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Gay - Calbo, Enrique: El Centenario de la Bandiera Cubana (1849 - 1949). Discurso leido por el Académico de Numéro en la sesión solemne celebrada el dia 7 de junio de 1949.

Gay Calbo, Enrique: El Centenario de la Bandiera Cubana (1849 1949). Discurso leido por el..

42,00 €
Wise, Terence / Guido Rosignoli: Flags of the Napoleonic Wars (2).  Colours, Standards and Guidons of Austria, Britain, Prussia & Russia. (Men-at-Arms-Series 78).

Wise, Terence / Guido Rosignoli: Flags of the Napoleonic Wars (2). Colours, Standards and Guidons..

17,00 €
Raituma, Daina / Baiba Stepite / Dagmara Lejina (Red.): Latvijas Valsts Svetuma Zimes.

Raituma, Daina / Baiba Stepite / Dagmara Lejina (Red.): Latvijas Valsts Svetuma Zimes.

45,00 €
Horváth, Zoltán: A Világ zászlói - a zászlók vilaga. Zászlók, Cimerek, Leirasok, Adatok, Térképek Amit a Zászlokrol Tudni Érdemes….

Horváth, Zoltán: A Világ zászlói a zászlók vilaga. Zászlók, Cimerek, Leirasok, Adatok..

27,00 €
North American Vexillological Association   Association nord américaine de Vexillologie (Ed./Réd.) / Kenneth J. Hartvigsen / Steven A. Knowlton (Ed. /Réd.): The Flags of..

North American Vexillological Association Association nord américaine de Vexillologie..

27,00 €
Balogh collection and flag museum.   Zaszlomuzeum Tajekoztatoja. Balogh Gyüjtemeny.   Balogh Lazlo ( Alapito  / Begründer): Balogh Gyüjtemeny Tajekoztatoja / es..

Balogh collection and flag museum. Zaszlomuzeum Tajekoztatoja. Balogh Gyüjtemeny. Balogh Lazlo..

67,00 €
Informace / Vexi Info. - Flag Data Centre. - Petr Exner: Informace No. 1 - 27 / Vexi Info No. 28 - 51. April 1994 - September / October 2000. Zpravodaj strediska vexilologikych informaci ( The Bulletin of the Flag Data Centre ).

Informace / Vexi Info. Flag Data Centre. Petr Exner: Informace No. 1 27 / Vexi Info No. 28..

82,00 €
Liehuvat Värit. - Pentti J. Mäntynen (): Liehuvat Värit. 1997 - 2000. Liputuslan Erikoisjulkaisu. 17 kirjasen kanssa.

Liehuvat Värit. Pentti J. Mäntynen (): Liehuvat Värit. 1997 2000. Liputuslan..

67,00 €
Vexilolog. - Josef Hubka (editor): Vexilolog. No. 1 - 30. Soukromy vexilologicky zpravodaj. Private vexillological journal.

Vexilolog. Josef Hubka (editor): Vexilolog. No. 1 30. Soukromy vexilologicky zpravodaj. Private..

67,00 €
Flaggen   Forum: Flaggenforum. Hefte 0 ( Mai 1990 )   7 ( April 1993 ).   Aus dem Inhalt: Bundesrepublik Deutschland..

Flaggen Forum: Flaggenforum. Hefte 0 ( Mai 1990 ) 7 ( April 1993 ). Aus dem Inhalt:..

57,00 €
Annin Banner, The. - Annin & Co. (publisher): The Annin Banner. Convolute of 17 items, containing: Vol. 1 No. 3, 4, 5 (december 1963, march and may 1964) / Vol. 2 No. 1, 3 (August 1964, march 1965) / Vol. 3 No. 1, 2, 3 (july and december 1965, july 1966)

Annin Banner, The. Annin & Co. (publisher): The Annin Banner. Convolute of 17 items, containing:..

57,00 €
Marshall, Frederic: International Vanities. Reprint of the edition Edinburgh 1875.

Marshall, Frederic: International Vanities. Reprint of the edition Edinburgh 1875.

15,00 €
Cederström, Rudolf: Svenska Kungliga Hufvudbanér samt Fälttecken vid I Sverige, Finland och öfriga Svenska provinser stäende Trupper. Förvarade I. Kungl. Lifrustkammaren och Kungl. Artillerimuseum M.Fl..

Cederström, Rudolf: Svenska Kungliga Hufvudbanér samt Fälttecken vid I Sverige, Finland och..

