Festivals in Myanmar: Literature Festival -SHEET (I)- (MNH)

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MiNo.477A BO(I) Myanmar
Opr.; A = perf. K 14 1/4:14; B = imperforated
Full Sheet, Issue Date: 27.11.2019
Picture description:
lw) Orchid
(Bulbophyllum auricomum), Reading
477 A 200 K multicolored lw
Quantity BO(I): 5.000 pieces
Designer: Wai Zin Paing (MPS)
Printer: Government Security Printing Works (SPW), Rangoon
Conservation Status:
Here as a "MINT NEVER HINGED (MNH)" perforated Single Stamp as Full Sheet, BO(I), with 30 Stamps
Issue Notice:

Bulbophyllum auricomum is an orchid species of the genus Bulbophyllum. It is endemic to the low-lying forests of Southeast Asia, notably Burma / Myanmar, Thailand and the Indonesian islands of Sumatra and Java. The fragrant flowers open in late autumn to early winter.
ATTENTION: The stamp sheets of this size are unfortunately usually folded centrally in the perforation. But that is not up to us, but rather to the postal administrations.
This buckling can lead to tears in the perforation, especially at the edges of the sheet.


siehe Artikelbeschreibung
numéro d'oldthing: 48797955
| le numéro de stockage: 1939583559


Évaluations du vendeur
100 % Positive
Fournisseur commercial
localisation de l'article: TH-77110 Hua Hin
Langue : allemand

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