committe of the Young Women's Christian Association of Tokyo: Japanese..

8,90 €
Magnus, Bernd und Stephen Cullenberg (editors): wither marxism? - global crises in international perspective.

Magnus, Bernd und Stephen Cullenberg (editors): wither marxism? global crises in international..

7,90 €
Rebischung, James: Japan - The Facts of Modern Business and Social Life.

Rebischung, James: Japan - The Facts of Modern Business and Social Life.

8,90 €
Wolf, Jay (Herausgeber): Stand on tradition and sit on your ass! - The student is traditionally axpected to challenge tradition - aus der Reihe: Department of Advertising Design and Visual  Communication. Pratt Institute - Band: Vol 1, No. 3, 1966.

Wolf, Jay (Herausgeber): Stand on tradition and sit on your ass! The student is traditionally..

22,90 €
Schultheis, Rob: Night Letters - Inside, Wartime, Afghanistan.

Schultheis, Rob: Night Letters - Inside, Wartime, Afghanistan.

7,90 €
Mirzoeff, Nicholas: Bodyscape - Art, modernity and the ideal figure.

Mirzoeff, Nicholas: Bodyscape - Art, modernity and the ideal figure.

8,90 €
Drew, Simon: Great Mistakes of Civilisation - Mankind's Mistakes and Faux Pas.

Drew, Simon: Great Mistakes of Civilisation - Mankind's Mistakes and Faux Pas.

7,90 €
Palma de Mallorca - Heartbeat of the Mediterranean - monuments, museums, interesting spots, city map - aus der Reihe: Picture Guidebook.

Palma de Mallorca Heartbeat of the Mediterranean monuments, museums, interesting spots, city..

12,90 €
Parker, Sarah E: Grace & Favour - The Hampton Court Palace Community 1750-1950.

Parker, Sarah E: Grace & Favour - The Hampton Court Palace Community 1750-1950.

23,90 €
Farthing, Charles F. sowie Simon E. Brown + Richard C.D. Staughton: A colour Atlas of AIDS and HIV Disease.

Farthing, Charles F. sowie Simon E. Brown + Richard C.D. Staughton: A colour Atlas of AIDS and HIV..

7,90 €
Welles, Sam (editor): The world's great religions (Life) - Volume two - Islam Judaism The faith of Christianity The life of Christ - Special Family Editions.

Welles, Sam (editor): The world's great religions (Life) Volume two Islam Judaism The faith of..

10,60 €
Hayles, Karen sowie Jenny Jones: One bear lost.

Hayles, Karen sowie Jenny Jones: One bear lost.

7,90 €
Willems, Mo: The duckling gets a cookie!?.

Willems, Mo: The duckling gets a cookie!?.

11,90 €
McGeorge, Constance W: Boomer's big day.

McGeorge, Constance W: Boomer's big day.

11,90 €
Weaver, William (compiled, edited and translated): Verdi - a Documentary Study.

Weaver, William (compiled, edited and translated): Verdi - a Documentary Study.

12,90 €
Holme, Charles (Editor): Modern etchings mezzotints and dry-points.

Holme, Charles (Editor): Modern etchings mezzotints and dry-points.

11,90 €
Fox, Mem: The straight line wonder.

Fox, Mem: The straight line wonder.

7,90 €
Davis, Holly: Thankful together.

Davis, Holly: Thankful together.

11,90 €
Westcott, Nadine Bernard: I know an old lady who swallowed a fly.

Westcott, Nadine Bernard: I know an old lady who swallowed a fly.

11,90 €
Manchester Unity of arts society: Voices. verse and prose. + 1983, No 28 + 29 (3 Hefte) - Verse and prose / Magazine of the federation of worker writers & community publishers.

Manchester Unity of arts society: Voices. verse and prose. + 1983, No 28 + 29 (3 Hefte) Verse and..

17,90 €
Brown, Margaret Wise: Goodnight Little One.

Brown, Margaret Wise: Goodnight Little One.

11,90 €
Gregoire, Caroline: Apollo.

Gregoire, Caroline: Apollo.

12,90 €
Sparrow, Walter Shaw: British sporting artists - from Barlow to Herring.