47,00 €
Zevenbergen, P. / H.J.M. van Rijckevorsel (Pref.): de nieuwe start van een schuttersgilde - Borgvliet Sint Sebastiaan Bergen op Zoom.

Zevenbergen, P. / H.J.M. van Rijckevorsel (Pref.): de nieuwe start van een schuttersgilde..

26,00 €
Circulo Militar (Ed.): French y la Divisa de Mayo.

Circulo Militar (Ed.): French y la Divisa de Mayo.

37,00 €
Tomisa, Ilona: "…együtt a processiot…járják". Körmeneti zászlók Magyarországon.

Tomisa, Ilona: "…együtt a processiot…járják". Körmeneti zászlók Magyarországon.

23,00 €
Geens, Frans - Roger Harmignies, Erik Meersman, Eugeen van Autenboer u.a: Het Vliegende Vendel.

Geens, Frans - Roger Harmignies, Erik Meersman, Eugeen van Autenboer u.a: Het Vliegende Vendel.

57,00 €
Lipton Tea (Ed.): Flags of the world. Series 1 (60 cards in a set).

Lipton Tea (Ed.): Flags of the world. Series 1 (60 cards in a set).

23,00 €
Harrington, Kevin: Sweden´s Story in over 450 Flags. Vol. 1.

Harrington, Kevin: Sweden´s Story in over 450 Flags. Vol. 1.

87,00 €
Hurtado Maqueda, Jorge: Banderas y Escudos de la Comunidad de Madrid. Volume I & II Y / UND / AND Banderas de la Provincia de Cuenca, (tablas de colores).

Hurtado Maqueda, Jorge: Banderas y Escudos de la Comunidad de Madrid. Volume I & II Y / UND / AND..

87,00 €
Gustafsson, Evald (Ed.) - Nils Ludvig Rasmusson, Svante Svärdström: Rikets vapen och flagga.

Gustafsson, Evald (Ed.) - Nils Ludvig Rasmusson, Svante Svärdström: Rikets vapen och flagga.

27,00 €
Gyözö, Somogyi - Cs. Kottra Györgyi, Ságvári Györgyi: Magyar Hadizászlók.

Gyözö, Somogyi - Cs. Kottra Györgyi, Ságvári Györgyi: Magyar Hadizászlók.

23,00 €
Le Pointe, Henri - General M. Priou (Préface): Histoire de nos Drapeaux de 1792 á nos jours - Leurs Légendes & leurs Gloires. Suivi des Airs du Drapeau & de 14 Gravures.

Le Pointe, Henri General M. Priou (Préface): Histoire de nos Drapeaux de 1792 á nos jours..

23,00 €
Arge, Niel Juel: Merkid - Flaggsögan (Flaggsogan).

Arge, Niel Juel: Merkid - Flaggsögan (Flaggsogan).

37,00 €
Ferro, Carlos A: La Bandera Argentina - Inspiradora de los Pabellones Centroamericanos.

Ferro, Carlos A: La Bandera Argentina - Inspiradora de los Pabellones Centroamericanos.

23,00 €
Urzedu Kultury Fizycznej i Turystyki, Gmini Warszawa-Centrum - Iwona Grys (Dyrektor): Sztandary Sportu Polskiego.

Urzedu Kultury Fizycznej i Turystyki, Gmini Warszawa Centrum Iwona Grys (Dyrektor): Sztandary..

27,00 €
Västerbotten - Sture Forsén, Monica Sténs, Gunnar Nilsson u.a: Fanor och Standar i Västerbotten.

Västerbotten Sture Forsén, Monica Sténs, Gunnar Nilsson u.a: Fanor och Standar i..

26,00 €
Zeballos, Estanislao S: El Escudo y los Colores Nacionales. (Extracto de la Revista de Derecho, Historia y Letras).

Zeballos, Estanislao S: El Escudo y los Colores Nacionales. (Extracto de la Revista de Derecho..

23,00 €
Saare, Tiit - Ursula Vent, Kristina Reineller: Eesti Lipp, Eeesti Vapp.

Saare, Tiit - Ursula Vent, Kristina Reineller: Eesti Lipp, Eeesti Vapp.

27,00 €
Gschwind, Juan Jorge - Academia Nacional de la Historia: Rosario y el Monumento a la Bandera. Las Primeras Iniciativas para Honrar el Emblema Nacional. (= Publicaciones de la Filial Rosario, No. 6).

