Le marché oldthing propose un large choix dans la catégorie Cartes postales étrangères Asie

6.583 Article trouvé dans le shop Bartko-Reher


AK Saigon, Le Palais de Justice, Vue prise des Tours de la Cathédrale

AK Saigon, Le Palais de Justice, Vue prise des Tours de la Cathédrale

7,00 €
AK Saigon, Entrée du Palais du Gouvernement local

AK Saigon, Entrée du Palais du Gouvernement local

7,00 €
AK Malaysia, Malay Festival

AK Malaysia, Malay Festival

7,00 €
AK Penang, Hill Railway Viaduct, Upper Section

AK Penang, Hill Railway Viaduct, Upper Section

10,00 €
Künstler-AK Johann Georg Siehl-Freystett: Kiegsschiff SMS Fürst Bismarck vom Ostasiengeschwader auf hoher See

Künstler AK Johann Georg Siehl Freystett: Kiegsschiff SMS Fürst Bismarck vom Ostasiengeschwader..

10,00 €
AK Jerusalem, Arch of the Ecce Homo

AK Jerusalem, Arch of the Ecce Homo

5,00 €
AK Jaffa, Ortsansicht vom Wasser aus

AK Jaffa, Ortsansicht vom Wasser aus

5,00 €
AK Jerusalem, The Dome of the Rock

AK Jerusalem, The Dome of the Rock

5,00 €
AK Jerusalem, General view and the Mount of Olives

AK Jerusalem, General view and the Mount of Olives

5,00 €
AK Jerusalem, Panorama pris de l`ouest

AK Jerusalem, Panorama pris de l`ouest

5,00 €
AK Jaffa, View from the sea-shore

AK Jaffa, View from the sea-shore

5,00 €
AK Tiberias, Panorama mit dem See Genezareth

AK Tiberias, Panorama mit dem See Genezareth

5,00 €
AK Jerusalem, Mount of Olives, Ölberg

AK Jerusalem, Mount of Olives, Ölberg

5,00 €
AK Jérusalem, Marché aux bestiaux dans la piscine de la vallée de Gihon

AK Jérusalem, Marché aux bestiaux dans la piscine de la vallée de Gihon

5,00 €
AK Jerusalem, Garden of Gethsemane

AK Jerusalem, Garden of Gethsemane

5,00 €
AK Shanghai, Bund with Custom House

AK Shanghai, Bund with Custom House

20,00 €
AK Longji, Factorei Randad & Stein

AK Longji, Factorei Randad & Stein

24,00 €
AK Jerusalem, Grabeskirche

AK Jerusalem, Grabeskirche

5,00 €
AK Jerusalem, Aussenseite der Anna-Kirche

AK Jerusalem, Aussenseite der Anna-Kirche

5,00 €
AK Kiyomizutera, Taisan Hill

AK Kiyomizutera, Taisan Hill

5,00 €
AK Saigon, Jardin Botanique, La Mare aux Lotus

AK Saigon, Jardin Botanique, La Mare aux Lotus

5,00 €
AK Saigon, Le Soir sur l`Arroyo Chinois

AK Saigon, Le Soir sur l`Arroyo Chinois

5,00 €
AK Thailand, Tänzerinnen mit langen Fingernägeln

AK Thailand, Tänzerinnen mit langen Fingernägeln

5,00 €
AK Kuala Lumpur, Petaling Street

AK Kuala Lumpur, Petaling Street

5,00 €
AK Singapur, Fullerton Building

AK Singapur, Fullerton Building

5,00 €
AK Singapur, Union Building

AK Singapur, Union Building

5,00 €
AK Taipei, Marble staircase leads from ground floor lobby of Chi-Lin Pavilion of the Grand Hotel

AK Taipei, Marble staircase leads from ground floor lobby of Chi-Lin Pavilion of the Grand Hotel

