Definitive: RAMA IX - 9th series 2B -1st PRINT TBSP- (MNH)

Impressions de la page: 1
numéro d'oldthing: 48795640
| le numéro de stockage: 1939590762

MiNo.1742IXA Thailand
I = Opr., II = Rip.; X = no Wmk., Y = Wmk. 15; A = perf. K 14 1/4:14 1/2, C = perf. K 11 3/4.; B = imperforated
Single stamp, date of issue: December 5th, 1996
Picture descriptions:
bhp) King Bhumibol Aduljadeh, Rama IX. (1927-2016), in admiral's uniform
1742 IXA 2 B reddish carmine bhp
Quantity: 200,000,000 pieces
Designer: unknown
Printer: Thai British security Printing
Conservation status:
Here as a "MINT NEVER HINIGED (MNH)" perforated single stamp or as described in the title, the item image and/or item number as a pair, a block of 4 with and/or without a border, as a block of 4 with an impression on the edge and/or perforated or not perforated. The item title, the item picture or the item number are decisive for delivery!
Issue Notice:

The 1st print run comes from Thai British Security Printing and can be recognized by the printing company's pictogram at the top left and 1 x "9" in Thai on the edge of the stamp sheet.
The 2nd print run comes from Helio Courvoiser and can be recognized by the printing company's lettering at the bottom and 2 x "9" in Thai on the edge of the stamp sheet.
The 3rd print run comes from Thai British Security Printing and can be recognized by the printing company's pictogram at the top left and 3 x "9" in Thai on the edge of the stamp sheet.
The 4th print run comes from Thai British Security Printing and can be recognized by the printing company's pictogram at the top left and 4 x "9" in Thai on the edge of the stamp sheet.
The 5th print run comes from Thai British Security Printing and can be recognized by the printing company's pictogram at the top left and 5 x "9" in Thai on the edge of the stamp sheet.
The 6th print run comes from Thai British Security Printing and can be recognized by the printing company's pictogram at the top left and 6 x "9" in Thai on the edge of the stamp sheet.
The 7th print run comes from Thai British Security Printing and can be recognized by the printing company's pictogram at the top left and 7 x "9" in Thai on the edge of the stamp sheet.
The 8th print run comes from Thai British Security Printing and can be recognized by the printing company's pictogram at the top left and 8 x "9" in Thai on the edge of the stamp sheet.
The 9th print run comes from Thai British Security Printing and can be recognized by the printing company's pictogram at the top left and 9 x "9" in Thai on the edge of the stamp sheet.
The 10th print run comes from Thai British Security Printing and can be recognized by the printing company's pictogram at the top left and 10 x "9" in Thai on the edge of the stamp sheet.
The papers without watermarks usually contain different colored fibers, which are called "watermarks" in Thailand.
In the same drawing: MiNo. 1765-1767, 1768-1769, 1784-1785, 1786, 1798-1799, 1836, 1837, 1925-1927, 2180, 2820, 2859; in a similar drawing, but larger format: MiNo. 1940
MiNo. 1742IXA-1742IIXC were also issue as a stamp booklet with 5 or 10 stamps


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