Gschwind, Juan Jorge Academia Nacional de la Historia: Rosario y el Monumento a la Bandera. Las..

27,00 €
Academia Nacional de la Historia (Hrsg. / Ed.): Monumento Conmemorativo a la Bandera Nacional Argentina. (= Publicaciones de la Filial Rosario, No. 10).

Academia Nacional de la Historia (Hrsg. / Ed.): Monumento Conmemorativo a la Bandera Nacional..

25,00 €
Chaparro, Felix A: La Bandera de Artigas o de la Federacion y las Banderas Provenciales del Litoral. Corrientes - Entre Rios - Santa Fe - Córdoba - Misiones.

Chaparro, Felix A: La Bandera de Artigas o de la Federacion y las Banderas Provenciales del..

28,00 €
Beraza, Agustin - Instituto Historico y Geografico del Uruguay: Las Banderas de Artigas (= De la Revista del Instituto Historico y Geografico del Uruguay, Tomo XX).

Beraza, Agustin Instituto Historico y Geografico del Uruguay: Las Banderas de Artigas (= De la..

37,00 €
Rosenkrantz, Eduardo S: La Bandera de la Patria.

Rosenkrantz, Eduardo S: La Bandera de la Patria.

25,00 €
Jakobsson, Th.: (Red.) - Armemusei: Föreningens Armémusei Vänner Meddelanden III.

Jakobsson, Th.: (Red.) - Armemusei: Föreningens Armémusei Vänner Meddelanden III.

37,00 €
Dreyer, Emil - Harald Müller / Swiss Society of Vexillology: Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of Vexillology, Zurich (Zürich) 23 - 27 August 1993.

Dreyer, Emil Harald Müller / Swiss Society of Vexillology: Proceedings of the 15th International..

57,00 €
Herreros i Agüi, Sebastià - Associació Catalana de Vexil.lologia: Barcelona Vexillològica (Vexil.lològica). 14 Congrés Internacional de Vexil.lologia 30 juny - 5 juliol 1991. Comunicacions.

Herreros i Agüi, Sebastià Associació Catalana de Vexil.lologia: Barcelona Vexillològica..

57,00 €
Scot, Michael Gunter - R. Gordon Kelly (Director): The American Flag 1777 - 1924 : Cultural Shifts from Creation to Codification. (Dissertation).

Scot, Michael Gunter R. Gordon Kelly (Director): The American Flag 1777 1924 : Cultural Shifts..

47,00 €
Mucha, Ludvik - Sdtanislav Valásek: Vlajky a znaky zemí sveta.

Mucha, Ludvik - Sdtanislav Valásek: Vlajky a znaky zemí sveta.

23,00 €
Gessler, E. A.   Geleitwort: General Henry Guisan: Die Banner der Heimat. Ein Prachtwerk über die ruhmreiche Geschichte der Standesbanner bis zur eidgenössischen Fahne..

Gessler, E. A. Geleitwort: General Henry Guisan: Die Banner der Heimat. Ein Prachtwerk über die..

39,00 €
Rochat, Michel: Geflammte Ordonnanzfahnen der ständigen Schweizer Linienregimenter in französischen Diensten von 1672 bis 1792 mit den Fahnen der zwei ersten vor 1672 ausgehobenen ständigen..

Rochat, Michel: Geflammte Ordonnanzfahnen der ständigen Schweizer Linienregimenter in..

157,00 €
Flags of the English civil wars. - Brian McGarrigle (preface): Flags of the English civil wars. Part two ( 2 ): The scottish colours of foot and cornets of horse 1639 - 1651.

Flags of the English civil wars. Brian McGarrigle (preface): Flags of the English civil wars..

28,00 €
Kantola, Ilkka / Laurla, Kari K. / Termonen, Teuvo: Sortokauden Postikortteja. Osa 2 kahdessa kirjassa: Lippupostikortteja. 2.1: Ruotsin Kuningaskunnan ja venäjän keisarikunnan lippuja. 2.2: Lippuja..

Kantola, Ilkka / Laurla, Kari K. / Termonen, Teuvo: Sortokauden Postikortteja. Osa 2 kahdessa..

87,00 €
Parrish, Thomas: The American Flag. Illustrated with photographs, prints and drawings.

Parrish, Thomas: The American Flag. Illustrated with photographs, prints and drawings.

27,00 €
Braunstein, Christian: Svenska Försvarsmaktens Fälttecken efter Milliennieskiftet   The Flags and Standards of the  Swedish Armed Forces after the turn of the Millennium..

