Carbondale and Edwardsville, Southern Illinois University Press, 1986, Reprint. X, 147 pp. with numerous b&w illustrtions. 4°, landscape format, original paperback.
This is the firsthand account of a young couple who in 1946 challenged Wright to produce a decent house for $ 5,000. Wright responded with the innovations - floor heating, flat roof, concrete floor, solid walls, grouping of utilities, carport garden-centered floor plan - that made their house the revolutionary `Usonia Numer One. - Edges minimally squeezed, else a fine copy.
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Détails sur l'article
Autor:Jacobs, Herbert and Katherine
Titel:Building with Frank Lloyd Wright. An illustrated memoir. With new preface by Herbert Jacobs
Verlagsort:Carbondale and Edwardsville, Southern Illinois University Press, 1986
Seitenanzahl:Reprint. X, 147 pp. with numerous b&w illustrtions. 4°, landscape format, original paperback
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