Sparrow, Walter Shaw: British sporting artists - from Barlow to Herring.

11,90 €
Franco, Jean: Plotting woman - Gender et representation in Mexico.

Franco, Jean: Plotting woman - Gender et representation in Mexico.

8,90 €
McCourt, Lisa: Yummiest Love.

McCourt, Lisa: Yummiest Love.

11,90 €
Jenkins, Emily: Lemonade in Winter - A book about two kids counting money.

Jenkins, Emily: Lemonade in Winter - A book about two kids counting money.

11,90 €
Basher, Simon: ABC Kids.

Basher, Simon: ABC Kids.

11,90 €
Cross, Milton and David Ewen: Milton Cross` Encyclopedia of the Great Composers and Their Music I+II.

Cross, Milton and David Ewen: Milton Cross` Encyclopedia of the Great Composers and Their Music..

11,90 €
Wood Gavian, Ruth sowie William A. Hamm: The american story - a history of the United States of America.

Wood Gavian, Ruth sowie William A. Hamm: The american story a history of the United States of..

12,90 €
Hawley, Walter A: Oriental rugs - Antique and modern.

Hawley, Walter A: Oriental rugs - Antique and modern.

15,90 €
Klapperich, J: Chambers's History of England - 55 b. C. to the present time : für den Schul- und Privatgebrauch - aus der Reihe: Englische und Französische Schriftsteller der neueren Zeit  - Band: 45.

Klapperich, J: Chambers's History of England 55 b. C. to the present time : für den Schul und..

7,90 €
Webb, J.B: Naomi or The last Days of Jerusalem.

Webb, J.B: Naomi or The last Days of Jerusalem.

17,90 €
Cowper, William: The complete Poetical Works of William Cowper - with life, and critical Notice of his Writings - eight engravings on steel.

Cowper, William: The complete Poetical Works of William Cowper with life, and critical Notice of..

35,90 €
Millar, Oliver: Thomas Gainsborough - aus der Reihe: Masters of painting.

Millar, Oliver: Thomas Gainsborough - aus der Reihe: Masters of painting.

7,90 €
Anderssohn, Elis sowie Harald Hjern (Herausgeber): Göteborg - gateway to sweden.

Anderssohn, Elis sowie Harald Hjern (Herausgeber): Göteborg - gateway to sweden.

7,90 €
Keator, Glenn sowie Susan Bazell: The life of an Oak - an intimate Portrait.

Keator, Glenn sowie Susan Bazell: The life of an Oak - an intimate Portrait.

7,90 €
Markesteijn, Lars: Drought tolerance of tropical tree species - Functional Traits, Trade-offs and Species Distribution.

Markesteijn, Lars: Drought tolerance of tropical tree species Functional Traits, Trade offs and..

23,90 €
Koreny, Fritz: Master drawings from the Albertina, Vienna : Australia 1977.

Koreny, Fritz: Master drawings from the Albertina, Vienna : Australia 1977.

7,90 €
Thompson, Mel: Understand philosophy.

Thompson, Mel: Understand philosophy.

7,90 €
Benham, Maenette K.P. (Editor): American Educational Research Journal. Volume 42, Number 3 und 4 und Volume 43, Number 1 ( 3 Hefte).

Benham, Maenette K.P. (Editor): American Educational Research Journal. Volume 42, Number 3 und 4..

7,90 €
Frese, Michael (Editor): Applied Psychology Special Issue Traffic Psychology - aus der Reihe: Applied Psychology : an international Review - Band: volume 46 issue 3 July 1997.

Frese, Michael (Editor): Applied Psychology Special Issue Traffic Psychology aus der Reihe:..

7,90 €
Steelman, Claude (Photography): Colorado - for the first Time.

Steelman, Claude (Photography): Colorado - for the first Time.

11,90 €
Wright, Ronald: Stolen Continents - The 'New Word' Through Indian Eyes.

Wright, Ronald: Stolen Continents - The 'New Word' Through Indian Eyes.

7,90 €
Murray, Joan: Home Truths - A celebration of family life by Canada's best-loved painters.