Braunstein, Christian: Svenska Försvarsmaktens Fälttecken efter Milliennieskiftet The Flags and..

35,00 €
Hitchcock, Barbara: The Badford Flag - a national treasure. Illustrations by Jan van Steenwijk.

Hitchcock, Barbara: The Badford Flag - a national treasure. Illustrations by Jan van Steenwijk.

22,00 €
Noltemeier, Wolfgang: Flaggenrecht und Flaggenpflicht nach deutschem Recht. Inaugural   Dissertation verfaßt und zur Erlangung der Juristischen Doktorwürde der Hohen Rechts  und Staatswissenschaftlichen..

Noltemeier, Wolfgang: Flaggenrecht und Flaggenpflicht nach deutschem Recht. Inaugural..

27,00 €
National Flag Foundation (Ed.): Flags of America.

National Flag Foundation (Ed.): Flags of America.

23,00 €
Vermont Development Department: The Vermont State House.

Vermont Development Department: The Vermont State House.

20,00 €
Eu, March Fong: California ' s Greatness.

Eu, March Fong: California ' s Greatness.

14,00 €
William Jr., Earl P: What You  Should Know About THE AMERICAN FLAG.  Illustrations by Les Prosser.

William Jr., Earl P: What You Should Know About THE AMERICAN FLAG. Illustrations by Les Prosser.

22,00 €
Wates, Wylma A: A Flag worthy of your State and People. The History of the  South Carolina State Flag.

Wates, Wylma A: A Flag worthy of your State and People. The History of the South Carolina State..

21,00 €
National Flag Foundation (Ed.): The New Constellation. Yorktown to Outer Space. The Story of America as told through its flags - which are the symbols of its   civil, economic, and religious freedom.

National Flag Foundation (Ed.): The New Constellation. Yorktown to Outer Space. The Story of..

21,00 €
United Confederate Veterans (Ed.): The Flags of the Confederate States of America.

United Confederate Veterans (Ed.): The Flags of the Confederate States of America.

21,00 €
McDaniel, Gayle: State Flags on Stamps.

McDaniel, Gayle: State Flags on Stamps.

23,00 €
Fahnen Kössinger (Hrsg.): Fahnen Kössinger mit Flaggenkatalog 1997.

Fahnen Kössinger (Hrsg.): Fahnen Kössinger mit Flaggenkatalog 1997.

27,00 €
Carpenter, Frances: Our State Flags.

Carpenter, Frances: Our State Flags.

23,00 €
Spencer, Richard Henry: The Provincial  Flag of Maryland. (Reprint from Maryland Historical Magazine, Vol. IX, No. 3, 1914).

Spencer, Richard Henry: The Provincial Flag of Maryland. (Reprint from Maryland Historical..

20,00 €
Wall, Alexander J: The Flag with an Eagle in the Canton. (Reprint from New York Historical Society Quarterly Bulletin, 1933).

Wall, Alexander J: The Flag with an Eagle in the Canton. (Reprint from New York Historical Society..

21,00 €
Greenly, A. H: More  Light on the Original Bear Flag of California. (Reprint from  the Yale University Library Gazette, Vol. XXVII, No. 4, 1953).

Greenly, A. H: More Light on the Original Bear Flag of California. (Reprint from the Yale..

20,00 €
National Flag Foundation (Ed.): Stars, Stripes & Statutes. A state by state review of provisions covering the use and display of your  flag and related subjects of concern to educators, parents, citizens. (A supplement to Vol. XXIV. No.2).

National Flag Foundation (Ed.): Stars, Stripes & Statutes. A state by state review of provisions..

20,00 €
William, Jr., Earl P: What You Should Know About the Flags of the Confederacy.

William, Jr., Earl P: What You Should Know About the Flags of the Confederacy.

21,00 €
Boy Scouts of America (Ed.): Flags of America.

Boy Scouts of America (Ed.): Flags of America.

21,00 €
Karaschewski, Jörg M: Flaggen im deutschen Kaiserreich.

Karaschewski, Jörg M: Flaggen im deutschen Kaiserreich.

27,00 €
Zweguintzow, Wladimir Wladimirowitch ( auch Zvegintsov, Vladimir Vladimirovich ): Drapeaux et Etendards de l ' Armée Russe  XVIe s. - 1914. Texte  en russe et francais.