5,00 €
AK Penang, P.H.R. Station

AK Penang, P.H.R. Station

7,00 €
AK Peking, Ansicht von einem Tempel

AK Peking, Ansicht von einem Tempel

7,00 €
AK Peking, Pavillons auf dem Wasser

AK Peking, Pavillons auf dem Wasser

7,00 €
AK Nagasaki, Water-Work Nishiyama

AK Nagasaki, Water-Work Nishiyama

7,00 €
AK Shidzuoka, Rinsaiji Temple

AK Shidzuoka, Rinsaiji Temple

7,00 €
AK Nowy Afon, Monastère Novo-Afonsky, vue price de la débarcadère

AK Nowy Afon, Monastère Novo-Afonsky, vue price de la débarcadère

13,00 €
AK Shanghai, Night Scene in Nanking Road

AK Shanghai, Night Scene in Nanking Road

13,00 €
AK Shanghai, Nanking Road night scene

AK Shanghai, Nanking Road night scene

13,00 €
AK Singapur, Raffles Hotel

AK Singapur, Raffles Hotel

13,00 €
AK Singapur, Raffles Museum

AK Singapur, Raffles Museum

13,00 €
AK Singapur, Raffles Place

AK Singapur, Raffles Place

13,00 €
AK Singapur, Cathay Building

AK Singapur, Cathay Building

10,00 €
AK Singapur, Anderson Bridge

AK Singapur, Anderson Bridge

10,00 €
AK Hong Kong, People and train in a metro station

AK Hong Kong, People and train in a metro station

5,00 €
AK Shanghai, The Shanghai Indoor Stadium

AK Shanghai, The Shanghai Indoor Stadium

5,00 €
AK Hong Kong, Market Existing in the open street Kowloon

AK Hong Kong, Market Existing in the open street Kowloon

5,00 €
AK Hongkong, The Peak Tower Restaurant

AK Hongkong, The Peak Tower Restaurant

5,00 €
AK Luo Yang, Peony Hotel, Interior of a hotel room

AK Luo Yang, Peony Hotel, Interior of a hotel room

5,00 €
AK Hongkong, The Peak Hotel and the Engine House at the terminus of the Peak Tramway

AK Hongkong, The Peak Hotel and the Engine House at the terminus of the Peak Tramway