Murray, Joan: Home Truths - A celebration of family life by Canada's best-loved painters.

11,90 €
Hughes, T.S: The History of England, from the Accession of George III., 1760, to the Accession of Queen Victoria, 1837. Vol. 1+2 (von 7).

Hughes, T.S: The History of England, from the Accession of George III., 1760, to the Accession of..

11,90 €
Elsner, Richard (Auswahl): English and American Poems.

Elsner, Richard (Auswahl): English and American Poems.

7,90 €
Holme, Charles (editor): Royal Scottish Academy.

Holme, Charles (editor): Royal Scottish Academy.

11,90 €
Bullock, Alan sowie R.B. Woodings (Herausgeber): The Fontana Biographical Companion to Modern Thought.

Bullock, Alan sowie R.B. Woodings (Herausgeber): The Fontana Biographical Companion to Modern..

7,90 €
Wallerstein, Robert S: The Talking Cures - The Psychoanalyses and the Psychotherapies.

Wallerstein, Robert S: The Talking Cures - The Psychoanalyses and the Psychotherapies.

11,90 €
Welsh, Alexander: Freud's Wishful Dream Book.

Welsh, Alexander: Freud's Wishful Dream Book.

7,90 €
Krauze, Andrzej: Coming back to the West.

Krauze, Andrzej: Coming back to the West.

7,90 €
Richards, Stewart: Philosophy and Sociology of Science - An Introduction.

Richards, Stewart: Philosophy and Sociology of Science - An Introduction.

7,90 €
Korda, Michael: Charmed Lives - A Family Romance.

Korda, Michael: Charmed Lives - A Family Romance.

7,90 €
Wyndham, Francis: Graham Greene - aus der Reihe: Writers and their work - Band: 67.

Wyndham, Francis: Graham Greene - aus der Reihe: Writers and their work - Band: 67.

7,90 €
Dinkler, Rudolf und Anna Mittelbach (Herausgeber): Englische Gedichte und Lieder - Ein Anhang zu jedem Lehrbuch der englischen Sprache.

Dinkler, Rudolf und Anna Mittelbach (Herausgeber): Englische Gedichte und Lieder Ein Anhang zu..

7,90 €
Fosca, Francois: Renoir - His life and work.

Fosca, Francois: Renoir - His life and work.

7,90 €
Schott, Rolf: Michelangelo.

Schott, Rolf: Michelangelo.

7,90 €
Stupnikow, Igor W: An anthology of the English Literature XVIIIth century. Student's edition.

Stupnikow, Igor W: An anthology of the English Literature XVIIIth century. Student's edition.

7,90 €
Desroches-Noblecourt, Christiane: Life and death of a pharaoh Tutankhamen.

Desroches-Noblecourt, Christiane: Life and death of a pharaoh Tutankhamen.

11,90 €
McConnell, W. R: Geography around the world - aus der Reihe: McNally Social Studies Series.

McConnell, W. R: Geography around the world - aus der Reihe: McNally Social Studies Series.

7,90 €
Reyes, Alejandro (editor): Asiaweek. An investor's guide to Asia's Top 1000 Blue Chip Companies.

Reyes, Alejandro (editor): Asiaweek. An investor's guide to Asia's Top 1000 Blue Chip Companies.

7,90 €
Hoa, Tran van (editor): Prospects in Trade, investment and business in Vietnam and East Asia.

Hoa, Tran van (editor): Prospects in Trade, investment and business in Vietnam and East Asia.

7,90 €
Mobius, Mark and Stephen Fenichell: Passport to profits. Why the next investment windfalls will be found abroad - and how to grab your share.

Mobius, Mark and Stephen Fenichell: Passport to profits. Why the next investment windfalls will be..

7,90 €
Swift, Jonathan: Gulliver's travels into several remote nations of the world. - With a sketch of his life.

Swift, Jonathan: Gulliver's travels into several remote nations of the world. With a sketch of..

37,90 €
Lawrence, Louise: Children of the dust.

Lawrence, Louise: Children of the dust.

7,90 €
Cuddon, J. A: A dictionary of literary terms.

Cuddon, J. A: A dictionary of literary terms.

7,90 €