Zweguintzow, Wladimir Wladimirowitch ( auch Zvegintsov, Vladimir Vladimirovich ): Drapeaux et..

3.857,00 €
Fregeiro, C. L: Banderas Imperiales del Brasil existentes en el Museo Historico Nacional (= Estudios Historicos de HUMANIDADES, tomo II, pagina 95 a 168).

Fregeiro, C. L: Banderas Imperiales del Brasil existentes en el Museo Historico Nacional (=..

67,00 €
Plettinck, Eddy (Réd.): Bulletin du Crédit Communal. 50e année, No. 198, 1996 / 4.

Plettinck, Eddy (Réd.): Bulletin du Crédit Communal. 50e année, No. 198, 1996 / 4.

23,00 €
Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (Ed.): Emblèmes et Drapeaux de l ' Europe mediane. (Publications Langues ' o - Cahiers  No. 10 -  Centre d ' etude de l ' Europe mediane).

Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (Ed.): Emblèmes et Drapeaux de l '..

47,00 €
Queensland. - Premier ' s Dept.,  (Ed.): The Queensland Flag Book.

Queensland. - Premier ' s Dept., (Ed.): The Queensland Flag Book.

18,00 €
Farr, Francine: Flying Colors - Military Flags of Africa and African America.

Farr, Francine: Flying Colors - Military Flags of Africa and African America.

33,00 €
Knill, Harry: A coloring book of the 13 colonies. Drawings by N. Conkle et al.

Knill, Harry: A coloring book of the 13 colonies. Drawings by N. Conkle et al.

16,00 €
Missouri Division of Tourism (Ed.): This is Missouri.

Missouri Division of Tourism (Ed.): This is Missouri.

20,00 €
Smith, Whitney: The Bedford Flag.

Smith, Whitney: The Bedford Flag.

20,00 €
Mittlebeeler, Emmet V: What Flag flew at Bunker Hill? (Reprint from The Flag Bulletin, Vol. XVII, No. 2).

Mittlebeeler, Emmet V: What Flag flew at Bunker Hill? (Reprint from The Flag Bulletin, Vol. XVII..

20,00 €
Rogner, E. A: The Pentagon. Flags displayed in the building.  History - Location - Myths and Facts.

Rogner, E. A: The Pentagon. Flags displayed in the building. History - Location - Myths and Facts.

20,00 €
The Flagsource - America ' s World Class Flagmaker  (Ed.): Catalog 1985 - 1986. Special Statue  of Liberty Edition.

The Flagsource America ' s World Class Flagmaker (Ed.): Catalog 1985 1986. Special Statue of..

15,00 €
The Flag Guys - Flag Merchants Since 1977 (Ed.): Spring Catalog 1991.

The Flag Guys - Flag Merchants Since 1977 (Ed.): Spring Catalog 1991.

15,00 €
Pond, Chester / O ' Hara, A. C: Flags over New York.  History and Display of the Flag of the United States of America and the Flag of the State of New York.

Pond, Chester / O ' Hara, A. C: Flags over New York. History and Display of the Flag of the United..

15,00 €
Stenzel, Al: Your Flag. Everything you want to know about the Flag of the United States of America.

Stenzel, Al: Your Flag. Everything you want to know about the Flag of the United States of America.

17,00 €
Junge, Volker: Eine Flagge für Europa.

Junge, Volker: Eine Flagge für Europa.

15,00 €
McCloskey, Marsha / Linda Moore: Make your own Outdoor Flags & Banners.  A Handbook for Do - it - Yourself Flag Design and Construction.

McCloskey, Marsha / Linda Moore: Make your own Outdoor Flags & Banners. A Handbook for Do it..

20,00 €
Rault, Philippe: Les Drapeaux Bretons de 1188 à nos Jours. (Illustrations de Lucien Philippe).

Rault, Philippe: Les Drapeaux Bretons de 1188 à nos Jours. (Illustrations de Lucien Philippe).

28,00 €
Philippe, Lucien: Les Drapeaux des Parties Politiques du Sénégal. (Conférence au Congrès International de Vexillologie de York, 27 juillet 2001).

Philippe, Lucien: Les Drapeaux des Parties Politiques du Sénégal. (Conférence au Congrès..

47,00 €
Lupant, Michel R: Drapeaux et armoiries de l ' État du Koweit (Dawlat al - Kwit).

Lupant, Michel R: Drapeaux et armoiries de l ' État du Koweit (Dawlat al - Kwit).

