Gongyue, Fu: Old Photos of Beijing. Edited by Lin Wenbi and Xu Dongsheng. English translation by Xu Meijiang. Japanese translation by Li Lang and Gao Po.
Une offre dans Livres & magazinesArt : photographie - 3.326 autres offres dans cette catégorie
Beijing, National Publications, 1990, 118 unn. pp. with 216 b&w illustrations. 4°, original wrappers with gate-folded covers.
With a foreword by Zhu Jiajin. - The photos show The City Walls of Beijing, The Central Axis of the City, Streets and Lanes in the City Proper, Scenic Sports Inside and Outside the City, Temples and Churches, Changdian (Factory Grounds) andd Tianquiao (Haevenly Bridge), Shops, Pedlars and Handicrafts, Wedding an Funeral Rites and Folk Customs. - Covers minimally rubbed, else a fine copy.
Albanie, Andorre, Bosnie-Herzégovine, Îles Féroé, Géorgie, Islande, Macédoine du Nord, Moldavie, Monaco, Norvège, Suisse, Ukraine, État de la Cité du Vatican, Biélorussie, Royaume-Uni, Serbie