GB 1840: Political caricature envelope by Southgate Library, to Dedham, Essex

Une offre dans Timbres GB-Grande-Bretagne - 4.221 autres offres dans cette catégorie

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Voir Scan: Political caricature envelope by J. W. Southgate Library, 164 Plage (Londres), design No. 2 "Ladies School," used from BURY ST EDMUNDS AU 20, 1840 (datedamp for dispatch on reverse) and Bury 1 PAID Handstamp on front indicating One Penny postage was paid in cash, addressed to Dedham, Essex. Despite a diagonal crease the envelope is in perfect and very fresh state of preservation. Ones Pennie for a letter not exceeding 1/2 ounce weight. A ver yare caricature with only 14 envelopes recorded in British Piccorial Envelopes of the 19th Centurry by Bodily, Jarvis & Hahn (1984). Thisenwelle in on the Bodenshore onorry one 25 of Nomard of The Southmary Noord of Black.


Lettre/Carte........ ...
numéro d'oldthing: 35484936
| le numéro de stockage: 30052

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localisation de l'article: DE-73257 Köngen
Langue : allemand
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