Instrumentation and Control for Water and Wastewater Treatment and Transport Systems Proceedings of an International Workshop held in London and Stockholm, May 1977 Progress in Water Technology - A Journal of the International Association on Water Pollu

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Pergamon, Oxford-New York, 1978, 661 Seiten mit wenigen Bildern. Taschenbuch, Paperback.

LORD NUGENT: Opening Address - A. W. BREIDENBACH: Response - R. BRIGGS: Sensors: current developments, outstanding problems and potential solutions - S. EDWARDS: Experience in instrument reliability and the need for reliability - M. HIRAOKA and S. NOGITA: The rote of computers and automation in effecting economics and improve-ments m water supply and treatment, and wastewater collection and disposal - W. F. GARBER: Practical problems in the application of control systems in large scale wastewater treat-ment programmes - M. B. BECK: Critical assessment of present-day attitudes towards control systems in water and waste-water management - G. L. JONES: Importance of biological factors in the automatic control of treatment processes - E. F. BALLORRI: Critical considerations affecting computer-based systems - D. H. NEWSOME: Changing concepts of water data acquisition - T. R. ELLSON: Water collection and distribution Computer control as an aid to management - B. HULTNIAN: Trends in instrumentation and automation in north Europe - L. H.. THOMPSON: Control systems for the water industry in the UK - C. F. GUARINO and J. V. RADZIUL: Water - Wastewater, I & A, U.S.A. - Discussions - R. BRIGGS, H. R. S. PAGE and J. W. SCHGFIELD: Improvements in sensor and system technology - W. BALACHANDRAN and H. R. S. PAGE: A nord method of measuring flow rate and suspended solids concentration of sewage sludges - B. KAGHAZCHI, M. S. BECK and P. H. BATHURST: Non-contacting method for flow measurement in sewers by cross-correlation of surface information - W. D. MEREDITH: Filtration prior to automatic analysis - W. D. MEREDITH: The use of automatic analysers on waste water treatment plant - M. I. BEACH and J. S. BEACH: Sample acquisition - the first step in water quality monitoring - J. J. MORROW: A novel DO system for control of the activated sludge process - R. BERTHOLD, G. GAMER and H.-D. HESS: Tubular sensors for pH value and for dissolved oxygen measurements - S. A. MICHALEK, R. A. DISHMAN and R. B. THAVER: Capabilities of online TOC and TOD analyzers - P. J. CLACK and F. L. WILLIAMS: Suspended solids monitor - J. S. BEACH, JR. and M. I. BEACH: Ultra-low range chlorine monitor - A. N. CLARKE,.W. W. ECKENFELDER, JR. and J. A. ROTH: The development of an influent monitor for biological treatment systems.


guter Zustand, Gebrauchs- und Alterungsspuren: ehemaliges Bibliotheksexemplar mit Rückenetikett, Etikett mit Folie überklebt bis weit in beide Buchdeckel hinein - Titel mit Stempeln und Notizen - Deckel innen mit angeklebtem Papierrest - Vorwort mit weiterem Stempel - Umschlag teils etwas vergilbt und leicht verschmutzt - Seiten aber sauber und ordentlich - Umschlag und Seiten unten teils etwas eselsohrig

Détails sur l'article

Herausgeber: The International Association on Water Pollution Research

Titel: Instrumentation and Control for Water and Wastewater Treatment and Transport Systems
Proceedings of an International Workshop held in London and Stockholm, May 1977
Progress in Water Technology - A Journal of the International Association on Water Pollution Research for the Repid Publication of Conference Proceedings that Record Important New Advances and their Applications in all Fields of Water Pollution Control, Vol. 9, Numbers 5/6

Auflage: Erstausgabe

Verlagsname: Pergamon, Oxford-New York

Jahr: 1978

Seitenanzahl: 661 Seiten mit wenigen Bildern

Einband: Taschenbuch, Paperback

Bemerkung: LORD NUGENT: Opening Address - A. W. BREIDENBACH: Response - R. BRIGGS: Sensors: current developments, outstanding problems and potential solutions - S. EDWARDS: Experience in instrument reliability and the need for reliability - M. HIRAOKA and S. NOGITA: The rote of computers and automation in effecting economics and improve-ments m water supply and treatment, and wastewater collection and disposal - W. F. GARBER: Practical problems in the application of control systems in large scale wastewater treat-ment programmes - M. B. BECK: Critical assessment of present-day attitudes towards control systems in water and waste-water management - G. L. JONES: Importance of biological factors in the automatic control of treatment processes - E. F. BALLORRI: Critical considerations affecting computer-based systems - D. H. NEWSOME: Changing concepts of water data acquisition - T. R. ELLSON: Water collection and distribution Computer control as an aid to management - B. HULTNIAN: Trends in instrumentation and automation in north Europe - L. H.. THOMPSON: Control systems for the water industry in the UK - C. F. GUARINO and J. V. RADZIUL: Water - Wastewater, I & A, U.S.A. - Discussions - R. BRIGGS, H. R. S. PAGE and J. W. SCHGFIELD: Improvements in sensor and system technology - W. BALACHANDRAN and H. R. S. PAGE: A nord method of measuring flow rate and suspended solids concentration of sewage sludges - B. KAGHAZCHI, M. S. BECK and P. H. BATHURST: Non-contacting method for flow measurement in sewers by cross-correlation of surface information - W. D. MEREDITH: Filtration prior to automatic analysis - W. D. MEREDITH: The use of automatic analysers on waste water treatment plant - M. I. BEACH and J. S. BEACH: Sample acquisition - the first step in water quality monitoring - J. J. MORROW: A novel DO system for control of the activated sludge process - R. BERTHOLD, G. GAMER and H.-D. HESS: Tubular sensors for pH value and for dissolved oxygen measurements - S. A. MICHALEK, R. A. DISHMAN and R. B. THAVER: Capabilities of online TOC and TOD analyzers - P. J. CLACK and F. L. WILLIAMS: Suspended solids monitor - J. S. BEACH, JR. and M. I. BEACH: Ultra-low range chlorine monitor - A. N. CLARKE,.W. W. ECKENFELDER, JR. and J. A. ROTH: The development of an influent monitor for biological treatment systems

Produktart: Buch

Sprache: Englisch

Länge x Breite: 27 cm x 19 cm

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