New York, Viridian Gallery, 1979, 8 leaves with 10 b&w illustrations. Gr.-8°, orig. wrappers with structured design, white lettering.
Loose insert: Invitation leaf for exhibition opening on structured handmade paper. - "A versatile artist, Satish Gupta is a painter, sculptor, poet, writer, printmaker, skilled draftsman, muralist, designer, calligrapher and ceramicist all in one". (Satish Gupta online). - Gutes Exemplar.
Albanie, Andorre, Bosnie-Herzégovine, Îles Féroé, Géorgie, Islande, Macédoine du Nord, Moldavie, Monaco, Norvège, Suisse, Ukraine, État de la Cité du Vatican, Biélorussie, Royaume-Uni, Serbie