13,00 €
AK Tientsin, The Tientsin Shrine

AK Tientsin, The Tientsin Shrine

13,00 €
AK Tientsin, The Yamato Park

AK Tientsin, The Yamato Park

13,00 €
AK Tientsin, The French Park

AK Tientsin, The French Park

13,00 €
AK Tientsin, The Victoria Park

AK Tientsin, The Victoria Park

13,00 €
AK Tientsin, Monument of european war

AK Tientsin, Monument of european war

13,00 €
AK Dairen, Kagimaru at the wharf

AK Dairen, Kagimaru at the wharf

10,00 €
AK Hongkong, Chinese Junk

AK Hongkong, Chinese Junk

10,00 €
AK Hongkong, The Peak

AK Hongkong, The Peak

10,00 €
AK Hongkong, General View of Residences and West Harbour

AK Hongkong, General View of Residences and West Harbour

10,00 €
AK Hongkong, View of Botanical Gardens

AK Hongkong, View of Botanical Gardens

7,00 €
AK Port Arthur, The Battery of Sungshushan

AK Port Arthur, The Battery of Sungshushan

7,00 €
AK Hongkong, The Ambassador Hotel, Interior of the restaurant area

AK Hongkong, The Ambassador Hotel, Interior of the restaurant area

7,00 €
AK Hongkong, View of the coastline by night

AK Hongkong, View of the coastline by night

7,00 €
AK Hongkong, The principal entrance to the public Garden

AK Hongkong, The principal entrance to the public Garden

7,00 €
AK Hongkong, The coastline by night

AK Hongkong, The coastline by night

7,00 €
AK Port Arthur, The other side of Tungikuanshan

AK Port Arthur, The other side of Tungikuanshan

7,00 €
AK Hongkong, Avenue of the Public Gardens

AK Hongkong, Avenue of the Public Gardens

7,00 €
AK Damas, Mosquee Tekieh et Solimanieh

AK Damas, Mosquee Tekieh et Solimanieh

7,00 €
AK Damas, Rue Droite, Strassenpartie

AK Damas, Rue Droite, Strassenpartie

7,00 €
AK Damas, Rue Droite

AK Damas, Rue Droite

7,00 €
AK Syrien, Porteurs de Paniers

AK Syrien, Porteurs de Paniers

7,00 €
AK Damas, Souk-el-Hamidié

AK Damas, Souk-el-Hamidié

7,00 €
AK Damas, La grande Place

AK Damas, La grande Place

7,00 €
AK Aleppe, View on Market

AK Aleppe, View on Market

7,00 €
AK Damas / Damaskus, Arcades romaines

AK Damas / Damaskus, Arcades romaines

5,00 €
AK Damas, Porte

AK Damas, Porte

5,00 €
AK Damas, L`Arc de Triomphe

AK Damas, L`Arc de Triomphe

5,00 €
AK Damas, Vue intérieure de la Mosquée (Amawi)

AK Damas, Vue intérieure de la Mosquée (Amawi)

5,00 €
AK Damas, Vue interieure de la Grande Mosquee Amawi

AK Damas, Vue interieure de la Grande Mosquee Amawi

5,00 €
AK Damas, Une Rue Ancienne

AK Damas, Une Rue Ancienne

5,00 €
AK Damas, a Chapelle Hanania

AK Damas, a Chapelle Hanania

5,00 €
AK Tientsin, The Yokohama Specie Bank

AK Tientsin, The Yokohama Specie Bank

20,00 €
AK Dairen, Municipal Girls High School

AK Dairen, Municipal Girls High School

20,00 €
AK Tientsin, Sperial the fisr dislricr

AK Tientsin, Sperial the fisr dislricr

20,00 €
AK Tientsin, The Hokunei park

AK Tientsin, The Hokunei park

17,00 €
AK Tientsin, Musical Hall in Yamato Park

AK Tientsin, Musical Hall in Yamato Park

17,00 €
AK Beyrouth, Place des canons, Grand Hotel d`Orient

AK Beyrouth, Place des canons, Grand Hotel d`Orient

20,00 €
AK Jerusalem, Augusta-Victoria-Stift auf dem Oelberg

AK Jerusalem, Augusta-Victoria-Stift auf dem Oelberg

5,00 €
AK Nazarteh, General view with the Government house

AK Nazarteh, General view with the Government house

5,00 €
AK Siloa, Ortsansicht vom Berg aus

AK Siloa, Ortsansicht vom Berg aus

5,00 €
Künstler-AK Friedrich Perlberg: Jerusalem, die Jeremias-Grotte

Künstler-AK Friedrich Perlberg: Jerusalem, die Jeremias-Grotte

5,00 €
AK Jerusalem, General view of the city

AK Jerusalem, General view of the city

5,00 €
AK Tibériade, Vue générale de Tibériade, pris de la forteresse

AK Tibériade, Vue générale de Tibériade, pris de la forteresse

5,00 €
AK Jaffa, Maison de Saint Pierre

AK Jaffa, Maison de Saint Pierre

5,00 €
AK Jaffa, Hafen mit Ruderboot

AK Jaffa, Hafen mit Ruderboot

5,00 €
AK Bethlehem, General view and church of the Nativity

AK Bethlehem, General view and church of the Nativity

5,00 €
AK Kiryat-Gat, Town centre and Sugat sugar factory

AK Kiryat-Gat, Town centre and Sugat sugar factory

5,00 €
AK Jerusalem, St. George`s Cathedral

AK Jerusalem, St. George`s Cathedral

5,00 €
AK Bethlehem, Prozession zum Weihnachtstag

AK Bethlehem, Prozession zum Weihnachtstag

5,00 €
AK Bethlehem, Columns in the Basilica of the Nativity

AK Bethlehem, Columns in the Basilica of the Nativity

5,00 €