27,00 €
Santy, Filip / Osaer, Antoon: Met vlag en wimpel. Deel 1 en 2. De Banistiek van de christelijke arbeidersbeweging in Vlaanderen.

Santy, Filip / Osaer, Antoon: Met vlag en wimpel. Deel 1 en 2. De Banistiek van de christelijke..

27,00 €
Sokolov, V. A: State Flags and Coats - of - Arms of Ukraine (Collegium Heraldicum Fennicum - Apeliotes Collection concerning East European Heraldry).

Sokolov, V. A: State Flags and Coats of Arms of Ukraine (Collegium Heraldicum Fennicum..

20,00 €
Liechtenstein.   WappenGesetz: Lichtensteinisches Landesgesetzblatt. 2 Teile: 1) Gesetz vom 4. Juni 1957 betreffend Wappen und Flaggen des Fürstentums. Jahrgang 1957, Nr. 13. 2)..

Liechtenstein. WappenGesetz: Lichtensteinisches Landesgesetzblatt. 2 Teile: 1) Gesetz vom 4. Juni..

18,00 €
Raith, Hans Peter: Raith'sche Wappenrolle Band 1 und Band 2!.

Raith, Hans Peter: Raith'sche Wappenrolle Band 1 und Band 2!.

137,00 €
Russell, Lindsay. - John Barrett / Frederic Brown: The Pan American Union of Washington and the Pan American Society of the United States of New York, have great pleasure in extending to you the season's greetings and in presenting to you as a Pan America

Russell, Lindsay. John Barrett / Frederic Brown: The Pan American Union of Washington and the Pan..

157,00 €
Gomez, Maria Estela Gez de: El escudo de San Luis. Antecedentes historicos sobre la fundacion de la ciudad de San Luis - Sintesis biografica de los fundadores - Historia de los sellos usados en la provincia de San Luis desde el periodo colonial hasta nues

Gomez, Maria Estela Gez de: El escudo de San Luis. Antecedentes historicos sobre la fundacion de la..

127,00 €
Canada. - Baronian, Luc / Christopher Bedwell / Doreen Braverman / James Croft  and others: Canadian City Flags Part 2. Canada (= Raven - A Journal of Vexillology, Vol. 18,  2011).

Canada. Baronian, Luc / Christopher Bedwell / Doreen Braverman / James Croft and others:..

37,00 €
Popovich, Miroslav (Foreword): The Historical Heraldry of Ukrainian Cities.

Popovich, Miroslav (Foreword): The Historical Heraldry of Ukrainian Cities.

27,00 €
Lager, Carol: L ' Europe en Quete de ses Symboles. (Collection Euroclio).

Lager, Carol: L ' Europe en Quete de ses Symboles. (Collection Euroclio).

27,00 €
Fox, Len: The strange story of the Eureka Flag.

Fox, Len: The strange story of the Eureka Flag.

15,00 €
Bolten, D. (Voorwoord): Het Blazoen. Tentoonstelling van 23 December 1953 tot 14 Februari 1954.

Bolten, D. (Voorwoord): Het Blazoen. Tentoonstelling van 23 December 1953 tot 14 Februari 1954.

18,00 €
Jonker, L: Wat is de oorsprong van onze vlag?.

Jonker, L: Wat is de oorsprong van onze vlag?.

14,00 €
Auderset,  Patrick / Enckell, Marianne: Sous Le Drapeau Syndical  1845 - 2014. Les syndicats vaudois et leurs emblemes.

Auderset, Patrick / Enckell, Marianne: Sous Le Drapeau Syndical 1845 2014. Les syndicats..

51,00 €
Tewkesbury Battlefield Society: The Street Banners of Tewkesbury.

Tewkesbury Battlefield Society: The Street Banners of Tewkesbury.

77,00 €
Bigoszewska, Wanda - Henryk Wiewiora: Sztandary ludowego Polskiego 1943 - 1974.

Bigoszewska, Wanda - Henryk Wiewiora: Sztandary ludowego Polskiego 1943 - 1974.

22,00 €
Caka, Jan (Bilder) / Schenk, Jiri (Text).   heraldické kresby Jana Cáky s pruvodním slovem dr. inž. Jirího Schenka. Vyd. komitét symposia Hornická Príbram..

Caka, Jan (Bilder) / Schenk, Jiri (Text). heraldické kresby Jana Cáky s pruvodním slovem dr..

307,00 €
Articles par page 48 | 96