London, Country Life and New York, Scribner, 1927, Second revised edition. X, 438 pages throughout with mostly full-page b&w illustrations, index. 2°, original green cloth, boards with different shade of green cloth, spine with gilt lettering.
Edges slightly rubbed or bumped, spine a bit faded, foot of pages slightly squeezed, private owner`s stamp on half title, previous owners bookplate, else a fine copy.
siehe Beschreibung
Détails sur l'article
Autor:Jekyll, Gertrude and Christopher Hussey
Titel:Garden Ornament
Verlagsort:London, Country Life and New York, Scribner, 1927
Seitenanzahl:Second revised edition. X, 438 pages throughout with mostly full-page b&w illustrations, index. 2°, original green cloth, boards with different shade of green cloth, spine with gilt lettering
Anzahl Bände:1
Händler-Kategorie:Gartenbau (gardens)
numéro d'oldthing: 40606142 | le numéro de stockage: 130309
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